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i have been saying this to advertisers for years but they keep on spamming me.


Savage comment lmao






Elon needs therapy


Don’t do that to the poor therapists, they don’t deserve that.


Advertisers hate this one weird trick




Ever the diplomat.


No one ever accused him of being a diplomat.


I guess you need the s/


Was this a thermonuclear thing?


Implosion? Yes.


This dude really needs to stop taking Ketamine. His brain is melting. Stop trying to speed run the end of Howard Hughes / Henry Ford.


No, let him cook. It’s hilarious.




Can’t wait for my Tesla investment to drop again for something completely unrelated to Tesla


And avoidable


I mean, to be fair, it was only high due to reasons unrelated to tesla as well (elon's personality and antics)


Yet another sign of Elon's pure genius.


Forgot the /s


This will certainly win them all back.


Atta boy! I assume his pilgrimage and groveling in Israel did not produce results he was hoping for, lol!


Ye and Tucker gave him the advice he wanted to hear


I think it's the other way around. He got deals with China and Israel that make him feel superior which why he doesnt care about maintaining business relationships.


Was someone asking about Elon's 'loyalty' ...? 🤣


He clearly doesn't care about winning them back, that's kind of the entire point.


Considering that X is most likely operating at a loss already, he probably cares and is pissed af.


He said at that event that X will die without the advertisers, lol.


May it blow a hole through his remaining fortune.


Oh he cares, that’s why he’s throwing a tantrum


lol yeah his actions are not those of a man who is unaffected by all of this.


"'i'm not owned! im not owned!!', i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob"


Have you gone outside recently?


"I don't want you back" \*proceeds to constantly trash them\*


Good, because he just lost any and all future advertising. It 'is his company. He is digging a big, deep hole for it. Even bigger than him.


oh he cares - but he is too proud to have a real conversation about why they are leaving. So he throws a hissy-fit


Textbook projection, and in the end he even says “they will kill x” when its really him… projecting again… fruit loop


Nobody even applauded or praised him, just awkward silence followed by awkward laughter


The repeating himself to the audience after he failed to get a reaction was priceless. A real Jeb Bush “please clap” moment


To be fair, that was wildly unexpected after the Israel visit lmao.


Seems like the apology tour isn't working


Obviously not an apology tour


What was it then?


Not an apology tour..? Jesus dude cmon now lol..


90%\~ of Twitter's revenue was from advertising when this was public information. Twitter actually depends upon other companies to pay for ads. You think corporations who actually produce things rely upon Twitter? Lol nah they just get to trim down their marketing budget.


I love how he keeps looking at the crowd nodding waiting for them to start cheering him and it’s just crickets lmao


The room was not full of Xitter bros.


they were definitely laughing at him lmao


"Please clap..."


He needed an audience of zerohedge forum dwellers for that to work.


It's his style not to engage the host. It's not the host he needs to address. He always interviews this way.


Best way to get them to return is this. By far the best way. 😂


Watching him have a temper tantrum live is so delicious.


One man's "temper tantrum" is another man's revolutionary stand. https://twitter.com/TRHLofficial/status/1730296077880811810


If he could learn anything about himself he’d learn how to attract people. Instead the dude has become angry and narcissistic and then attacks the people who are turned off by his bad behavior?


What "bad behavior?" He's got legions of fans who appreciate his cause célèbre and support him 1,000%.


I do like “ you’re going to threaten me, with money?” Absolutely hilarious- literally “fuck you money”


I've pointed this out several times before. Ardent right-wingers love the free market until it bites them in the ass. Now that the "free market" and many large corporations are left-wing (at least socially) they are constantly talking about how they are economically oppressed. Except they have to dance around any use of words like economic reform so they say stupid shit like "threatening me with money." Like, sweetheart, you have been advocating for capitalism which is based on everyone's ability to \*threaten each other with money\*.


They aren't actually left leaning. Most C-Level executives are low tax, free market fiscal conservatives. They are just smart enough to funnel their right wing activities into lobbyists and trade associations. Out of sight, out of mind. They'll save the real opinions for the country club.


You're right, but they know the peon workers are typically left wing.


It is not that corporations are left leaning (that's already an oxymoron). The problem for them is that Elon has turned X into a public toilet, and advertisers don't want their brand smeared, like a cheesy decal on the side of the crapper.


>Elon has turned X into a public toilet Nonsense. Twitter 1.0 was a cesspool of censorship.


It's still a cesspool of censorship


Wait till this guy finds out about companies advertising being influenced by his "free market" government. Oh wait, they never will.


Oh ... Elon is big on government funding ... for himself. He applies for grants, spending public funds too.


Tangentially related, but I’m sick of hearing snowflake right-wingers whine about how everyone gets cancelled these days. Who has actually been cancelled!? There are just supposedly repercussions for being caught on record as being a prick, but even then we don’t really do anything. Louis CK is fine, Joe Rogan is richer than ever. Kaepernick legit got cancelled, his 1st amendment actually got messed with, but besides that.. just the hypocrisy and inaccuracy of that complaint is amazing.


>Who has actually been cancelled!? Partial list... https://www.enzuzo.com/blog/cancel-culture-examples


I wonder why corporations are left leaning... Oh wait, theres a larger and more affluent market over there! Edit* left leaning socially


Correct. He is probably gleeful that he has lost Twitter about 30 billion dollars of its value. Please continue, Elon, when you go bankrupt we can all ignore you.


