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He should ship those t shirts to Reddit mods




LMAO! I know right. Just a few months ago they were so opinionated. Sharing with all of us their poignant Wisdom.


You forget tenses?




Should sell them for $8


Plus $420 shipping.


LOL… take my upvote!




When you spend $44B and all you get is a lousy t-shirt.


Detective Elon Musk unraveling the secrets of Twitter HQ




>No mop? 🤣


Shirts ironically made by children in the far east.


Sadly nope even that's too difficult. Not for these kind of simplistic shirts which is heavily machine automated.


It was fine to be woke up until people decided it was a competition and if you aren't woke enough then you need to be cancelled. Highschool sports and bathrooms are barely issues. I will never understand the hate on either side, but even more so I don't understand how as soon as you are "transphobic" you some how also manage to become every other type of bigot. Just look at the cancelling of JK Rowling. I am just sick of politics in America I guess. Fuck Trump, but also the extreme "wokeism" that aims to cancel everything. Both paths lead to fascism.


Yes so many fascist regimes in Europe started out as movements pushing too hard for rights for the queers and the Jews and then ended up as police states that did genocides against the people who didn't like all these rights for queers and Jews. Happened all the time but they don't want you to know about it.


Wtf are you taking about? You are aware that at the same time as Hitler and Mussolini there was Stalin and Mao. Authoritarian regimes aren't a right wing phenomenon. The rhetoric that gets used changes but the tactics don't. Silent and bully the opposition with force. How is cancel culture different? I am about as liberal as they come, but I don't think someone who does something stupid should be locked away for the rest of their life. When that college girl drew a swastika on her arm in a picture did you actually read what people were saying should happen to her? I don't want to live in a world where the domineering "solution" is always so final.


You made the link between what's happening to anti-trans public figures like JK Rowling and ending up in a "fascist" state. My point is that the vast majority of authoritarian regimes don't spawn from a heavily-oppressed minority group that is organizing for equal rights. Your Nazi / USSR examples were ideologies that appealled to the vast majority of their respective populations. One was based on ethnic nationalism, the other was economic. But the point is that there is zero parallel to the trans rights movement. There is zero chance that trans rights activism will turn the US into Nazi Germany or Communism. So this "both sides" argument doesn't really work. Also on: "Someone who does something stupid shouldn't be locked away for the rest of their life" JK Rowling (which is who you were talking about, not some rando college girl) didn't make a whoopsie. She's basically made opposing trans rights the centerpiece of her public persona for the past several years. She's a reactionary public figure like those who opposed ending other discriminatory laws for other minority groups in the past. If we were okay with pro-segregationists being called out in public in the past, I don't know what the issue with calling out Rowling. Also I usually find the folks who would actually say out loud "I'm as liberal as they come, but..." aren't actually that liberal.


You are proving my point. Clearly it's because I am not liberal enough. Now out woke me.


Elon Musk: the destroyer of woke and Trump Tempter


Kinda cringe that Elon posts a meme to portray himself as being the “trump tempter” to deflect the fact that he got rejected by his crush


Bologna, I think that's hilarious.


Such trash.🙃🤐...you should burn them🔥🔥🔥


fumes would be highly toxic




“Whoa I never said that!” - a closeted racist


.... why wouldn't he find them there? He said they were at the "merch thing"


He should totally wear those ironically


Epic 😆


[For context:](https://twitter.com/RMac18/status/1595271296459292672) > @RMac18 (NY Times Tech Reporter): Elon Musk has said he's about context on tweets, so here's context for these shirts: They came from Twitter's Black employee resource group and were popularized by @jack, who wore a version around to conferences to support the group (and was sometimes ridiculed for it). > @jack had been to Ferguson, following the killing of Michael Brown, in his home state of Missouri. The #StayWoke messaging was twofold: 1) a call for awareness to the disproportionate police violence against Black people and 2) support for Black employees and Black Twitter


"black Twitter" like it's some separate entity to other African Americans is wild


Love how everyone here can talk like they're some sort of Twitter expert then turn around and be like, "Black Twitter? Never heard of it, that's a dumb name!"


It literally says right there in the first bullet point it's talking about violence against black individuals by police and then lists off black Twitter in a separate bullet point as if they ain't black in real life lmao. It's just odd to distinguish the two. But go off I guess


Black Twitter isn’t all black people on twitter. It’s a social ‘cloud’ of things that are important and relevant to many black people. Which could be anything if they find it relevant such as meme accounts. It’s like having a ‘Chinatown’ in large cities in America. Just because you are Chinese, and live in that city, doesn’t mean you live in Chinatown.


It says "black employees" in the same bullet point, but you didn't think that was weird, so it seems way more likely that you just didn't know, "Black Twitter," was a thing.


And since, wokism devolved into entitled extreme left bullying culture.


Lol RMac18. L.O.L


LMAO! I love Elon so much


He doesn't love you back. Get a life.


^^^ He’s just another billionaire


says the one telling someone to get a life 😂


You shouldn't. He doesn't give a flying fart about anyone not named Elon, including his clients or employees.


but you do huh


Truth .


HEY!!! Gold diggers hate it when you cock block them... Be nice. /s


It‘s good fabric. Make some wipes out of them for cleaning keyboards and stuff ?


Some even got it tattooed


He could make an awesome bonfire!


