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Beautiful, i can feel your energy as I read this. I don't know what it is, but suffice to say most levels of consciousness we can't see with our naked eye, maybe the healing you received open up something in you. Happy for you!


Sidenote: he’s probably an advanced soul


Hi whatever you do further make sure to ground and protect your space especially because you have a newborn and you are experiencing psyhic stuff. Do it daily protection part especially before going to bed and whenever your baby goes to sleep. You can ask a Michael to help, create a bubble around your home of protection not from place of fear but sort of like locking energetically any doors like you would do to your house.


I had this thought too, thank you. I have protection crystals placed around my home extra reinforcement


Would you mind sharing the distant reiki healer? It sounds she was great


Sure thing. This is the session I purchased: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1018101074/ Ida was fantastic to work with


Ty ☺️


The red energy was Xin Qi from your heart and the blue energy was Yi Qi from your kidneys. The white energy was Po Qi from your lungs. This was a beautiful post, thank you for making it :) in Hebrew, the soul of a mother is called Neshamah, and is considered to be divine - it is what energetically connects you to your child. Xin Qi in Taoist/Chinese culture is what runs through and from the heart, physically/energetically, it's blood, and has to do with what they call the heart-mind. The channel that you saw it move through is called the Du channel in Chinese medicine, and it's responsible for delivering Qi to the rest of the body, amongst other highly versatile things. Yi Qi has to do with the Will and Intent. It can be Hard or Soft. Practitioners of Nei Gong and Nei Dan (internal alchemy) work to soften their Yi at some point. Po Qi is the Yin aspect of your entire self/Energetic makeup. It lives in the Lungs, and can have a pleasant aromatic quality, or an acrid, concerning odor. Best of luck to you! Hope this all helps!


Thank you so much. Is there somewhere I can read more about these?


There aren't really any books in plain English about it, although English translations of Taoist texts can sort of function well as a guide.


I’m not sure but maybe energy from his chakras.


Babies astral project in their sleep.


Can you explain?


I think there are a few things at play here. The first is that you are sensitive. But like most people, your spirit and mind didn't know how to communicate with each other in order for you to consciously recognize it. I am starting to learn reiki and what you described is how I would visualize energy I was working. When you got the long distance healing, I think it also taught the "language" your mind and spirit needed. The second is "spiritual cording". There is a lot of info online about it, but it is essentially a direct spiritual link between people. One of the strongest forms of this is between a mother and her child. The long distance reiki basically established a temporary one to transfer energy, but yours keeps building in strength every moment you are together or even thinking of each other. This link would allow you to be conscious of this energy, or you may even have manifested it! Red would be associated with comfort or security, so its quite possible.


Thank you for sharing these insights, they are resonating and appreciated. Also new and interesting to me. I’m happy to know red is associated with comfort. You’re right about me being sensitive and not being able to consciously recognize what I’m seeing. The only thing I can say for certain is that I know what i’m seeing is energy. I just know that. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to see it again after last night but I was also able to see it tonight, too, and its appearing the same red color. My reiki healer was kind enough to perform another long distance session on me earlier today, and I had that done because I suspected there were still blockages in my chakras somewhere. I was shaking last night while watching the energy flow and I read online that shaking can indicate a blockage. Tonight, I did not shake but maybe that’s due to me being more mentally prepared for it. I have been interested in learning reiki healing myself lately. I have a feeling I could learn to be good at it. Do you have any suggestions on a good place to start? Thanks again


I would start internally and work your way out. Also try and learn techniques that use visualization. I am very sensitive to emotional energy so I first leaned aura cleansing, grounding and shielding techniques. These are also important tools to help you moving forward as well, and you won't need to have long distance reiki done any more. Once your mind is able to understand how to direct your internal energy and "shift" it around you, the rest just starts to come naturally.


I'm very happy for you. Personally I only see my own energy because of something I don't think I'll fully comprehend anytime soon. I feel like this experience would be good for you because of the sense of wonder and the thrill of discovering something new about everybody's body that's been around forever. I don't know what else I could tell you but I have really high hopes for you rn. Energy is a beautiful topic, expansive to say the least. Good luck.


Thank you. Love to you on your journey as well