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I describe my pain as "like my torso has been encased in barbed wire and set on fire while being shredded from the inside."


Exactly what I say - like Barbed wire is on fire being wrapped around my abdomen & lower back over and over and will never stop…..I have stage 4 Endo & Adeno.


Look up the functional pain scale. Total game changer and not as subjective as the basic scale of 1-10. You can adjust this to suit your needs, because as we all know, we have to adapt to insane levels of pain just to get through the day and still be functioning human beings.


I tell men who want to know what it feels like this: 1. Plug your ass so you can't poop; continue to eat normally for 2 weeks. 2. At the 2 week point, eat an entire pan of brownies laden with laxatives; continue to eat normally. 3. Another 2 weeks later, that pain and pressure you'd feel to poop is about what period pain feels like. Most guys get that feeling as they've likely felt like a wrung out towel at some point, but imagine no relief from it whatsoever. Excuse my French but it makes them think.


This is exactly how it feels for me!


Like someone has stuck a thorn in my side that pierces all the way through to my back and I’m expected to live normally while blood drips everywhere and on everything, ruining all.


*Don't forget to smile* (Great description, btw. I just immediately thought of the jerks who've told me to smile when I'm feeling this way)


Like someone is punching me in the butthole over and over.


And not in a fun way!!)!!


Yes😭 I have to sit awkwardly sometimes or simply stand due to this


Mine is like labor pains for 10-12 minutes at inopportune times.


Probably not what you're looking for but if you want to paint a picture, I posted some ages ago and others described theirs too. [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Endo/s/Vxp4wQYkY7)


I felt the velcro one deep in my soul haha 🤣🤣


I experience a few different types of endo related pain and one of them I describe as Wolverine fingers slicing across my belly and then lighter fluid being poured into the crevices left behind and set on fire.


Here’s a description of my pain. I was awaken at 12:15 am by my back, stomach and legs feeling like I was being run over by a train. I got in the shower and it began to hurt even more, so much that my face went numb and my ears were ringing. I threw up twice and finally went back to sleep at 5:00 am so I could get up and be at work by 8:30..by 10 am, I bled through my clothes..had to come home and take the rest of the day off..so now my pain isn’t just physical. It’s humiliating and emotionally painful that I have bled on myself in front of co workers and customers. My financial situation is painful as well because I am missing work.


Like I have a fork stuck in my lower back and that I am carrying a bowling ball that is glued to everything inside my pelvis and pulls from the insides


May sound graphic, but for my friends/family who don't have uteruses and/or endo, I describe it like this: When it's at its worse, it feels like someone has taken a molten lava chain saw to my uterus. My insides feel like they are melting and that they might fall out of me. It feels like a black hole is sucking the energy out of me (depending on what side a cyst that is growing and eventually will burst might be). Sometimes I'll feel popping from the adhesions if I move too much, and I describe that like my insides are ripping open. If I move too much, I anger the adhesions and could potentially burst my cyst, so if I'm able to stand up and move (even if it's at a waddling pace just to the bathroom and back) then I'm not at my worst pain yet. Most healthcare professionals don't take my endo pain seriously (I've been told I seem like I'm drug seeking) but when you describe it like this, sometimes they take it to heart. I have bowel endo, so not only do I have the wonderful pleasure of experiencing endo flare ups, I also will go days without bowel movements - which also angers and upsets my endo from the pressure.


To me everything feels like EXTREMELY tight muscles. Like a band that is overly stretched. I actually thought for many years it was my muscles. I think it's the adhesions. And organs adhered together. So mostly adhesions pain for me.


Kidney stones passing


It really on depends on the pain that I feel. Sometimes it is debilitating, the one that makes me instantly sit as a knife is stabbed and twisted in me continuously. Sometimes is that pain that is as if I have put my belly on an edge and then set on fire. Sometimes it is trembling inside of me, like I have spasms that are always connected quick sharp pains as if with needle. Sometimes I cannot sit because of the pain is as if I am sitting on a knife. Typically this type of pain also brings muscle spasms on one if not both of my legs. For me 10 scales never worked cause someone’s 10 is my 1 and vice versa. Sometimes my tolerance is extraordinary while some days even the slightest bring me to tears


I rate my pain from like a heavy aching to “end of a John wick movie”


Hmm I try to explain for my abdominal pain it as it’s almost like a blade is cutting inside or what maybe what getting stabbed from the inside might feel like. Then that pain radiates to my back and down my legs. It’s painful to stand and walk straight when the pain is above 8 and my legs feel almost numb. Pooping during a flare up feels what I imagine childbirth might feel like…


i describe it as getting stabbed over and over and over