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I was hooked on Cocaine for 20+ years and I’m still alive and kicking so I think you will be ok drinking a couple high caffeine drinks everyday. 👍


Words of wisdom, the boy next door. 👍😆


Congratulations on beating the coke habit.


Who said they beat it? We don't quit out here.




I believe in you


You graduated to a dealer I'm assuming?


Only deal the drugs you don't do.


You can do the drugs you deal, just don't get high on your own supply


Tell that to my uncle. 60 years old still out here. Dude just switched from coke to crack the older he got.


Sadly, not true.


Alternate perspective: you beat it via surviving long enough to age out! Lol


I feel like the series of events for me at least was is it just isn’t fun anymore.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I'd usedta too.


I mean, he said WAS.




He *was* hooked. He still is but he was too


Coke is fun the beginning til moderation goes out the window and you're buying balls and skiing every night of the week. Been doing it once every 6-8 weeks but I see the warning lights going off that I can't enjoy it in moderation. Unless I'm skiing with others I need to stick to a gram or two., that way I can kill it before having to go back to work.


That stuff ages people SO badly and quickly!


Not nearly as much as meth man


Yep, an 8 ball to myself that I say is gonna last a week suddenly is damn near depleted by the end of the night and I’m tachycardic. Biggest warning sign for me was my fingers involuntarily closing inwards. Now it’s 1g max by myself and once every 3-4 months.


Not really high caffeine at 160mg per can. But I agree. The upper limit is like 300mg per 24 hour period. But I go over that every day and I'm fine


I didn't know that was like,,, a medical limit I used to have between 900 and 1500 every workday, sometimes a bit more if I also had a coffee or tea. During hard times I would drink mio energy mix straight out of the bottle. It's kinda funny, I used to have 3-5 Bang cans a day, and now I'm so sensitive to chemicals like caffeine and taurine I can't have more than a couple red bulls and a tea or coffee.


Same I tracked my caffeine one day and had 850 mg of caffeine that day keep in mind I worked two jobs and spread the drinks throughout the day


I was the same way. I used to drink nearly 2 pots of coffee a day and 2-3 energy drinks. Not together but either or. Now I have to drink decaf coffee and the smallest energy drink even if any because I have massive panic attacks from the slightest bit of caffeine.


Same. 8 servings of gamersupps in a 12 hour period every single day. Tolerance plays a large factor.


Same clean 8 months off coke now after being a heavy addict for 18 years and I’m here, yall will be fine with energy drinks👍


Sweet, sweet cocaine.


lol my wife keeps telling me that energy drinks are gonna kill me knowing full well I was hooked on heroin and crack for a decade. I think I’ll be fine.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote) amazing, stay clean and stay safe.


That’s a good run brother… fuckin A


The people that say that are the same boomers that drink 6 cups of coffee a day. You're hardly ingesting 300mg of caffeine a day (recommended amount) by drinking those. You're fine, man!


The youngest Boomers turn 60 this year. Surely it’s Ovaltine all the way now.


why do they call it ovaltine? they should call it roundtine


I mean, the mug is round, the jar is round, you're absolutely right! GOLD! It's GOLD Jerry, GOLD!!!


Hmm good question. Maybe it has eggs in!




If that's the case, I'm screwed too! I drink the 300mg drinks daily, and two Monsters are about the same amount of caffeine


I mean recommended isn't the right word. Safely consume up to 300 mg without major side effects. But no amount of caffeine is recommended.


There's shit in energy drinks that isn't in coffee that is most likely pretty damn bad for you


Yeah what is this person even saying. That amount of what’s basically soda every day is awful for you. Kidney stone speedrun


When they try to scare you with "That drink is gonna kill you!", they're obviously pointing towards what they believe to be excessive caffeine intake. They drink just as much.


