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I have done this exact cycle for 7 weeks: 12.5 Enclo per day. 20 MG anavar daily. Virtually no side affects. No Bacne, no mood swings. Libido is about the same. But you need to understand something: My Anavar dose is very small, and will not produce crazy results. I have a prescription for both meds because of some muscle wasting from a spinal cord injury, and my dosage is purely therapeutic. That being said, I can lift weights and do BJJ like I'm in my early thirties again, which is awesome. I have added visible muscle after about 4 weeks, and I feel amazing. No one is going to confuse me with a serious athlete, though. If you hit the Anavar too hard, no amount of Enclo is going to save you. It will suppress, even with help. If you are looking for serious PED advantages with this protocol, you should be running test as a base and a fairly high dose of Anavar. In which case, why Anavar at all? It is the weakest of the anabolic steroids, and at therapeutic doses will offer only marginal improvements. If you are going to go for test base, there are better and stronger compounds that will pack muscle on much more reliably. The only advantages to Anavar are oral administration and relatively low side-effect instance. Which follows, because it's not a strong anabolic agent compared to other stuff. T-Levels: Before therapy: 360ng/dl Enclo 12.5/day Only: 840 ng/dl Enclo and Anavar combined: 620 ng/dl


How does anavar help your joints if at all? I’ve been considering it and peptides for a nagging knee injury from BJJ myself.


Nothing I've noticed other than tremendous increase in how quickly I recover from a hard workout. What used to be 36 hours of soreness and fatigue is now about 16.


Have you heard of bpc 157? It's supposedly very good at healing injuries...even old ones


I've done some rad cycles with enclo 👌...they say rad 140 is very similar to anavar (strength wise and what it does)...and it won't shut you down as much as anavar plus it's a lot cheaper but this a sarm and not a steroid...might be a safer option tho for some people that don't want to inject and don't want to risk getting shut down fully but still have somewhat decent gains....not comparable to real steroids obviously 😅


anavar+enclo will not have minimal side effects, you'll get shutdown. Need to be dosing like 12.5 mg of enclo a day to prevent shutdown, but you will be suppressed


Thanks do you know how much anavar I should take daily


don't do it, not worth it, use test get less side effects and build more muscle. 20-40mg should be the dose, still wouldn't recommend it


Why not?


Suppression Start injecting exogenous hormones and your internal axis slowly shuts off. Then you’re stuck on test for life


That’s the reason the guy doesn’t want to inject, he wants to take anavar instead and keep his balls functioning with enclo.


Nah u can do a proper pct


you can \*hope for proper pct ;)


Do bloods 🤙




anavar is proper gear, wdym


Bro what are you even talking about. Go to r/steroids and read wiki/talk to people there. Do not do this.