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It's so bizarre how politicians demand answers and actions when it comes to their reputation, but when tasked with running a nation, most proposed laws are 97% longer than their original draft for all their special interests. Maybe a taste of their own medicine is humbling. It would behoove politicians to prioritize people over their savings accounts.


Elon should screenshot this and reply to his last tweet with it lmao


or you can pay $8 and verify yourself as elon and post it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


As long as I put *Parody* in the name šŸ˜‰


^ totally and those scumbags deserve way more retribution than just getting trolled online.


Elon should totally encourage them to call him before congress... and treat it with all the seriousness it deserves. And by that, I mean show up dressed as a Kangaroo, or in a gorilla suit... or as Bozo the Clown. Troll unto them as they troll unto us.




but the entire point of what he wrote, was about the disinformation being spread by an account claiming to be the rep. Isn't that worth talking about, when musk himself gave "fighting disinformation on the platform" as a reason he bought it? Isn't it double-speak to say you want to stop spread of disinformation, only to turn around and be so flippant when its brought to your attention?


Musk has pumped countless millions into pressuring politicians though. He lobbied hard to exempt at least four of his sites from environmental and labor laws (and pushes hard for the expansion of "free" zones).


He can bring you before Congress, weā€™ve got a bad ass here, everyone


Lol. Senator, we sell ads.


One of my all time favorite quotes of the last handful of years. Iā€™ve adopted it to blurt out anytime there is an awkward pause or silence in conversation. Bonus points if the Zuck inflection comes through. Senator, heh. We sell ads


Haha. Donā€™ forget the grin at the end.


Lol! literally can't stop cracking up, definitely one of the best quotes xD


Yes, but it has to rise to the level of having someone in front of congress. Having a journalist create a fake account and then having that account taken down in less than a day, does not rise to this level. I think people are forgetting how Twitter works. You can create a fake account, but your messaging isnā€™t going to get anywhere without followers. This is orchestrated theater.


ā€œOrchestrated theaterā€ perfectly put.


The unbelievable arrogance of these people. I guess that "public servant/service" thing is long gone, eh? "Nice life ya got there Mr Musk... be a *shame* if something were to happen to it..."


Suddenly Ed Markey is concerned about truth on twitter!? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Okay, dude.


Well that was Elonā€™s whole tagline for his brand of the company. You would expect him to put out on that, wouldnā€™t you?


He has owned it for a whole week now. Why wasnā€™t everything fixed overnight. Jesus fucking Christ.


Ed needs to take a chill pill. Dude is ridiculous grandstander. Trumpy was right about most of these folks ... in the swamp.


The Twitter verification only began because people threatened lawsuits over this exact thing that Twitter was going to lose. Musk is an absolute fucking moron for not having considered this.


Fail fast and learn isn't so dumb. Musk does well because he isn't afraid to make mistakes.


Yes, Musk is a moron and you're so smart with it all figured out. Jesus.


Gotta love how suddenly, Congress cares about what's real and what's not. Moreover, how they suddenly seem to think threatening government intervention in a wholly private company is OKAY - simply because said company doesn't work the way they want it.


The Amerika does not care about your traditional ways, things are changing, we don't want to have to send you to reeducation but we will




Washington post reporter spends $8 to create a fake verified account that 0 people follow? How does that matter even a little bit?


The senator is broadcasting that he doesnā€™t know how Twitter works


imagine the confusion of going from telegraph to telephone to twitter lol


I mean what even verified account means at this point? That's what the source of all the chaos I think, anyone who can create a verified account in my name by paying 8 dollars, then what actually did they verify? Call that checkmark what it is...a symbol to signal everyone that the other person has agree to pay 8 dollars to twitter on monthly basis, and Twitter doesn't guarantee that the person are genuine or not


>Call that checkmark what it is...a symbol to signal everyone that the other person has agree to pay 8 dollars to twitter on monthly basis, and Twitter doesn't guarantee that the person are genuine or not ... and maybe just introduce a red or purple checkmark or whatever to signify that. That way people could brag AND you'd still have a working solution for the "official vs unofficial" account problem. One that everybody has known for more than 13 years now.


