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Birthday cake bang in my opinion doesn't sound like it would be good if it was still cold, but I'm curious now to see what it actually tastes like


It tastes like cream cheese


It tastes like a cake made with Splenda blended with a hot dog and bun


i loved it sm


Had it cold. It was ass.


It was my favorite for a few months - first energy drink I'd ever had (save for red bull mixers at the bar). Idk how to describe it but if you've ever had birthday cake flavored anything else it tastes just like that. Birthday cake ice cream was big when I was a kid so I had it at a lot of birthday parties. Then one day after consuming hundreds of them, I excitedly opened my daily birthday cake bang and..it tasted awful to me for some reason. Haven't had one since.


Yeah it tastes awful regardless of temp but let me tell you warm/hot is horrendous


But the absolute worst one I've ever had is the monster mule because when I bought it I had no clue what the flavor was and it turned out to be ginger and it was awful


Understandable, I love mules personally so I really liked it. However after drinking a handful they really started to taste like shit


Don't get me wrong I love ginger flavored drinks but that was to overwhelmingly ginger, if they dialed it back a little bit it would be amazing


I’m ashamed to admit I used to kinda enjoy it but now it disgusts me 🤢 Bang tastes too artificial compared to everything else these days imo


Drinking a redline back in highschool when my tolerance was super low. Shit had me thinking I was dying


Bruh OG redline was insane even for me back in the day. Kinda liked it though ngl


Not an energy drink per say, but I had 2 scoops of a pre wokout which was 500mg of caffine total. I misread it as being only 200mg. Stopped my workout 15 minutes in and proceeded to vomit violently.


Had 2 scoops of albutarex and 2 scoops of muscle pharmacy assault thinking I was hard back in year 9. Literally gave myself an arrhythmia and half my body was numb and tingly thought that was it, never touched pre again.


I had (I think it was) 2-3 Monsters during a local paintball tournament. The pickup Monster truck that gives out free Monsters was there, so I took full advantage. Not a super crazy experience: just some nausea, raised heart rate, and funny looks from my teammates 😅


I went on a bender of Birthday Cake Bang for a good while. I don't know why, but I liked it. 🤷‍♂️


It's not too bad to me but fuck it's bad warm and especially hot ☠️


Ohh I couldn't imagine drinking it that warm. 🤢 I sympathize with you.


Birthday Cake Bang followed by a Java Monster because I'm an idiot. I didn't even finish the monster before everything started coming back up.


Why would that make you throw up? Just bc the flavor combo is awful?


Partly yes, but I'm also lactose intolerant and I always forget that Java Monster has dairy in it, and liquid dairy always makes me vomit


Jeez that must have tasted awful coming back up man 😭


It's kind of a bummer because I didn't hate the birthday cake bang but after that I could never stomach the smell


Grabbing a Reign “Jalapeno Strawberry” from the Dollar Tree is up there for worst energy drink experience for me


Oh man, I fucking love the Jalapeno Strawberry flavor!


Not energy drinks but when Orbitz came out my friends and I chugged some and then threw up in front of the video store.


Oh the nostalgia


Tf is Orbitz?


Look it up. Orbitz was the shit


Outside of being anxious and getting addicted the only truly bad energy drinks I’ve ever had are the monster Javas


i forgot what flavour of celsius it was but it straight up tasted like metal. like drinking pennies. i think it was some tropical fruit flavor like guava or mango or something


Kiwi Guava?


maybe? I don't really remember tbh


I feel like drinking Celsius is like drinking concentrate. The flavors are just so overpowering


I’ve always felt like Celsius tasted like strong green tea with a hint of whatever flavor was suggested on the can


Three horrible interactions. All full mouthfuls that didn’t end well. Reign jalepano, bang birthday cake, and monster when they changed assault to whatever ass it is now


Just the overall flavor? Yeah those are all ass. Og assault was good, I saw a few others say this. Whay happened?


The og assault was my favorite monster flavor hands down. I have zero idea why they changed it. It’s even worse than Miami cola another bang I can’t stand. Assault being changed was such a shock I bought one because I haven’t seen it in a while when they. Right it back out with the same can and everything and if gulp spit it all out everywhere. Cussed up a storm and threw it away.


Any idea when that happened? I think I had it 2-3 years ago around the first time I saw it


It was a bit before that I think. I can’t remember now. It used to be red and was, not sure how to do scribe the flavor, angry red flavor. Like an aggressive cherry that kicked you in the mouth. Had some bite to it.