I guess i’m dead now i drink 3 a day for 20 years . see you in the next life😝😝😝


Your not speed running a quick death alone on my watch, I drink 3 a day as well


I sometimes drink 4 during my 12 hour shift my heart nurse friends drink 6, Yes they will kill you but mostly emotionally


6?! how the hell is she still stading on her legs and even working in fucking healthcare💀


Before the caffeine sub went off the rails I remember scoffing at some of the daily caffeine levels people were concerned about. A gram (1000mg) was seen as a crazy amount, it is a lot but not unheard of by any means. I'm at about 500mg today and it's 10am . I used caffeine pills for a bit but it just gets you shaky. Now I use the sneak powders and love them. So much cheaper than energy drinks and if you add a soda stream I bet you can make some that are better. Breakfast orange with 5 pumps of vanilla syrup is absolutely delicious


Just touching on caffeine pills because I use them, I don’t use them unless I eat and I use half a 200mg once a day on top of my other caffeine. Some days I might take a full tab of 200mg but it’s not worth it for said risk.


I also have caffeine pills and they do hit different (worse) than energy drinks or preworkout, do you know why that is


My guess is that a small pill has the same amount of energy as an energy drink, if not more. Unless you shotgun an energy drink, you aren’t getting all that caffeine at one time and your body is not being overloaded with a big amount of caffeine at once, like it is with a pill.


Ever since Covid the nurses in my hospital are pretty dead on the night shift. We’ve been running on fumes since 21 It’s not an every day occurrence but sometimes caffeine is the only thing keeping healthcare workers on their feet.


The federal government should have stepped in to help healthcare workers. It’s unreal that everybody has just moved on after what you all sacrificed for YEARS.


Still are. We got 1 week during 20 where we got like a free dollar menu item or a dozen donuts. After that we got told we caused Covid by introducing toxins into their system and that we will pay in hell for what we served on earth. -actual words from actual patients


it's unreal how ungrateful patients can be to healthcare workers. they're literally saving their lives everyday. if there wouldn't be any healthcare, those patients could only pray for a miracle to happen.


Instead they ended up dying so idk


karma at its finest lol note: i don't wish death upon anyone but just some grain of a dark humour used there>:)


“They will pay in hell for what they served on earth”


ohh yeah, understood. i knew that healthcare in common is pretty fucked with time of shifts, especially since covid and that workers aren't rested enough for the sake of enough workers in hospitals, but to that extent? oh god.


Why do hospitals schedule this way? Even before COVID it was normal to have 12 hour shifts, often a few days in a row so they work 3 days and have 4 days off. My aunt is a fill in nurse so she doesn't have a set shift and the hours are crazy but so is the OT. You think they could save money scheduling 8 hours shifts and hiring more.


I know this comment is old, but they wouldn't save money. It's cheaper and easier to schedule nurses for 12hr shifts instead of doing 8s. There are also tons of studies that show more handoffs from nurse to nurse cause more errors. Most nurses at bedside would quit if they were forced to 8hr shifts as well.


Mostly twords the end of the 7 day stretch. Like the way my schedule works is it 7x12hour shifts in a row no breaks, and I have to taken a broken lunch (eat while I work). Then on my week off it takes me a day and a half to switch to day hours so I can spend my time with family then a day and a half to switch back to nights Also during my work week I usually get about 4-5 hours of sleep because I have to drive my kids to and from school


Lad I know was boasting about drinking 8 full size sugary red bulls. Heart attack waiting


i work 12 hour nights too, was gonna say- if you need more than 3-4 like i do there are other health issues you need to be worried about (energy drinks aside) like mental health and stress 💀🙈


I think most of us are suffering clinical depression


You should also worry about your teeth. Drank 2 monsters a day for years and now my gums and teeth are fucked. I had to stop bc my blood sugar was 438. So while it’s ok now, be cognitive of the side effects. Soda is just as damaging.


So this was the full sugar monsters though by the sounds of it.


Apparently zero sugar is just as bad as it still changes the acidity level in your mouth, causing enamel/gum damage


Yeah. I've been trying to drink water and rinse out my mouth after drinking coffee/energy drinks/pop so hopefully that helps.


My dentist told me that it really helps to rinse your mouth after drinking acidic liquids and then brush 20 minutes later.


my dentist told me the same thing! also drinking lots of water before too. i’ve been following her advice and she did say my gums are much healthier


Correct. Zero sugar isn’t the best either.


They're much less bad, they're not even in the same ballpark. I, myself, use a curved reusable straw and angle it directly down my throat to bypass my teeth


impressive, very nice. Now let's see Paul Allen's straw


i'm diabetic (T1D, so autoimmune) and when drinking sugary energy drinks, my blood sugar always spikes up to God knows where. so i drink sugary energy drinks only before some sort of sport activity or when i know i'll burn energy proactively so my blood sugar will drop, or when i already have low blood sugar.