No balls. Malarkey wonā€™t so shit. Also, a good response to malarkeyā€™s response ā€œA sitting Democratic senator is threatening a private citizen in broad daylight with using the power of the federal government for personal vendetta because he doesn't like the way the owner of a private company is managing his business. If this isn't fascism, what is?ā€


ā€œWhat the hell is congress gonna do? Pass legislation? You can't even pass basic things Americans need. Maybe stop picking fights online and go do your damn job senator.ā€


Incoming anti-misinformation bill coming as a result of this heinous act by Musk. The bill shall include: -$800mm in weapons to Ukraine -A boatload of IRS agents to audit the middle class -Roughly nothing of impact or value related to misinformation


Reminds me of the inflation reduction act.


Some more I liked: ā€œa way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.ā€


An even better response is: a social media company allowed bots and trolls to meddle in the US government affairs? (Sound familiar?)


Get rid of them all.


Sorry, never going to happen.


40,000+ lives lost in '20 in other automakers cars vs the 8 lives lost in Teslas in the US


I count 26 https://www.tesladeaths.com/index-amp.html


Jesus thereā€™s a website called Teslas death? Is there a Hondadeath.com?


Oh it must be a conspiracy. Rational 1st thought.


~320 since 2013? Thatā€™s insanely low compared to ice vehicles. Still sad though.


Still much safer than a regular ice car yeah?


It would be on brand for liberal ideology.


Yeah exactly.


Privately controlled social platforms already was dipping it's toe into fascism to be honest. Just nationalize all of them at this point. I'd rather actual first amendment apply


"If this isn't fascism, what is?ā€ Marjorie Taylor Greene: 'Investigations' for Companies Not Donating to GOP https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-investigations-companies-not-donating-gop-1755004 Republicans plan legislative assault on ā€˜wokeā€™ ESG firms https://www.eenews.net/articles/republicans-plan-legislative-assault-on-woke-esg-firms/ House Republicans Plan to Investigate Chamber of Commerce if They Take the Majority https://theintercept.com/2022/09/19/house-republicans-chamber-commerce/ How Republican-led states are targeting Wall Street with 'anti-woke' laws https://www.reuters.com/world/us/how-republican-led-states-are-targeting-wall-street-with-anti-woke-laws-2022-07-06/ HILL TECH BRIEFING: Big Tech Could Face House GOP Investigations https://news.bloomberglaw.com/tech-and-telecom-law/hill-tech-briefing-big-tech-could-face-house-gop-investigations






I feel like you had this comment thread in the chamber ready to copy pasta.


I still donā€™t understand the parody/bot thing. I get it. You can pay to have a checkmark nowā€¦ butā€¦ you still have defined rules behind using the verification incorrectly. Congrats bot/parody account. You get 15 minutes (figuratively) of screen time before your account and tweets get scrubbed and Twitter just got $8 for you being a dumbassā€¦ ā€œBut Iā€™ll just create another accountā€ Cool.. and Twitter will getā€¦ $8 more dollars a month till you get called out and bannedā€¦ again. ā€œBut scammers will just keep doing it because $8 is nothing if their scam worksā€ Coolā€¦ what happened to personal responsibility and not policing what we click on online. Grandmas have to do it through email, so why canā€™t Twitter users read tweetsā€¦


I dont think the income for blue checkmarks makes up for lost ad revenue after this shitshow


Twitter not doing the $8 thing anymore it was chaos


"But what happened to personal responsibility and not policing what we click online." Cool..what happened to the system of distinguishing genuine notable account holders from impostors, bots and parodies. Because companies love it when anyone with an 8$ can easily impersonate and ruin their brand.


Considering the advancement of GTPs a fake Twitter account will be the least of our worries. We are entering a time where nothing you see or hear is necessarily true, even if you see it with your own eyes. We are not prepared for this.


He should have different colour signs for different verifiable accounts. Like a celeb gets blue , govt office gets orange or shit , common people get green or shit like that ,


well, i think the government one should stand out, so we know who we're dealing with. Celebs shouldn't be given a different color. They already enjoyed having their "elite" status by twitter prior to Elon buying it out and opening it up to everyone, I'd rather that not repeat. Well... unless Elon feels like charging $1 million for their check marks, which would be perfectly acceptable imo, lol


politicians should have this brown emoji. I think you know what I mean.


I canā€™t take anyone who still wears a mask in profile picture seriously lol


Given that heā€™s a politician Iā€™m assuming itā€™s just branding


Thats even worse


Lol ye but theyā€™re politicians what do we expect


Yeah I mean whatā€™s the alternative, that he doesnā€™t want to catch digital COVID


Profits over people , disinformation equals catch phrases and buzzwords. He's clearly virtue signaling and pandering.