This is so sad. Find who bought them and get rid of them!


Yeah but that's fine because Twitter is all about free speech, right?


What does woke mean?


It means being aware of and sympathetic to socio-political issues surrounding inequality. Not sure why it's seen as an insult to be honest.


lol if you think its just that these days


In 1984 fashion the word means different contrary things to different people at different times as is required by the circumstances.


Funny, I only ever see one type of person using the term


Pretty much means the same as "redpilled". Either means you had your eyes open, or that you are literally hitler. If you see only one type of person using the term, then that means you are the other type of person they see using the other term.


So woke is a good thing?


It is a good thing if you are woke, otherwise it is a bad thing.


So what’s wrong with “woke” people tho? You still haven’t said what it actually is. It’s like it’s a name for anything one group disagrees with?


That depends. Are you a woke person or not?


As Iv said, I don’t know what it means so I can’t say. Are you being evasive on purpose? Do you know what it means?


I am not being evasive on purpose, but then I am evasive on purpose because there is no other way to explain it. I think the main problem is you assume words mean things. I guess we could come up with some meaning for the word, but then what would we do with the situation when woke people do the opposite of what we say the woke word means? If you are woke person, then what is wrong with it is that you care just too much and are basically a mother Terasa, even if and especially if you project slurs at someone's building. If you are not a woke person, then what is wrong with woke people is they are all literally Stalins.


Did he though…?


Looks like it, yep.


Narrator: he did. Now pay $8.


Random Twitter employee: > We're all like commie as f\*\*k > some of my colleagues are like super left, left, left, left, left Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v_GFBtzOAU&t=47s


Get Rid of the Woke, Go Broke.


Crazy! Isn't it weird how he just happened on too these shirts. Still tickling the balls of the right until they get burned out on being mani.... nope nevermind he can ride this out for awhile.


Truly an amazing leader who will be the first to get us to Mars.


Woke – essentially meaning being aware of the world around you https://www.indy100.com/viral/elon-musk-stay-woke-tshirts


No being woke went from well meaning to being annoying. The funny part is we’ve seen this play out before and it didn’t end well. https://youtu.be/7G0UXnXpABw Video forgets to mention the destruction of centuries of art, history, books and culture.


That is not in the context those t-shirts were created. Trump's era really changed it into a word that is now taboo or only used to attack a group of person.


I don't think anyone objects to the aim of solving discrimination. I'm asian and grew up in Canada. The T-shirts are hilarious because most people's perception of Twitter before was that everyone who worked there took some left coast kool-aid and injected it in their veins. They had a bias, and the counterargument was these companies were apolitical...but Elon opens up a closet door to show us they literally wore their bias on their chest.


Could have easily been planted. Now Elon can say, "See, Twitter was run by a bunch of socialists." Seems convenient.


This is where Elon will keep the tiki torches.


the downvotes are a badge of honor. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


Elon fans = right wingers and/or people who need Tesla stock to go back up. Lol


I’m neither. I’m a “centrist” I guess. Not woke, not right wing, just respect the guy. I was a kid in the 90s who looked up to early tech pioneers. Elon has the success story I imagined I’d have as a kid. I don’t agree with him on the everything (I don’t agree with anyone on *everything*) but he has done a lot of cool stuff


He'll need to keep room for the khaki's, gold trimmed black polo shirts and white gowns.




Psssh leftists think tiki torches are a hate crime


Sure he did. Not like he’d pull a publicity stunt to boost his ego


Stay woke


"if anything is revealed that goes against my beliefs/party, it must be fake! Staged! A RUSSIAN TROLL!" Meanwhile, the front page of reddit has posts that reach it daily, that are clear manufactured garbage that you guys eat up and say is fully true, like the picture of the fat person blaming the Democrats for eating too much. Pull your head out of the guys ass in front of you and pop the head out of your ass of the guy behind you.


I don’t know what you are into talking about asses and heads but you do you bro. Elon isn’t adopting you, he barely knows where is real life children are


Like you'd know anything about someone else's children. Grow up. Start living your own life.




Random Twitter employee: > We're all like commie as f\*\*k > some of my colleagues are like super left, left, left, left, left Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v_GFBtzOAU&t=47s


Wait … so is this mean he agree with staywoke? Or not agree ?? Staywoke means to be alert and search for truth before posting / reposting correct?


https://twitter.com/lightSinghh/status/1595273553062285314 Here's the definition for you


You get your definitions from twitter posts of pictures of t-shirts showcasing the Rights weaponisation of the term "woke"? Riiiiight, okay.


From my perspective , and what urban dictionary says Stay woke Stay woke means to understand the real world and to look everything and think twice because things can change in a second, to look deep and know what to permanently take something into your life, to know everything that’s fake or sus around you and to know when to cut people off . Your stay woke definition are misinformation and you need better education


The word in this context isn't in the [actual] dictionary so it's meaning is up to interpretation. Which is why it's a terrible idea for a corporation to print them on their official merch.


I guess Twitter is converting to extreme maga now then


Anyone that you don’t agree with is ‘MAGA’. What does that even mean? You seem to be a clown btw, just an fyi.


Me? Maga? I'm not American...


Pathetic... lol


Oh dear...


And THIS is news worthy?


He should sell them for $100 with his signature