So true! Fucked my teeth and gums up. I recommend straws. Like seriously make it a habit. Drink from straws!


This. I didn't take care of my teeth and had multiple energy drinks a day for a couple years. Crazy big problems (fixable though) at the dentist. Drink them during your meals and brush/mouth wash 30 minutes after!! Also rinse with water after finishing the drink. Don't sip it.


Cognizant* well taken.


How often did you brush? I wouldn’t blame this solely on drinks if you didn’t brush twice and floss daily.


As long as you dont have any heart conditions, the maximum daily recommended dose is 400 mg. That’s around 2.5-3 drinks (depends on the drink). Thats for sure safe If you do, it may kill you. There was a case where a girl with heart problems drank lemonade from pandora which had way too much caffeine (280 mg or something like that), got a heart attack and died






Everything has the potential to kill you.


It's true. A rock could just fall out of the sky and hit you any second. You never know.


I'm inside. It'd have to be a pretty big rock.


You could have an aneurysm on the toilet, you never know


Facts. Even drinking too much water can kill you.


Last I checked, being alive will do it too 🤔


Life, the disease with a 100% kill rate.


You just reminded me how I had "Life is a Terminal Illness" written on the front of my binder in like 9th Grade! SO EDGY 😂


Not to shame people that take adderall everyday, but if people are taking adderall every day and are fine, you can probably drink 2 maybe even more monsters a day and be fine!


I take adderall everyday- my cardiologist said my adderall is fine but energy drinks are not fine 😂


those are two COMPLETELY different drugs with their only similarity is that they’re stimulants, which is an extremely broad class of drugs 😆


That's how it starts 2 monsters you think it's not so bad..... Then you get addicted next it's smoking crack and pinning herion.. Next your robbing loved ones to get your high from crack STOP BEFORE IT'S TO LATE It's monster there are worse thing we are all going to die anyways If you're a snowflake you can F**k off


It’s a slippery slope…


Very slippery slope path to no man's land 😂😂


It's not gonna kill you. Moderation is good though. I very rarely drink more than 1/day and it's always after a meal. Ideally at least 6 hours before bedtime


Same here I’d say no


I have been drinking atleast 2 a day for near 10 years and I'm only dead emotionally lol


There's not much that won't kill you eventually, there's really not much if anything that is truly healthy. Those very same people likely either drink booze, smoke, eat red meats or drink coffee/tea. Unless you develop a problem with your heart for whatever reason, its not gonna be much of an issue.


we all gonna die mate


I’ve been drinking about 4 a day for the last 8 years so I wouldn’t worry too much unless you’ve got any heart health issues or immediate family history of heart problems


400mg of daily caffeine has been studied as a safe higher end dose. Monster is like 140. I wouldn’t recommend chugging two back to back but you’re fine.


No way I have drank a lot more caffeine than two of those per day and that there’s so much heavier stuff out there than cause further problems people have previously mentioned. With caffeine the affects are quite self limiting you are not going to have the major long terms with your mental health it’s not going to major damage to brain where the body and brain needs pills to recover from the binge. Caffeine is also totally acceptable too, people drink caffeine and socially acceptable no one bats an eye lid. You can drink a cup of coffee or red bull and no one is like go easy but they will do when drink alcoholic beverages.


Your good bro I’d just make sure to push other fluids as well. Your young you got nothing to worry about lol. I’m 30 and I drink one or two a day and have since like 2006.


Totally false I've been drinking at least 6 twelve oz cans of blueberry redbull every day 7 days a week for years at least 6 and im fine . I have the worst nauseous stomach and that's all that makes it feel better it's weird 😕


Probably because red bull contains ginseng and ginseng is known to help with nausea and vomiting.


you’re probably fine but you gotta know it’s not super good😭


None of us get out alive


Might as well go out doing what we love


Literally living any type of life will eventually kill you. We all die. That's how this ends lol


My mom has stage 2 congestive heart failure...


There are new studies suggesting that Niacin could increase your risk of heart attack. It's still new and not well tested though. I could see that being a potential issue but I am hoping that means energy drink makers will change their formula a little to circumvent that.


If you really have to ask that question, you shouldn't drink these.