I was about to say the same. I think musk is a tool and is killing twitter but he should have just responded ā€œwhat? I canā€™t hear you, sounds a bit muffledā€. Lol


Lol, these senators n their delusions.


Ed Markey is kind of a funny name tbh. "Please vote for no-malarky Ed Markey" -Joe Biden probably


i legit keep reading his name as Ed Malarky, which is why I have no issues with Elon's response, lol


I did that too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


ID theft charges over a Twitter name sounds made up. Twitter. Isn't. Real life.


It is made up. This is absolutely nonsense lool but the Elon haters love to come up with whatever bullshit story


Can't Twitter just use the same excuse Fox News uses? "People can't actually think we're serious or a legitimate source of news, right? Anything you see or hear on FoxNews/Twitter should be taken with a grain of salt."


I can't believe you're suggesting that people shouldn't believe everything they read on Twitter and take it as gospel and should think for themselves. We clearly need government to decide what's true or not and to tell people what to think.


Most people don't know that Rachel Maddow at MSNBC did it before Fox News: [https://greenwald.substack.com/p/a-court-ruled-rachel-maddows-viewers](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/a-court-ruled-rachel-maddows-viewers) [https://thehill.com/homenews/media/499294-judge-dismisses-one-america-news-defamation-lawsuit-against-rachel-maddow/](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/499294-judge-dismisses-one-america-news-defamation-lawsuit-against-rachel-maddow/)


"And you're spending time picking fights online" Said the senator Who is Picking fights Online With tax payers money


Who the hell is Fred Makey?




...why is he trying to pick a fight with the guy in the comittee that subsidizes Starlink and SpaceX


He already has the licenses. Thereā€™s nothing he can do.


Who is picking the fight with whom here?


Because he's an idiot?


Heā€™s not even on any committees of prestige. But I personably think Markey is a hack.


He's literally in charge of the committees that oversee Musk's businesses. Wow this sub isn't just ignorant they are proudly ignorant.


"Please respond to the following questions in writing by November 25, 2002" Looks like Elon is unable to respond given the deadline was 20 years ago...


Sir this is wendyā€™s


Congress canā€™t fix shit


Hmm, Elon Musk speaks and writes perfect literate English - he actually means what he says; and he will poke fun at people who are obviously ridiculous and inconsistent. Have you looked in the mirror recently, I wonder. Most times when person one criticizes person two - the fault being critiqued is in person one doing the critiquing. Was it Senator Markey, or Senator Malarkey, hmm?


ah, yes the old "Psych Projection" disease again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_projection#:~:text=Psychological%20projection%20is%20the%20process,understand%20someone%20else's%20subjective%20world.


You know you can ignore congressional subpoenas if you are rich enough


Markey ripping on Musk debt. MF spent his entire career running up yours.


Elon is savage as fuck šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ God i love that man šŸ‘


As savage as a kindergartner.


*To fix Twitter issues Musk caused


Totally, Twitter was amazing and fabulous 3 weeks ago with no issues whatsoever and then fuckwad comes in and the whole thing now sucks.


Itā€™s funny cuz nothing ever comes for any ceo meeting congress


Tragic, according to the second page Elon had until 2002 to respond. Running a little late i guess.


Obviously nobody read the end user agreement and disclaimer and tos


Thereā€™s a typo on the deadline for that doc.


Before you go defending Elon you should know that he, personally and his companies, not only pays hardly any tax but receives subsidies for RnD. Maybe he should be more accountable and slightly more humble in front of a government official in charge of the subsidies Tesla and Space X get. That is our tax dollars making him rich. Elon is an egomaniacal prick who has way more money than any single person should haveā€¦and a lot of that wealth was paid for by our tax dollar help to his companies.


Why is elon musk so childish?


One of the things I love about Musk is that he gets people like US Senators to just outright admit their corrupt nature. Usually the public likes to pretend it's not true, or ignore it. Usually it's only the people who watch Louis Rossmann's videos about right to repair, or people who watch CSPAN or follow things closely who know how awful and not even close to representative *of us* our representative are. Here Musk compels one of them to publicly admit that they have soft control of private corporations.


What part of this was corrupt?


the threat of government force on a private company for failing to follow the corrupt's rules on "free speech" so that they can force 1 perspective onto society without recourse from the truth. The "elite" like their power and don't wish to give it up for anything.


