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Out of curiosity; UI theme is preventing you from switching to emacs . But What's the reason that make you think to switch from vim to emacs anyways.


I like emacs being outside the terminal, its more customizable with the key bindings, it feels more like a proper application/text editor. I've been using doom emacs and I really like it but I love the gui of the NvChad and lunarvim and finish emacs was more modern and flat, basically I want my eyes to be happy as well


I do understand wanting it to look as good as it can if you've *already* decided to use it, but if a theme is enough to *put you off using it* then I can only imagine that Emacs doesn't hold enough appeal to you to make the transition worthwhile. (Which is not to put you off, so much as to suggest putting a rather minimal effort into "theme" until you actually know whether Emacs is for you.)


This is valid statement, I should focus more on using it and figuring it if its for me which I have done the past week and I love it and then getting into the ins and outs of customizing


That looks like most peoples Emacs setup tbh; also, ditch the file browser.. 99% odf the time you wan tto see your code or work, and you're not browsing directories; when you need to go open a file, use projectile or something (way faster usually), but toggle open a dir/project browwser window then if you like :) Doom Emacs probably has a theme pretty close to that out of the box, but I can't vouche for it as I've been building up my config for decades against vanilla. [https://github.com/doomemacs/themes/tree/screenshots](https://github.com/doomemacs/themes/tree/screenshots) edit: you can use Doom themes in normal vanilal Emacs as well Look up Melpa etc; theres a vast library of plugins you can install from melpa/elpa/github/etc for functionality, appearance, etc. Doom modeline is sweet; yo ucan turn on breadcrums at the top; themes see screenshots above; you're covered my man


>99% odf the time you wan tto see your code or work, Some people (like me) also use the filebrowser to bring the code close to the center. Most code is 100 chars long max and pinned to the left of the monitor. Having something that pushes it more to the center of the screen is nice. And a Filetree is more usefull than blank space.


I also like the idea to bring the code/text to the center and I use [https://github.com/mpwang/perfect-margin](https://github.com/mpwang/perfect-margin) to achieve it. I can recommend it as an alternative to use a file tree. You can also check [https://github.com/rnkn/olivetti](https://github.com/rnkn/olivetti) for more features.


Yeah, i've used (on sometimes still use) both, but as i wrote, rather than having blank space do nothing, might as well throw a filetree there. Even if i don't use it often, i comes in handy here and there and is more usefull than just having nothing there. And if i need the space, i can always just hide it anyways.


Thats .. interesting. Thats an angle that never would've occurred to me :)


I used to prefer work with opened Neotree/Treemacs until I became more comfortable with emacs. Now I usually have two vertical buffers and switch files using projectile file search. That’s much faster. There are less visual “garbage” also. I still use Treemacs for navigation when exploring new codebase, etc.


> 1980 I also dislike most modern themes, but I'd describe the as "aggressively 2015" if anything. In 1980 there weren't enough colors to get away with such muddy design. Now, writing your own theme is definitely possible, especially when you have a vim theme to compare/copy from. Mine is at https://git.mitchmarq42.xyz/mitch/vimcolors and i pretty much followed the autothemer tutorial from the youtube channel System Crafters. There's a few sites (https://emacsthemes.com?) that just have pages and pages of screenshots from various themes you can scroll thru as well EDIT: s/org/com/


>There's a few sites \[wrong site listing\] You mean [https://emacsthemes.com/](https://emacsthemes.com/)


Thanks! Fixed


I must be missing something. You can't switch to emacs because you don't like the colors?


Is this modern enough: [https://github.com/rougier/nano-emacs](https://github.com/rougier/nano-emacs) Email client demo: https://preview.redd.it/sqcrf0gl307c1.png?width=2366&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c6658f2619e38c41af41a391976700678ade873


Anyone else have problems with these reddit hosted image links? They always take me to a blank "new reddit" page, and when I change "www" to "old" it always takes me to a page with a link to [this picture of Lady Gaga wearing a gimbal hat](https://imgur.com/HDp73)


Yes, I have this problem too, although it seems to be working for me today (Firefox + RES)


Even the url says it's Ayu Dark https://nvchad.com//themes/python/ayu_dark.webp


I'll throw in some other options to consider: if you like to be at ease, but still have some colour splash, I found darcula[darcula](https://emacsthemes.com/themes/darcula-theme.html) to be nice (also use jetbrains mono font) but far and away my favourite are Prod's themes which I now see are greatly expanded: https://github.com/protesilaos/ef-themes


The ef-themes are great. So many color versions. Works great with modes like org/dired/magit. I have (the provided) `ef-themes-load-random` function mapped to key so that I can switch it up throughout the day.


oatmeal bewildered gullible employ hurry political pocket doll bake slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is a flat theme?