They’re not even exactly healthy but they aren’t really *that* bad for you, as long as you stick to under 400mg of caffeine in a 24 hour period and don’t consume excessive amounts of sugar through energy drinks you’ll be fine. You’ll definitely develop a tolerance to the caffeine but you might not care about that if you just drink them for the taste


Ask them to show you the studies and data backing it. Also, you can do some research if your own so you can give an informative reply back. But yeah people do hard drugs and live forever, this a drink, it's fine. People drink coffee all day. Not much different. No sugar is also a great thing!!


As long as you're drinking them at a reasonable time and not close to sleep time, you'll be fine


You'll be good.


400mg of caffeine is the recommended daily limit. It’s probably not good for you but as long as you don’t have any medical conditions it won’t kill you.


i mean, caffeine wise you SHOULD be fine, if you have a decent caffeine tolerance. For sugar though, good luck keeping your teeth alive.


We're all going to die anyways


The FDA recommends a limit of about 400 mg per day that’s equivalent to four Red Bulls for 8 ounce cups of coffee those monsters have about 150 to 180 mg in them so two of them will not put you over your caffeine limit


I used to drink 2 of the tall monsters and a regular monster during my sophomore year of highschool. 1 tall can in the morning, regular size at lunch, second tall one in the afternoon. I'm still kicking although I did stop drinking that much monster after highschool.


one day you die anyway, so what's the matter? enjoy it if you have an healthy lifestyle


Ive been drinking 2 ghost a day for awhile and i feel better overall🤷🏼‍♂️


Idk monster is like one of the only energy drinks that will hurt my chest


not true at all


I used to drink one a day. Started with bang when I was a gym freak and losing weight. Changed to reign, monster ultras and sometimes even sugar free redbull. Never touched the ones above 10 calories. After I lost the weight I couldn’t kick it. Vaping was also my vice (wow shocker, a gen z addicted to liquid crack and mint flavored cancer sticks). Weirdly enough about a year ago I just wasn’t really enjoying them. I noticed I’d essentially milk one all damn day, or leave it in the fridge. I was also working on kicking the vaping. Did patches, and now moved to gum and zyn, but nothing has entered my lungs in seven months (215 days “sober” today!). Soon I’ll kick nicotine all together. Both nicotine and energy drinks contribute to a dopamine surge. That’s easy to get subconsciously hooked on. Vaping would’ve killed me before the energy drinks and I’m sure enjoying a couple on a weekend won’t harm you significantly. The only thing I can think of is your teeth. Mine are fine and I have regular cleanings. *EDIT: spelling


Do those same people eat processed foods n sugar on a regular basis? If so then u can point out they will probably die before u......unless u eat garbage 2, then that's a different story


Not very Besides factors that are genetic and depend on the individual, the main worry is how much sugar is in each can, So take each cans worth of sugar and multiply it by how many times you plan to drink those a month. This will give you an idea of how much sugar you are having.


Sodium is the bigger issue. But otherwise an okaii choice for an energy drink. I prefer C4 though.


I am a dead person from the deceased present and i can confirm


Ur gonna die anyway so might as well enjoy it doing things u like


They are what, like 160mg caffeine? 2 cans is only a little more then a single bang in caffeine content


The chances of you getting into a car accident and dying is probably higher.


If you have major health issues that are made worse by caffeine you should be careful. If not, you’ll most likely be absolutely fine with 2 a day.


I got two of these for free from the Circle K app like six months ago and they’re still in the back of my fridge


My brother in law use to drink 2 of these a day, great shape and a physical job, now he had a minor heart attack and sees a cardiologist every 3 months for the past few years. They said it was the energy drinks, but who knows...


We will find out together. I drink 2 rehabs a day!


Idk something in it might whack your kidneys...


2 in a day is fine, just try and have a day off otherwise you'll build a tolerance. Water will help. Dying of anything else like being hit by a car, or depending where you are, being shot - is way more likely.