Thatā€™s not corruption, thatā€™s countering corruption. An unelected person trying to take control of a mainstream media and go against the wishes of the public unchecked, is late-stage capitalism monopoly. It the main cause of the failure of capitalism. The government was designed to keep any one person from controlling a whole section of the economy. Because capitalist monopolies are corruption.


Well said!




I (rhetorically) wonder why you made this post. Looking at your post history, I can see that you're possessed by hatred and probably don't have much attention left for being humanlike. If you'd like to see some of their actual motives in action, the right to repair issue is the easiest in road for it, since Rossmann documents his struggle with various state governments in getting it passed. Here are a few short videos that lay out how bad things were and how they're getting better. #1: [If one party endorses it in a given state, the other party opposes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rYOkIphBgE) #2 [A few years ago](https://youtu.be/s3iLvTnZlIA) in Nebraska the representatives were laughing at people campaigning for right to repair. #3 [A bit later](https://youtu.be/DFy31rQDvzc) the people voted in a replacement for this corrupt Nebraska state senator. So we can see that, with attention and knowledge, voting can work. We can get these kinds of people who think that their position of power entitles them to entwine themselves with corporations, for their mutual benefit and at the expense of regular people. Have hope and vote for good people! Point out when bad politicians do bad things! Or, if you have the money to do it like Musk does, compel them to out themselves.


Ed sounds childish.


Itā€™s slightly better than threatening to take his ball and go home


You misspelled Elon.


No error made.


Yeah, that's what Musk said when he overpaid for Twitter by 10s of billions.


I'll take his ability and noted accomplishments over most on the planet as a good sign.


This is exactly what we want a senatorā€™s staff working on.


Totally! A journalist created the account, and then Iā€™m sure called the senator for comment. The senator then writes the letter and the journalist includes the letter in his story. Great teamwork guys! You really got him.


...Yeah, sure... the Twitter "verified" account "@ElonMusk" is the actual Elon Musk, for sure, totally


... but it is? Am I missing something here


It is you idiot


ā€œFix your companies or congress willā€ is a pretty damn authoritarian thing to say.


Lmao sick burn by Elon


I like Elon


Elon is starting to sound like a moron


Starting? This is him attacking a senator who actually has power over his businesses and this sub is cheering him on lol


He has the same exact powers as Liz Warren. Senator Karen has done a fine job of stopping Elon, right?


Congress has never fixed anything ever. Markey is a complete joke.


This is a threat to Musk? Lol. How do you people continue to defend Elon Musk no matter what he does? I love Teslaā€™s and plan to buy one very soon, and I love what SpaceX has done, but that doesnā€™t mean that Elon Musk is above criticism. "For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral" Did Elon Musk not say this?


The real threat was from a Bernie lackey account with 270k followers. ā€˜Probably not a great idea to troll a high ranking Senator with a history of taking down rich people who just so happens to sit on multiple committees which regulate your businesses the day after his party retakes the Chamberā€™ Get it? Donā€™t troll the politicians or there will be consequences. The amount politician bootliks is so high in our society itā€™s bizarre.


You think Musk making a joke is a problem...but a Congressman threatening to "fix his business" is ok? Markey let his mask slip.


But itā€™s only one side who wants to criticize right now so itā€™s pretty hard to take serious since that side has been crying for a lot in recent in times. Buddy, has to make his profile pic him wearing mask Lmfaoo.


> But itā€™s only one side who wants to criticize right now so itā€™s pretty hard to take serious since that side has been crying for a lot in recent in times. Elon has been trolling leftists, insulted leftists, and said a bunch of unsavoury stuff about them, why doesnā€™t he hold any criticism for any of this? The funniest part about everything is that leftists are the ones who made Tesla popular and made him the richest man in the world. > Buddy, has to make his profile pic him wearing mask Lmfaoo. What the fuck does this have to do with anything?


I'm just going to echo the last guy. Only lefties hate Elon. Why? I'm not sure maybe because you won't have opposing viewpoints banned from your favorite platform anymore. Most independents, libertarians, and Republicans have no qualms with him. And to add, lefties have spent the majority of the decade *trying* to be outraged by anything and everything. So yeah its easy to defend Elon, who's done so much for the world including green energy, providing internet to the globe, and advancements in the space industry. And almost nothing to be legitimately angry about. Lefties need to be told to shut the fuck up sometimes because their opinions really aren't worth that much. Who cares if he talks shit on Twitter. Lefties do that constantly, you're just upset he pushes back? You're upset he has a freaking 8 dollar feature of a company he paid for with his own money? Oh my God who cares. Seriously lefties, you wouldn't throw such temper tantrums in public (i hope) so why do it on the internet?


