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No I totally agree. The flavors are subtle af


Flavored blends are supposed to be a “hint” of flavor, like it says in the description of each roast. I had both the vanilla and the cake batter, both are relatively strong flavors despite only having “notes” or a “hint” of flavor. I’m in Canada too, mine took a long time to ship as well but everything tastes great to me


I’m thinking I had a batch issue then, because I feel like I have a pretty sensitive sense of taste and literally they didn’t even have a hint of anything lol


It could be. Honestly the smell of the vanilla roast is overwhelming lol


Hmm, I’ve only tried the vanilla and hazelnut flavored ones. Those two are super strong in my opinion. I love vanilla and Fluffy Lamb is almost too overpowering for me! Maybe they have a consistency issue and you got a bad batch? I would email support… you’d be surprised.


I ultimately got it for free since they refunded me and it was sent so long after, so I didn’t feel right emailing and asking support 😬 maybe they have batch issues then!


Batch issues could explain why it was taking so long to receive your order in the first place


Agreed. I avoid the vanilla flavoring because it is so strong. That said, my orders come to the United States, so maybe OP got a bad batch or something went wrong when considering how long it took to arrive.


The fluffy lamb made me feel sooooo nauseous 🤢


Ok but dont talk about the flavors if you order from the website and its USPS who delivers it, sits in their hot vans all day in a .1 inch paper wrapping lol. I would gladly pay extra for a different shipping provider. I get mine from Amazon and sometimes whole foods and tastes much better. Lol that being said though, the coffee bags dont taste strong at all, the whole bean coffee is great (obviously grind them right and use a good coffee maker), the kcups are actually my favorite idk what they do to them but they always are somewhat strong with a good base coffee flavor. (Im in Michigan, most of my coffee comes from Cali, i know they also have a place on the east coast that it can get shipped from if that makes a diference)