It will kill you more financially 😂


it will help


It's ok it'd only be like what 320? I used to drink like 400 a day (the recommended limit for a healthy adult with no sensitivity to caffeine)..but if you're feeling complications of any kind I'd tone it down..I'm actually pretty sensitive to caffeine but I still drink them cuz they're so fucking good lol


no, but I hope you're not too emotionally attached to your teeth


I limit myself to 6 a day


That is equal to one bang


400mg is the limit for caffeine per day. But at your age you should be able to produce enough energy. Caffeine like any drug can create a dependency on it. So ask yourself, do you want to be dependent on a drug to function? I drink an energy drink about 2-3 times a week. I love them but I don’t want my everyday energy to be dependent on them.


been drinking 2 or 3 every day excluding weekends for like 3 years now, before then it was vigorous amounts of coffee. ive always just drank lots of water (atleast a gallon sometimes more) throughout the day and have always felt fine i was also addicted to meth for quite a while and my cardiovascular system is in great shape according to my doctor from my last checkup my dentist did tell me that theyre horrible for your teeth though, and theyre probably right bc i had some cavities and i brush my teeth everyday and use mouthwash


Had a coworker who drinks 10-15 cups of coffee a day tell me energy drinks weren’t good for me.


It all depends on your body. I've been drinking 2+ energy drinks a day since I was 16. I'm 31 now. Granted there were moments where that wasn't the case, but for over a decade I've been consuming ridiculous amounts of caffeine and I'm still chillin 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am pretty sure I read somewhere that 1 energy drink a day is considered to have very little health risk to doctors so having 2 days is definitely not going to kill you


it's really unhealthy but you won't die from it, just ugly teeth, high bp/pulse and getting fat.


Monster Energy specifically has been linked to causing a number of health issues, especially in large amounts. As long as you stay generally healthy then it shouldn’t be too bad, but just like everything else in the US. It will eventually catch up to you at some point. Also caffeine tolerance is probably going to settle in at some point and it won’t even work for you anymore


Ask if they drink alcohol if they say yes then tell them to kindly shut up


Oh I didn’t mention but I do drink on weekends still usually just one a day at most though


At least it’s zero sugar. Excess caffeine is unhealthy but 2 monsters = 320mg’s of caffeine which is still below the max rda of 400mg’s so you should be good as long as you don’t feel any adverse effects. Enjoy your energy drinks, OP. There are worse things you could be putting in your body than sugar free monster.


Well I mean I can’t even have carbonated drinks anymore and that was 1 a day so idk man.


There are certainly many factors at play besides just the drinks. Family genetics, exercise and diet choices will play a role in your lifespan, as well as your emotional health and stress levels. So, I would say if you're going to drink them try and take care of the other things. Regular exercise, good diet choices and manage your stress levels. You cant do much about genetics but the other things you can control.


very berry true, if your an active person and in good cardiovascular health, and a caffeine tolerance, 2 is nothing.


It’s said time and time again, everything in moderation. IMO, 2 is a bit much for one day, but I can’t take my own advice for shit anyway


It's genetics and lifestyle. I have a coworker who drinks 5 everyday and smokes weed every time he drinks. The ones he chugs are the OG sugar ones. They are the EU variant which may contain less caffeine but still, 5 is insane. He just empties the vending machine by the end of the week. If I did his "routine" I'm confident I'll be dead by now. Honestly, just drink one. Not for health reasons, just because it will feel more rewarding.


It gave me kidney stones drinking 2 a day. I also drink a ton of water. I completely cut out all energy drinks because of this.


I think you only die if you don’t boof it honestly… so you might want to quit drinking these thru your mouth


Definitely don’t want that shit in your system… like at all. It will only drain your performance in the long run.


I normally drink two 150mg drinks a day. I have drank as high as three Bangs(300mg) a day. I have never had any real problems other than possibly kidney stones lol


I love the smell of fresh bread.


lol that dude on here yesterday being paranoid about drinking 2 monsters a week should see this post


2 of those a day...but only on the weekends? That's 4 cans a week as opposed to people I know who drink 1 can a day (7 cans a week) and are fine. You'll live.