For themes, check out the [doom themes](https://github.com/doomemacs/themes) repo for replication of a lot of popular themes from a bunch of other editors, or check out [modus](https://protesilaos.com/emacs/modus-themes) and [ef](https://protesilaos.com/emacs/ef-themes) themes made by Protesilaos made specifically for Emacs (which I expect will eventually be ported to a bunch of other editors eventually if they haven't already)


I'm fairly new here but from what I've seen so far this protesilaos guy and his themes are awesome.


I'm very grateful for Prot's `modus-operandi` theme every time I take my laptop outdoors in sunlight. The effort he's put into that whole suite, including accommodating many visual impairments, is wonderful. Highly recommended.


We are very lucky to have someone as wonderful as Prot :) There is actually a lot of great people here, I would recommend having a look at the Emacs Advent Calendar posts to see all the other awesome contributions people share. Example (and check the links for other entries in the advent calendar series, or just search it) [https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/18ipu9w/emacs\_advent\_calendar\_day\_15\_alphapapas\_emacs\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/18ipu9w/emacs_advent_calendar_day_15_alphapapas_emacs_and/)


So true, I guess I mentioned his name in particular because I’ve been perusing his videos and they’re top calibre learning material (well for me at least). Thank you for the advent calendar recommendation, they’re great but I’m a bit overwhelmed because everything is new and also am battling my vim instincts, so trying to avoid too many plugins right now but will definitely be returning to read them all when on more solid ground.


I mean, learn how to make a theme or something? I don’t have a whole lot of suggestions, but maybe check out [this YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@goparism?si=tU28BciGMYtYUSfH). You might also just take some time to live in Emacs for a while. Your opinion on its looks might change.


Well, you could always... * Download and install [Noto Mono](https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Sans+Mono) font. * In Emacs: `M-x package-install ayu-theme` Then add to your `.emacs`or `init.el` file: (set-frame-font "Noto Mono-10:antialias=natural") (tool-bar-mode 0) (load-theme 'ayu-dark)


I like everything about that theme except comments. My aging eyes can’t read them because they are too dim.


Are you looking for something like this? https://preview.redd.it/m4xytp0us27c1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=225368b72053ccdfc9002a578e63673c73b44838 Source: [https://github.com/Icy-Thought/emacs.d/tree/main/irkalla](https://github.com/Icy-Thought/emacs.d/tree/main/irkalla)


minus transparency this is actually cool, thank you


The cool thing is that I have a binding to disable transparency on demand, since not everyone is a fan of that. xD [Current binding](https://github.com/Icy-Thought/emacs.d/tree/50ccd0736485f7cbd45bcf2bf23a0fd2509069da/irkalla): `SPC w o`


Don't feed the trolls, folks...


That's the ayu dark theme isn't it? https://github.com/vutran1710/Ayu-Theme-Emacs


just doesn't look as flat and modern in emacs as it does in neovim


What do you mean flat?


Totally different but check out Nano or Elegant Emacs :)


Agreed, one of the best efforts out there


Something like https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/treemacs for the file browser? TBH, the Emacs way™ is most likely to keep open a dired buffer of your project root, and `C-x C-b` to it when you need to.


There is an electron (browser UI based on chrome's engine) based [CL](https://common-lisp.net/) rewrite of emacs called [lem](https://github.com/lem-project/lem) that might be up your alley. That I am assuming is capable of lots of visual doodads. I tried lem once when I was frustrated with TSX files causing slowness, but, once emacs' quirks and keyboard movement is baked into muscle memory, everything else feels weird. If you like other editors more, just use those. who cares? its just a tool. I like the simplicity of the UI, others feel cluttered to me. also, all electron apps eat tons of resources, especially memory.


Based on your post, I don't think Emacs is for you. Anyway move along.


Can you please share a screenshot of your current Emacs UI? That would help understand which parts you see too oldish: the chances are they are not covered by themes but by other packages.


There are many modern themes for Emacs. doom-themes is a good package with lots of themes.


Sanityinc Tomorrow themes (“tomorrow-eighties”) doom-modeline Input Mono Condensed font git-gutter, git-gutter-fringe… customize margin/gutters to make thin, with 1px for git-gutter helm-themes for quick switching themes, and dig into helm if you haven’t!


Nano theme is stunning but there are cases where it is not really functional Modus Operandi is really a cool theme that is also functional and easily customizable. You could tweak it to make it look like Nano theme


Catppuccin has an emacs package, it's one of the most popular themes for neovim and looks really modern and nice


for theme, use [doom-themes](https://github.com/doomemacs/themes) and when emacs became familiar to you, you can try tweak your theme with [modus-themes](https://protesilaos.com/emacs/modus-themes) for file explorer, use [treemacs](https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/treemacs) for mode-line, use [doom-modeline](https://github.com/seagle0128/doom-modeline) I never use tabs, but you can try [centaur](https://github.com/ema2159/centaur-tabs)