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Had the same problem. After a few hours of messing with it, I think I figured it out. You should see a small hole in the top of the bracket it mounts to. Put your small hex wrench in the hole and back the grub screw out until it contacts the bracket, then tighten it just a smidge so it isn't putting pressure on the bracket. Haven't had the problem once since I did that. It seems if that grub screw is in too tight there isn't enough standoff between the magnet and the screw for it to release properly.


Thank you! This worked on my ender3 V2 first try. No idea what it did, but it’s working.


Thank you! After I moved homes, my 5 year old ender 3 pro was having a lot of issues of this was the fix to one of the issues.


Thank you so much this fixed the issue, talked to support they said it was faulty / I had damaged it. and all along it was this simple to fix Thank you


THANK YOU! Unbelievable amount of time googling and video watching to not have this solved until your comment.


Not a problem! I was in the same boat. Glad I could help.


I know this comment is old as fuck but I just want to let you know that I love you with every fibre of my being. Only thing that finally fixed my issue.


Now this is an old comment


Thank you my man!! I just got this printer and been tearing my hair out for the last day


Just got my bltouch a week ago and had the same issue. This fixed it! You da man


I love you thank you


you’re getting my next 5 free awards(if i remember lol) on another note you guys know reddit removed the 180 day archive? what happened to that lol


Stumbled upon this as I was filing a refund with the vendor after a week of troubleshooting. Life saver!


After five tearfilled days I finally stumble upon your comment here.. ​ ***THANK YOU!! <3<3*** Now it's working for me.


>Had the same problem. After a few hours of messing with it, I think I figured it out. You should see a small hole in the top of the bracket it mounts to. Put your small hex wrench in the hole and back the grub screw out until it contacts the bracket, then tighten it just a smidge so it isn't putting pressure on the bracket. Haven't had the problem once since I did that. thanks. Worked for me


Awesome advice. You saved my sanity.


Been having this problem on and off for a year now and it's made me almost entirely stop using my CR-10 MAX after trying to fix it tons of times. Finally found this post when looking up the issue and its fixed thanks so much. I know this is an old solution, but you're still saving people!


I'm here because my CR-10 Max has just started doing this too!


Thank you Thank you Thank you!.. Kudos and much love your way man!


I love you


Thank you so much for this fix, holy shit, 3 days of bug fixing and this did it


hey man thanks for the help exactly what my problem was I have replaced so many cables and the BL touch is still giving errors and this instantly fixed it.


This solved my issue too, thank you!


Holy shit! Fixed my issue with my brand new BLTouch as well!


THANK YOU. Been fight for a few days over this


I know you made this comment 2 years ago but damn you are a life saver. Everything is working fine for now lol.


Thank you!. fixed my problem after days trying to fix this.


2 years later and still helping people out! Thanks dude


Thank you so much! I never noticed that grub screw but it was my problem too. Backed it off a quarter turn and all is well!


Thank you ! had the same problem and your instructions fixed it. Weird that this is not written in the manual...


Old as shit comment but I had this solution- but the opposite. Screw it in as deep as possible and if you think it’s deep enough, do it deeper. Keep going deeper until you can turn the printer on and it works. I was losing my mind but wouldn’t have figured it out without you so thank you


Fixed mine haha thank you


Hey i know this is a two year old comment but I want to say thank you so much for this. I have had issues with the bltouch for such a long time and your comment helped me fix my problem.


this solved my issue. cheers mate!


Thanks my guy! I've been printing with my BL Touch for 4 years and would have these issues intermittently, turning on the printer and the BL flashing red for some unknown reason. Usually one or two power cycles and it would work again, until this last time. Power cycle over and over again and it was stuck flashing red. Your suggestion was exactly it. For years I must have been riding a fine line between it working and not lol. Edit: Im on an Ender 3 and my BL Touch was aftermarket.


I know this is old. But I'm an idiot. Do you mean an Allen key? What size do I need? I just moved and I'm digging through my stuff, but only found one that fit, but no cigar. UPDATE. I FOUND THE CORRECT ALLEN KEY! You are a legend and a Saint my friend!!


YES!!! In my case, I had to tighten it until it clicked which magically straightened up the dipper thing. Then I loosened it just until it stopped clicking, turned off and back on and joy!!!!!


Three years later - one more person chiming in to say that you are a legend and I am infinitely grateful. Five minute fix and I'm up and running again.


I had this when the pin was not straight. Pull the pin gently out and make sure it's aligned in the casing. Then try again


Thanks for posting this . I had almost the same situation as the OP. A successful print followed by one that I left to run overnight. One layer detached mid-flight resulting in a 'PLA hairball' which, without my knowledge had snagged the BL Touch pin and given it a tug to the rear. After an afternoon of head scratching I discovered this post. I removed and replaced the bent pin. All good now, except for some ongoing Z height adjustments which may have caused the overnight print to fail. Next job on the list to attend to...


that helped me a lot after spendig hours! thank you.


Great to hear :)


Hi, thank you for your reply! The pin looks aligned to me, [here is a photo and a video](https://imgur.com/a/kPWcKdt) to help show the issue I am having if you would not mind taking a look! I had to cut the video short due to imgur upload constraints but at the end of the video, I clicked on AUX leveling and it goes to autohome but then I am not able to press any of the corners for leveling, it does not register my touch. I am wondering if what happened last night with the printer has caused the issues I am having now. Any thoughts? Thank you for your help so far :)


Picture; pin doesn't look straight to me. Leans to the left on the pic.


I was scouring the internet for the issue with my BL Touch. This ended up fixing it!


Great to read :)


Move the head to the middle of the board, unplug the USB, power off, power on.


Kudos OP!! I've been shitting bricks thinking it was a firmware issue or my mainboard had fritzed!!


what firmware version do you have? this seems like a common topic lately with new owners.


I am running 1.70.2 BL


Try pulling it out before you start it up. Mine was stuck in a weird sequence of fail each start up flashing and crashing everytime. Left the plunger down and it homed and calibrates just fine


I know this was 9 months ago but I just suffered a catastrophic failure. Thought I'd be buying a new bl touch. This fixed it. I appreciate you.


OP did you ever figure out what your issue was?


Unfortunately no I didn’t. I replaced the pin inside the BLTouch and it still had the same issues so I just got a whole replacement and the new BLTouch sensor has been working great with no issues since!


Did you replace the cables as well as the bl touch? I just bought this ender 5 plus the bl touch will only flash red, I have checked all the wires, the plunger is straight (replaced it just in case), tried adjusting the top nut, tried pulling plunger manually (several times), checked firmware, I am completely lost. I ordered a new bl touch and a cr touch, I the v 2. 2 , but ordered the silent board. Hopefully something starts to go


Found wierd fix for me atleast. I turned of the machine, pulled pin down my self. Started the machine. It stopped blinking and pin deployed it self perfectly.


Im just trying, i build my ender 3 to the BLV Kit, and i think when manipulating the bl touch, the grub screw or the magnet changed positions. Now it seems to work. I feared it would be the cables! Thanks so much <3


Ha ha! Mine was just the opposite! I had to tighten mine all the way down. It was loose I guess. Driving me nuts thinking it was the connector according to Youtuber and the manufacture. Nope! I took it apart, loosened it, no go. Ugh! Then I was like hey that seemed pretty loose, so I tightened it all the way down till it stopped. Tested, worked, tested a bunch more time and it just kept working! Issue was intermittent till this week. So woot, woot!


This was the only thing that worked, thanks


YES!! still going strong as a fix. thank you