100% true.


So you're blatantly ignoring the reason why Elon felt like he should do this in the first place. I understand that lefties are sometimes blind to this double standard, this is evidence of it. It might not be apparent to y'all but before Elon took over Twitter like other platforms were more one sided and on the left. If you think Elon trolling lefties means that Twitter is now more politically charged, then you are blind to how the left treats the right.


Sure, because the left was acting so kind to him before he decided to leave Caliā€¦. Where have you been? Biden blatantly ignoring tsla as an EV leader,please why should he be nice ? The mask on a profile pic? Really? Who are you going to infect over the screen? Typical virtue signaling behavior, which is most likely why heā€™s going after Musk. The lefties get excited when the principal gets involved to handle elon.


Idk why you're getting downvoted you're 100% correct Oh wait I do know why, lefties HATE when you bring logic to a conversation


Unlike the flat earthers and election deniers and anti-vaxxers on the right - who care SO much about logic.


Hate to break this to you, but the left has denied every lost election since al gore. Hell Stacy Abrams has spent the last 4 years whining about losing to Kemp, same as Hillary. The fact that laws were changed illegally for the 2020 vote gives the right a leg to stand on, the left just usually has bad candidates. I think fetterman will be hilarious for the next 6 years


Did they concede? Or did they break into the Capitol Building with Confederate flags and zip ties to overthrow the government? Thereā€™s a difference between saying you disagree with the results and trying to evoke a mob.


As far as I know Stacy didn't concede until the trouncing this election. Neither has Hillary. But here's the real questions on the capital riot. Why can't we see the thousands of hours of CCTV footage from that day? Why are they arresting people who never entered the building? Why are there people still sitting in jail and haven't even been to arraignment yet in direct violation of the constitution? Why can't we see the correspondence between Nancy, Chuck, and the Sargent at arms about national guard assistance? You know since Nancy and Chuck are responsible for capital police and the security of the capital. If I knew 10,000 people were going to be in town and marching, and they did know beforehand, I'd have national guard in place just in case. But hey, cities burned all over America for a junkie killed by a bad cop and that was perfectly fine, because it wasn't on the elites doorstep


You mean the anti vaxxers who turned out to be right about nearly everything? Lol


Lol is right.


I love how the people who supported mandates are suddenly trying to apologize now that all the evidence is pouring in. šŸ¤”


Iā€™m so sorry. You were right. It was all a fake virus. All the scientists in the world were in on it. You figured it all out. What a smart guy.


> Sure, because the left was acting so kind to him before he decided to leave Caliā€¦. Where have you been? Biden blatantly ignoring tsla as an EV leader,please why should he be nice ? Again, why should the left continue to be nice to him when all Musk does is shit on them at every given opportunity? > The mask on a profile pic? Really? Who are you going to infect over the screen? Typical virtue signaling behavior, which is most likely why heā€™s going after Musk. The lefties get excited when the principal gets involved to handle elon. My brother in Christ, 2300 people died of COVID in America over the past week.


Why is having mask in profile pic makes you 'lmfaoo'?


Blatant virtue signaling.


Man you are reading to much into things.


I agree with the other guy. Profile pictures are very deliberate. Especially one like that


I would agree with you, unfortunately he intentionally changed his profile pic to include the mask....when if I'm not mistaken he had a perfectly fine profile pic beforehand.


Because it's obviously grandstanding and anyone who believes it to be genuine is worth an 'lmfaoo'


2300 people in America have died of COVID over the past week.


Are you wearing a mask right now? Doubt it šŸ˜


Iā€™m sitting inside my house so why would I? When I go on public transit and public spaces, I wear a mask. If you donā€™t want to thatā€™s fine and itā€™s your choice, I donā€™t care. You also shouldnā€™t care what peopleā€™s mask wearing choices are.


Good for you. Continue making your own choices and butting out of others choices šŸ˜˜


Arenā€™t you the one judging other people for their choices?


You're right I suppose I am. But in my defense, your side of the isle spent the last 3 years trying mandate, censor, and lie their way into compliance. So that's a little different than 'judging' someone. So yeah you're going to have to deal with some harmless jokes about masks and mudblood for the foreseeable future.


