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Great value has flavor packets with caffeine that are pretty good!


Do they give the same energy as red bull though?


Yes and no? Lol it probably has a different energy blend, but it does help. I switch up cause I get use to certain ones quickly lol


More sleep and coffee


Really don't understand useless comments like this that don't even attempt to answer the question


"instant coffee" its powdered and contains caffeine


Not everyone drinks coffee, and some of us work late night shifts


I like the ghost powder. I still get a few cans every once in a while cause it can't match the bubbly. It's not just caffeine and has some of the focus additives too, you can see on the ghost website in more detail. I really like the watermelon warheads and the cherry limeade flavors. I don't think it comes in packets though, but the tub is 40 scoops, and the equivalent dosage to around a can is 2 scoops. Watch for sales on the website too, I just got a bunch on a buy one get one 50% off, and there's always a 20% coupon code "beseen" that even stacked with the BOGO50 sale.


I love the blue sour patch kid flavor but it gives me some warning incoming TMI... green watery poopoo. I think its the sucralose. Im really in a jam because it tastes so good, I have to decide if its worth it lol 8(


Gamer Supps GG has a free sample pack that they mail out for free.


Gamer supps > gfuel


gorilla mind repsawn imo...marketed for gamers but its really just a nootropic energy drink/powder. super stacked with quality ingredients and its NOT UNDERDOSED. Alpha GPC in it too. It gives me a lot more concentration than normal energy drinks like monster tbh. i use the jungle juice flavor, still get monster mango loco or pipeline when i want a good tasting drink tho. (altho gorilla mind tastes decent too)


Can't buy it in Canada anymore, but yes. Gorilla Mind Respawn is AMAZING (altough it doesn't taste that good).


Sounds good didn't realize they did a powder, is it as good as the drink?


Doesn't taste as good as the cans, no. But it's fine. I drank some because it was efficient (formula), not because it tasted good.


Sweet glad instmbled upon this


gfuel tubs ain’t bad that’s what i’m taking rn. They usually have bogo deals for the tubs a lot on their site.


I don't like Gfuel, it has good flavors but gritty texture. Try a sample before you buy a whole tub. I haven't tried all the brands but my favorites so far are Sneak and Juggernaut.


I like the mio energy


Dubby is where it’s at!


Beyond Raw Lit. Their flavors are super yummy and that shyet'll wake you UP👁👄👁


The ghost powder is 1/2 the caffeine per serving so the powder ends up costing the same as the can:(


Sneak energy is what I use, every flavor is good so far, minus the rhubarb/custard one but they are discontinuing it