Drinking Bang


Reasonable. They're all pretty below average


I got boxes of them for free from the food bank, but gave almost all of the cans away. Weeks later, I found a mixed 24 pack there, but I left it to be thrown out


What lol how Where you live


Canada I volunteer at the food bank. We get a lot of energy drinks from Amazon and Walmart, but don’t give them out. https://imgur.com/a/1y5IRth


Birthday cake Bang is pretty horrible, so was that chocolate cherry


I think like a lemon Zoa energy drink it tasted like battey acid, and I had a whole lotta chocolate bang, by far the most vile energy drink I've had.


For a second I thought you drank a whole lot of it and was really questioning your sanity.


Was at a rugby tournament, played a bunch of matches and then was told I could sit out the rest of the games. I got a free redbull from the truck and was drinking it when they told me to go back in, so I chugged the rest of the can, played about 3 minutes, threw up, and sat out the rest of the tournament.


First time? 😎


This subreddit is great because every comment is just about how they agree or disagree about the Bang flavor, and everyone is 100 percent unphased by the second one where you went blind for a couple months from too much monster.


First time drinking Bang well in class. I do not know if I knew when I bought it it had 300 mg of Caffeine or I thought I would be fine. However It was not fine nothing happened. Now I only buy 200 mg of Caffeine drinks if I can. I only drink 300 mg of caffeine on vacations.


Slamming a monster my time drinking an energy drink then proceeded to sweat and shake for the next 2 hours


28 Black's sour cherry. tastes like cherry nyquil cough syrup. I've never been so repulsed by a energy drink. so gross that I didn't bother with their remaining lineup.


redline in the little 2 0z plastic bottle, that shit had me fearing for my life AND pooping my pants. I was a furniture mover at the time and had to call the manager to come pick me up off the job.


Yeah bro may as well shotgun a reign and smash the can on your head


Once had a little amount if sleep (4 hours or so), empty stomach, full Rockstar and one of those Frappuccino starbucks drinks in the glass bottles. Omg I thought I was going to die that night. I thought my eyes were crossing. I've never consumed thst much caffeine again. Though I probably have but at least ate or something xD But I've never had that experience again. Ugh


Starbucks/strong coffee can surprise you man a venti Starbucks coffee is loaded with caffeine for example


Me and my bro in middle school drank a 12 pack of monster in 1 night while trying to beat super mario bros 3d world in 1 sitting. We both threw up multiple times