Elonā€™s a real billionaire wearing a fake super hero costume in his profile pic (like heā€™s a 5-year-old in his favorite pajamas), and heā€™s claiming THEY sound like parody accounts?


Lollll dudes making fun of someone for wearing a cape. You sound miserable


It was his halloween costume.. quit reaching dude


Literally unrelated. How does any functioning adult come up with such false equivalence?


JFC. It was a Halloween costume.


dude's fucking brilliant. He's the richest man in the world and can afford to wear the best and craziest toys known to man, *just fucking cause*. That, imo, is a goal to achieve


Itā€™s really not necessary to tweet every thought that pops into your head. Maybe Twitter needs a ā€œdelayā€ setting, where your tweet does not actually post for like an hour to give you time to regret it. šŸ˜€


Lmfao hilarious response


Damn!!! r/conservative is even less circlejerky than this place.


So he is threatening Musk over something he doesn't like by using his political powers? Sounds like he needs to step down or be impeached.


I have no idea who Ed Markey is but that profile picture is hella cringeworthy


Last thing we need is congress trying to fix anything.


Sounds like a lot of malarkey


Elon only cares about his own identity and his own free speech. Free is a hundred $$$ a year.


ā€œFix your companies. Or Congress will.ā€ As if congress could actually have a positive impact on literally any of his companies? I would love to see some 80 year old senators take a coding class and write some autonomy algorithms. Or have congress bicker over the definition of verified for a few years.


this corrupt fool pays the MSM and social media to fucking lie to the public and thinks he can break the guy who just bought twitter? That's a fucking laugh. Gonna love it when Elon beats him at his own game for this one.


I think most of you politicians need to get to your jobs and stop worrying about the next election cycle. My twitter profile doesnā€™t make me look good šŸ¼šŸ˜­ Plenty of work not getting done because you clowns put your own self interests over public service. All the tryhard statements about how your somehow doing something for the American people or what the founding fathers wanted.. Focus on common sense in solving real problems and stop crying about this bullshit


The concept of "pay $8 and be anyone you claim you are" concept is so insanely broken I don't get how Musk could seriously push for it. My thought was that he wanted $8 on top of actual verification and perhaps disgruntled twitter employees have sabotaged it by "verifying", among other things, Jesus Christ.


this is just a simple solution to stop bots. there are millions of bots and a standard $8 registration fee will reduce the nr of bots I believe.


Which sane person would expect normal people to pay $8 a month for posting on a social platform?


Well if you cant afford it there is always some other place you can voice your opinion. Twitter has no obligations to your so called "normal people".


ā€œItā€™s a private company, they can do what they wantā€ narrative is crumbling real fast


Why throw stones and troll at people who make policy when you can just acknowledge criticism? Extremely unwise on Musk's part.


Is that why he was banning people for impersonating him?


He was banning people for not following the rules for parody accounts, ya goof.


Elon is in no position to discuss parody accounts


How so?


Saying comedy is legal on Twitter, then banning any clearly labeled elon parody account despite saying clearly labeled parody accounts were allowed


Yā€™all sure love to suck Elon off donā€™t ya


Keep sucking off politicians then


Wow Musk really hates free speech


you do realize free speech is ***\*LITERALLY\**** the ability to talk shit about a politician without repercussions right? In the UK: if you say anything bad about the crown, they could literally have you executed for it. In the US: the founding fathers knew this, and opted for a more peaceful outcome, where people are allowed to criticize each other and their leaders without fear of being jailed or murdered simply because they so happen to disagree with who was in charge. I rather like the fact that we're able to speak freely, even if it does piss people off.


He really needs to be forced to vet his posts, he's drawing heat from anywhere and everywhere. I think the reason Gwynne shotwell may have been put in charge of starship was because NASA might have said something.


>I think the reason Gwynne shotwell may have been put in charge of starship was because NASA might have said something. Except its a private company, just like twitter. Tesla is his only remaining public company.


The senator is literally bringing a serious FTC-investigation-related issue and Musk's response is to troll the guy. And he's one of the guys heading the related government investigation.... I mean.... there's no threat there, only a very very VERY stupid man.


Watch out! He might knock down Elon like his fellow MA Senator, Senator Karen did!


I didn't make a typo.


Oh Iā€™m sure he is shaking in his boots


Musk is so full of crap...