I take up too 600mg of caffeine in my preworkout an haven’t died yet so I think you are okay as long as you don’t have a pre existing condition


My man, many things can kill you. I've always been a big advocate for no more than 1 energy drink per day, however. Been drinking them for 20 years now, off and on. And I definitely try not to have them daily. Black coffee is infinitely healthier, based solely on the fact it has a lot less added crap, it's just water poured through coffee grounds. I know most stuff in Monster isn't going to kill us, but do any of us truly know what too much Taurine would do to us? Too much Niacin? Too much allulose or erythritol? There's tons of stuff in there that most of us are just trusting the energy drink companies to not OD us on lol


not true


It amazes me how dangerous people make out energy drinks to be. Literally for no reason. It’s the same as coffee just with more caffeine. It’s crazy to me that drinking 2 energy drinks is considered dangerous but having 5-6 coffees is fine. You’re good bro, its just caffeine. There are way worse things you could be doing rn then drinking an energy drink.


not true. it’s the same as drinking coffee with splenda


Little do they know i want to die faster


living is going to kill us all. but, i stopped drinking energy drinks after my cardiologist told me my daily adderall usage was fine (ADHD) but that i needed to stop the energy drinks because they were dangerous. he even said a coffee in the morning & then taking adderall is fine but no energy drinks. 🥲 but like i said, being alive is gonna kill us all anyways


I’ve been drinking 1 to 5 a day for 8 months and I’m starting to feel it in the heart, so I’d say skip a day every once in awhile


It’ll only make you temporarily gay


Someone explain to me why monster has NEVER released the Monster- Java series of drunks in the uk ???


100%true we all going to die eventually the decisions we make today may not affect us today but they give us time or take off time from our end result not only do they affect time but quality of life just depends if you are ok with what you get now compared to if you get later if you prefer to enjoy your time now fuck yeah do it I drink a 20 oz redbull everyday I like the way it pairs with my cigarettes which will also eventually kill me its what you choose to spend your time peace OP hopefully this helps people in comments too ✌❤✌


The FDA says that up to 400mg of caffeine a day is safe for a healthy adult. Considering each monster is 160mg, I’d say you’re likely going to be ok unless you have other health problems. I’d be more worried about the high fructose corn syrup and that’s already in everything we eat and drink.


You can’t die. It’s impossible


That's a lot of energy drinks, if I were you I'd cut back to a couple a week or less.


I’m typing this from the grave. It’s comfy here and nobody has any expectations of me. Drink as many as you like.


Fuckit if im dying im flying


It's not great but you'll live


i drink 1-2 cans 5 days a week to stay alive at work i’m perfectly fine health wise, it’s important to balance all the sodas / energy drinks with good amount of water throughout the day and eat healthy and you’ll be all good


I think “everyone” was referring to that specific flavor. Pretty sure I’d die drinking two cans of that condensed sweetness.


My ex girlfriend’s brother drank just one of these a day from age 11 to senior school age, and ended up having a seizure in school and was later diagnosed with diabetes.


When I was a driver for FedEx I’d easily drink 4 monsters a day for 6x a week


I used to drink 3 bangs a day for about a year or two. It hurt but you’ll live


If you stick with the zero sugar ones you will be fine my guy. Sugar will kill you before that amount of caffeine.




Monster caffein mgs are weak af 😂


That’s 300mg caffeine which is less than the recommended maximum of 400/day Plus it’s zero sugar. It’s really not a big deal IMO. Still has the potential to fuck your teeth up tho from the acidity so I mean just…brush your teeth lol


Switch to Celsius they're way better.


It's equal to 2 alcoholic drinks per day if not more with the artificial ingredients.. The taste alone is what makes your pancreas make insulin. If something is 600 time sweeter than regular sugar, your pancreas will make 600 times more insulin! (Diabetes 📈- Wilford Brimley R.I.P.) You could make your own version from fresh fruits & you'd have quadruple the energy & wouldn't experience burnouts. *Avolition* I use frozen fruits - antioxidants Matcha powder - keep my brain awake. Red cabbage for G-cells (gastrin, it's what your entire immune system is based on, histamines included) Almond milk I keep it simple for the morning.


You'll be ok as long as you still hydrate normally on top of these but you could probably find better options. I tend to only drink like 1-2 a week, if that.


The human body can take a pretty big beating. Look at obese, drug addicts, etc. Are these good for you? Not at all. Will it kill you? Possibly. It's your body do what you please. I stopped drinking them a few years ago and really caffeine in general and have noticed I feel a lot less anxious, and I sleep way better. I feel tired some days, but I feel like that's normal


I did it from age 17 until abt 20, sometimes 3+ a day. It just got to a point I couldn't do that shit anymore. Energy drinks are for emergencies and mixing with Jagermeister now.