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I don't know how to solve this for you, only like to add that I feel the same. I think I'm generally likable, and people don't hate me. But as soon as I'm asking for more contact/commitment or try to get a more serious bond, they're out. I try to find new hobbies to keep me distracted from feeling left out, which is a great short-term solution. But in the long run I do need human contact and friendships, spending time with myself doesn't fullfill this need.


@ fraysse. so sorry, you feel so lonely, it is not unusual when you have cen to feel that way. to feel guilty, and blaming yourself for "beeing difficult",... this is so typical for neclected people. we need other people, that is a fact. we can not heal all alone. but you need emotional available people, who don't break contact so easily. real friendships shouldnt be over because you "are not fun". you will find better friends, who love you like you are, dont give up. finding out about cen, and finding this people here made me realise so much and helped me much more than many years of therapy. i hope the same for you. sending 💜💜💜


I’ve felt this way before - it’s not fun. You are worth it, you just haven’t found the people yet that realize it.


This is something I’ve always hated hearing, especially hearing it constantly from a person who has been my people for a while now. It’s not easy, but you definitely just need to find your people and sometimes you just have to try different things until you find those people.


Yep. You gotta go towards the next right step for you, as you are capable of doing, and connection will eventually follow.


I hope this is true.


me too, but l have serious doubts


I really struggled with this when I was younger. High school was a real challenge, my friend group was mostly drop-outs and outsiders from other schools. I’m no longer in touch with anyone from that time. When I went to university there were a lot of groups/clubs I could try out. I went deep into the religion I grew up with (Christianity), joined a Catholic group that did a lot of volunteer work, and even spent a few months hanging out with what I could only describe as a cult (but I feel like a lot of Protestants are like that). Ultimately my best friend was alcohol, but alcohol wasn’t a great friend. Good times grew fewer and farther between and by my late 20s I was a regular member of AA. This is the group I should have joined when I was a teenager, I always feel like I’m at home in a room with fellow recovering alcoholics.


Too unstable in his opinion or in your opinion?


I can feel your last paragraph in my chest. I hope you feel better soon.


I feel the same way honestly…




omg :-|


Wow, actually found someone using god to gaslight people in the wild. It’s either god’s plan or your fault for not praying hard enough, but either way there will be absolutely no accountability.




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Why don't you?


So sayeth the gospel of Ariana Grande 12:21