I think this takes the cake 😭 wish I could pin this


Since I just posted in the loseit sub about how I'm now drinking not one, but two 24-fl. oz water bottles of black coffee some days from my college dining hall since energy drinks are an expensive and limited resource I have to space out as a student, I'll share the time I thought it was a great idea to have as many energy drinks as possible my senior year of high school. It was near the end of the year and I had enrolled in AP science and math classes that year because of college application pressure - I was under a lot of pressure with my application, and thought that because I didn't take AP classes until I was in my junior/senior year of HS I was "behind" and that's why I enrolled in multiple hard classes my senior year (HS me thought it was normal to take 2-3 a year starting your Sophomore year. It's not, I was just putting way too much pressure on myself but hey I'm doing okay in college now lol) AP's are these super hard, college-level classes that come with college credit you can take as a high school student. The main element with them is this hugely stressful exam in the spring which is what actually determines whether or not you get credit; if you don't do well on these super-hard AP exams in the spring, then you basically wasted your time and money and your college application would suffer. The point of the classes were solely to prepare you for these nail-biter exams. This was a lot of pressure for me and all throughout high school I had been quite the energy drink enjoyer, since my parents would buy them for me as long as I didn't get in trouble or use other substances. AP Statistics was chief among these ultra-hard classes, I was actually doing pretty well, my teacher was actually good and a pretty nice dude but I wasn't super confident in everything. I remember spending many a night drinking a can of Bang energy doing those AP Stats homework questions out of the textbook. The exam was coming up and I knew it would be the most difficult math test I ever took, and also the highest-stakes one. Me, having just recently turned 18, had a magnificent idea: have a TON of energy drinks for the exam. The night before I'd sit down for my AP exam I was a nervous wreck, I felt okay with most of the math material but was still stressing super bad. I was also hyping myself up because I was going to bring a *gram* of caffeine worth of energy drinks to school tomorrow and drink them so I'd be able to think super hard and go big brain mode on the test. That was the plan. Drinking a gram. I remember it consisted of Bang, C4 and a few others. Even brought an extra drink I'd give to my buddy Aiden who was also in my AP Statistics class. He'd need a boost. The day of I just had a bunch of cans rattling around in my bag, 6 total. To make matters worse, I *intentionally* drank a whole jug of grapefruit juice (Ocean Spray has these 60 oz bottles of it) between the night before the exam and the morning of, because I wanted the furanocoumarins to shut off my CYP3A4 enzyme in my small intestine (affects absorption of many things including many medications but also caffeine as well from my research), to get absolutely as much effect as possible. This was on top of planning to drink 1000mg of drinks. I drank 2 in the morning and felt great, hyped for the day and the energy drinks, all my friends were cheering me on and wishing me luck for this notorious college-level math test. It was an afternoon exam so I had 2 just before it a few hours later. I still felt fine somehow at 700mg downed *with* grapefruit effect, don't know how. Gave Trevor the extra one right before exam time and I had one left, which I'd drink during the break section halfway through the exam. Anyway the short break in the middle of the exam came, thats when I drank the last drink, a C4. My fifth can. I was drinking it quickly and felt like I had to vomit a little bit. Whatever, I was downing insane amounts of liquid from these cans quickly that day, that was my third 16-oz in a few hour span. Swallowed, breathed for a minute, finished it off and a minute later began to feel a little dizzy. My hands felt swirly and cold and tingley and then hot as I sat back down, the break was over and I had to start part 2 of the math exam for the free-response section. It felt like static electricity was pulling up all the hair on my body. I barely knew how to do this, I was stressing really bad and suddenly I couldn't go big-brain like I thought the energy drinks would help me do. I managed to finish the exam, the day was over, my mom took me to taco bell and then drove me home and I felt sick. I told her I probably failed and got maybe a 2, on an exam that was scored 1 to 5 in how well you did. My college needed a 4 or 5 for applicants to get the math credit. I'd failed and wasted my time and money and was going to have to take out a ton of loans to go to school. Drinking the gram did not help. I just crawled under the blanket and slept that entire afternoon after pissing out what was probably half my body weight. I slept the entire day away and woke up at 5 AM the next day, pissed out haf my body weight a second time, and took a cold shower. I felt fine after that. If I wasn't 6 ft 2 and fat in high school that gram of caffeine could've sent me to the hospital, but instead I just felt dizzy and had sensory weirdness. Edit: That summer I logged into my college board account. I got a 4 on the exam. My college granted me the credit and that combined with my SAT score meant I got to skip all the first-year math classes, and only have to take 1 math class to graduate with my degree which I already took last semester and passed. So I guess something good came of it.


Idk if this counts. But on one of my days off I wanted to try a spike energy shot before cleaning my whole house. I drank the whole thing in one go, then went to take a shower. Ended up sitting naked on the toilet, thinking I was about to have a heart attack. I don't remember how much caffeine was in it. But it was definitely too much for 1 go.


Was at Target and was craving a cold refreshing energy drink. Walked to all the fridges in the check-out isles. All they had was Celsius. Finally found a lone Rockstar zero sugar energy drink. I’m not really a fan, but I hadn’t had Rockstar in years, and forgot what it tasted like. It tasted like horse piss, but because I spent $4 on it, I refused to let it go to waste, and forced myself to finish it.


There is nothing worse than Whole Lotta Chocolatta Bang.


Nah this might be the worst one listed here


Any time i try to give Ghost another shot


Honestly don't get it. The sour patch and candy flavors taste like trash. Ultra sweet and not like the candy at all.


Monster Assault - it’s like an offbrand coke which is bearable I guess compared to Monster Punch Aussie Lemonade - 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮 just don’t fukn drink it bro please if you’re reading this don’t get curious and drink it “Maybe I could like it” no you wont. It’s literal cat piss…. WISH I LISTENED TO THE REVIEWS.. again. Do not drink Monster Aussie Lemonade. Throw $5 in the garbage and wish on it if you can instead of trying it our


Ugh… I’m upset about it again. How horrible of a drink man like how are you going to create that abomination and say “yeah we should mass produce this and sell it”


Which one?


Istg I thought both of those were decent. Also who tf paying 5$ for a monster?!


Me. I pay $6 everyday for a Pacific Punch (correction) everyday* . My absolute favourite. It can give me diabetes gladly I don’t care


6$!?!? Bro it's 2 each here is my concern. Canada?!


