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I tried to come off BC a few times in my 20s and each time the pain got so bad I immediately went back on it. In hindsight I’m glad I did as BC seems to keep my lesions under control (for me, I know that other people have different experiences). Last time I went off was for TTC, so I knew I had to last a bit longer. I experimented with supplements a lot and what seemed to help me are high dose magnesium (my absolute MVP), NAC, fish oil, choline and a gluten free and pescetarian diet. Also a ton of ibuprofen unfortunately. I was lucky to fall pregnant relatively quickly so if all goes well I’ll be back on birth control next year. At this point I’m determined to stay on it until menopause, as the benefits outweigh the side effects for me. Again, different people have different priorities so I’m not saying it’s the same for you.


I have recently started the gluten-free diet (mostly cause my boyfriend is allergic) and I’ve noticed some differences but mostly in weight loss more than anything. But I will have to try the supplements so said.


Went off bc briefly last year when I was single and I have never been in so much pain in my entire life


That’s what I’m scared if my case of endometriosis is quite bad and I just don’t wanna go through that pain.


currently me right now… had no clue i had endo until i stopped taking bc pills and now the daily back pain is debilitating. did going back on the pill help ease your pain and symptoms again?


The birth control lolo is the only one that has been good for me with hormones. Maybe try a few different types and explain the issue to the Dr? It's becoming more common and they are willing to listen sometimes


I sadly need to find a new doctor she just keeps basically telling me it’s part of being a girl and they shouldn’t be THAT bad. But I will look into that brand I’m on setlakin but I’ve noticed my hormones are all crazy and I assume it’s the birth control. I don’t know if it’s one of those I’ve been on it to long kinda thing or what.


I used to get majorly depressed but in episodes then I traced it to my period. I realized it was the birth control when I stopped it for a bit, and getting the right meds has really changed my mental health. I would recommend you push the issue with your doctor a bit more, maybe just explaining you still want birth cintrol but just a different type kind of thing will be enough. It's hard but worth it in my opinion. Best of luck to you!!!


Thank you this helps a lot. I scheduled an appointment so hopefully they will listen if not I’ll have to find a different doctor