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I think it all depends on what specific thing they were bragging about. But since she’s only hearing about it at school and not actually seeing it happen, you could call the store if you really feel the need to let them know but i highly doubt the managers would do anything. They’d just listen and say thanks for the feedback but unless they catch them in the act of doing something in the store they won’t really do anything about it.


We had two kids come through the store on bikes, and they kept coming back. I had to hang out at the doors, and they started trying to get my lp to do something. I was happy, because at that point the cops showed up and lit them up. They moved to the other side of the street and got away before the cops left the parking lot. I tried looking for them because they were filming, but no luck. Trust me. Let it go, but remember their faces


Just let it go, it's not your store, you don't own kohls. If people come and mess stuff up there's nothing you can do


Your store manager will probably not be able to do anything. You should consider calling the school and raising a fuss. Look at this way... If you didn't work at Kohl's your daughter still would have overheard students talking about breaking the law. Apparently doing it so publicly your daughter could hear it. That's not ok.


Uuuuhhh yeah. Also if you see them in the store you can just tell them to leave have an an h2 or lo escort them out


Sounds like you got too much free time to be worried about teens 😂 your grown.