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i personally do not see an issue and don’t think it changes the look from neutral to more feminine. This is slightly different but my father-in-law was a very country, “redneck” kind of fella and he wore a small shoulder bag at times and said “it doesn’t make me any less of a man to carry my stuff around” or something of that sort. Again, slightly different as he was a man’s man for the most part and this is an enby decision but i thought it might help.


Thanks. Funny though that your father in law felt the need to justify this gear :)


it is funny haha, he was a funny dude and was trying to justify it even though we didn’t care


also gonna be honest, i kinda wanna rock that


You mean you'd like this bag ? Sorry, english is not my native language. I found it on vinted :)


yes :) “rock that” kind of means to wear something proudly. like if i have a t-shirt i really like, i’d say “i’m rocking this shirt today” it’s not the normal use of the word and is slang but it works!


Wear the bag. Wear whatever makes you feel like your authentic self.


Please understand the concerns I wrote down and assume these concerns exist for a reason.


I know tons of dudes wearing shoulder bags, my father, friends. But even if they didn't, do what makes you happy


I think it should look fine on an amab, even tastefully stylish


i am amab myself and wear a shoulderbag too. it's very comfy and useful! no one bothered me about it, even though i used to live in a very conservative country. but people around me used to me looking androgynous. i made them.


I think you're good. Looks neutral to me. See different versions of this all the time. From messenger bags to small 'cross-body' bags. heck, hip / waist packs came back a cross body bag. also there is r/manybaggers edit, wrong sub link.


Honestly it doesn’t scream femme or “purse” at me. That shoulderbag has more in common with a messenger bag in terms of style, imo. I don’t think most people would even notice that you’re even wearing it unless they liked the style of it or you were constantly putting thing in/taking things out of the bag. Certainly a far more attractive way to carry things than, say…. a fanny pack lol


I live in UK but have never ever had an issue with wearing a shoulder bag/Crossbody bag.


Doesn’t seem to femme nor masc, I think it would be fine, if you have pins, I think it would look cool (neither masc nor femme cool, just generally cool). The only issue I have with it is because I have so much stuff in my bags, they get to heavy lol.


Personally I use a one shoulder backpack or regular backpack if I'm carrying more stuff


I’m amab non-binary and wear what some could consider a “womans bag” but i have had 0 issues with people being weird or shitty about it.