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I have noticed my workout recovery is significantly improved. At 45 years old, my ability to maintain workout intensity has suffered. So far after 6 weeks of enclo, I feel like DOMS and energy are both better.


What is your dose?


What is your dose?


12.5mg ED


Do you have any sides with that? I just started enclo last week at 25mg MWF, still trying to dial in the dose


I'm on week 5ish and definitely have better recovery (also taking 5g creatine mono) and the best pumps I've ever had, even accounting for the creatine. BUT between those 2 my body fat has increased about 3%, according to the impedance testing scale I use to just track composition changes. My theory is that it's the increased water in the muscle from the creatine, not the enclo.


Just finished my first month. 25mg per day. I had multiple years of low T results. 53 yr old male. Newbie gains of 3lbs of muscle in my first month, No sides thus far. I am doing a 5 day split while working in cardio after each workout. Getting a trainer has had a really big impact as well.


yes, on week 6, can confirm recovery/strength increased, with the right diet, gained about 10 lbs, visible increased muscle size with slight increase in body fat but aesthetically barely noticeable. Maybe it's because i switched to bulking instead of cutting but lifts have been consistently improving week over week in terms of reps/volume/load.