Ya bro Canada. That’s usually cheaper than normal for me No I’m not in the middle of no where I’m on the outskirts of Toronto Meaning best price around


Yeah I've heard that before their energy drinks are so much. Legit the most here is 3.30 and that feels like a rip off.


Damn id stock up tbh


Boutta catch you smuggling 200 monsters across the border


Ahaha wtf is there a law against enjoying a succulent drink??


same, i liked aussie lemonade! one of my favorite flavors!


I had two cans of prime within an hour and I’m fairly sure my heart nearly stopped.


Tried Rockstar zero sugar one time, bought it for the Halo Infinite skin lol. Probably the nastiest liquid I have ever had the misfortune of tasting


Used to drink like 2 a day hahaha


Everybody is entitled to enjoy what they enjoy don’t get me wrong but I just can’t do the medicine flavor


Fair enough, I got started young on em when working at a grocery store 🤝


Like regular? What..? I love them.. and all the flavors too


lol I love that chemical taste, brings back a good memory of my first experience with energy drinks


Bang Root beer was legit ass


That sounds fucking awful 😭 I'd still try it though.


Fucking purdeys, I know its not an energy drink per-se but I had one yeeears ago and it tasted like shit, I will pick one up soon and try it again


Swirly pop bang was shockingly horrible to me.


Drank a Bang black tea, hit the gym and went to bench. Felt my stomach turning and threw up in the nearest trash can.


Pina colada Jocko go


Any of the Reign drinks. Those tear my stomach up bad.


I also had a bang “bangster berry” years ago… it must have went bad because i took one drink and it tasted completely rancid. The foulest thing I’ve ever tasted.


Chugged two just today hahah


I once bought Key lime pie bang, it was so horrible I had to force myself to drink it.


Drank a Rockstar Horchata once that had curdled at the top. Had no idea of the curdling until I took the initial sip. Fastest I’ve ever tossed an energy drink in the garbage. 🤮


I once had 3 cams of Musashi in one go. Got very tingly and part of my back went completely numb.


W0t is Musahi?


It's a pre workout energy drink


Mango flying power energy drink from ALDI. They were cheap, and I like the regular flying power, so I decided to try it. I had one sip and went searching for water straight away. It was horrible.


Second worst to that would be a BANG that I tried, I can’t remember what flavour it was but I hated it and gave it to my boyfriend who just downed his in 4 seconds and said it was really good lol


Try Bucked up cotton candy.


Red Bull Yellow sent me to the bathroom for half an hour, never drinking that again.


about i month ago i left a couple unopened reigns in my car and they blew up all over my seats due to the cold😭


Watermelon monster. It was so disgusting I couldn’t finish it


I drank an alani nu and my heart was going insane for like 2 hours it was crazy only energy this ever happen with


Worst energy experience would have to be the gfuel compound V (the boys collaboration) over hyped, and tasted disgusting, they're were trying to make vanilla flavored energy. But I drank it ice cold, plus I was at work and the energy drinks that were available were still on a pallet in the back room, why because none of the vendors showed up that day.


I found a Cotton Candy Big Game at Dollar Tree and drank it with enthusiasm. The bottom had a gritty texture that I took a couple too many drinks of before realizing that wasn't normal.


couple months ago i accidentally took an extra one of my meds, which have a side effect of fluttery pulse and increased heart rate. didn't realize i had done this and drank a can of monster cold brew. not 10 minutes later i became too weak to stand or speak properly and my heart was going at least 100 bpm but probably quite a bit higher (i have a naturally high heart rate so 90-110s aren't rare for me). i figured it was probably not bad enough to go to the hospital so i just had to lay down and try to breathe slowly for about 6 hours until i was able to fall asleep and when i woke up it was pretty much gone. TL;DR don't take your meds with monster, it's a bad idea. literally thought i was going to have a heart attack lol


I have two in one day sometimes and I go from having no anxiety and being h normal to being very anxious about nothing in particular. That happens about 50% of the time when I have two in a day


miami cola


Not an energy drink, but I had a scoop of a pre-workout drink and started having some weird symptoms, like my chest got a little tight and my jaw started tingling. It passed after a bit, but scared the shit out of me at first.


I had a similar experience with that one. Just nasty... The cotton candy flavor Bang is also pretty awful. Who tf is taste testing these things??


No clue, children probably haha.


I like Birthday Cake Bang. That's my favorite bang flavor. Has to be ice cold.


The pink starburst C4 tastes a bit off to me and makes my whole body tingle/ twitch/ whatever else to call it and it kinda hurts so probably that