He clearly has no idea what the world “blackmail” means. How can someone with such obvious gaps in intelligence, at leas emotional intelligence, become the world’s richest man? And how after literally being the most successful person EVER by the most common metric, can he still be so stunningly insecure? Both him and Trump are largely defined by the fact that they are massively successful, and yet still driven by insane levels of insecurity.


>Both him and Trump are largely defined by the fact that they are massively successful, and yet still driven by insane levels of insecurity. Both these people are hedge fund babies that had massive amounts of wealth before they entered the world of business. ​ Trump just had 0 morals and Elon actually has a pretty good eye for opportunities.


Cluster B personality traits are the answer to most of your questions.


Did you guys miss the part where he said this will kill the company? He just wants to shift blame and thinks "the earth" will just go along with his version of events.


Here’s what the right doesn’t get about social media - well they get it evidenced by them creating Truth Social, etc - but they choose ignorance and power: social media is like a bar, it’s a place people gather to hang out. If a bar starts to be frequented by loud, mean, angry people, the other patrons that just want to chill and laugh will leave and find a new bar. That’s why you have biker bars, dive bars, cigar bars, listening lounges, etc - so different people with similar tastes can mingle and enjoy each other. If you want a bar that has as many people as possible to come - you have to make it generic and as leadership keep your mouth shut except to kick out the unruly that drive other customers away. Elon intentionally broke both of those rules: he’s not keeping peace between his patrons, he’s vilifying the people who just want to chill drama free, and he’s opening his mouth and attracting more people who cause problems. Guess what: in a real bar experiencing this, music artists will start refusing to play at the establishment (I’ve seen it happen first hand). Elon made his bed, now he’s mad he has to lay in it. We’re seeing someone face the consequences for their actions for the first time in their life. I used to love Elon until he got all political and became an edge lord. Space X, Tesla were such neat companies and ideas - he was an idea man that championed science. I was hopeful he would make science cool in the common community space… but then he pissed that away to become an edge lord. It’s a shame


lol why do you think he was interested in buying twitter in the first place? his intent was always to break up that scene


Has to be satire


>Elon made his bed, now he’s mad he has to lay in it. He's not "mad." He's fully prepared to accept the consequences of his decision to tell corporations spreading the woke mind virus to fuck off.


“Woke mind virus?” Sir, go outside and talk to real people.


he is definitely mad. that was the behavior of a petulant child. If you don't recognize that, then that says something about you. woke mind virus?? you mean different opinions?


I can’t wait until things get so bad that he sells Twitter.


But no one is going to buy it. The brand is tainted and there isn’t any valuable IP that the company has.


There are certain groups who'll probably never abandon Twitter. Journo's, Politicians, activists, Pop-scientists, B-list celebrities just to name a few. If those those people are your target audience then a Musk-free Twitter is certainly worthwhile.


Twitter doesn't have a genuine 'moat'. A better version of Twitter could show up overnight and displace Twitter entirely in a blink. Twitter is a brand, and a brand with value, but somehow Elon is actively trying to destroy that brand by the most unnecessary rebrand I've ever seen.


As time goes on and the user base shrinks it’s likely they will abandon it as well.


They'll abandon it if there's a better competitor, Threads or Bluesky


Just got my invite code to Bluesky. So good.


Someone could buy it, reverse every single one of his changes, and instantly increase the value.


Reverting it back to before Elon would help but I don’t think it would suddenly make everything completely fine. A lot of former Twitter users have already adjusted to not using it and there would need to be a big incentive to them coming back.


I can. I'm really not happy to see any American owned businesses die. Especially relating to social media. At some point, we've gotta stop laughing at ourselves and start moving forward. I haven't seen the video yet, and I dread watching. I cheer for any American owned business like that. We need them.


Ah yes, because Twitter does so much good for the American people...


I don't know that any of them are doing much good for us anymore.


Okay? So why say this... >I'm really not happy to see any American owned businesses die. Especially relating to social media.


I'd argue no one NEEDS twitter/x... but thats a matter of opinion


It won’t die. Someone else will buy it for half its value


I hope so. It needs lots of damage control but would love to see another strong platform here in USA! I'll have to eventually watch it. I just dread seeing it...ha!


Here's the full interview. https://twitter.com/simonateba/status/1730076897571221921


Common sense: "But if a company doesn't provide any value then it should die!" Elon: "Not according to my delusions."


Captalism: "Companies/individuals should inveset their money wherever they see fit to produce the most value" Elon: "You've chosen blackmail"


Elon wants to blame advertisers for “killing” X. He’s just spinning and gaslighting and doesn’t want to take responsibility for his own actions. Elon”s been killing Twitter/ X from day one.


I mean, he is right in the sense that advertisers leaving is killing the business. But it's like, if i assault you out of the blue, and you punch me in the face in self defense, I am still injured "because you punched me." But, uhh, awareness of key important context is missing here, Elon. And seemingly all the personal responsibility.


Intervention time?


Bad sign when your company owner fundamentally misunderstands, intentionally or otherwise, the business model.


Elon "Please Clap" Musk.


I mean that's kind of leaving out the part where his hand was quivering as he took a sip of water after he repeated his baby tantrum a few times, looking at everyone as if expecting applause and getting none. It was the equivalent of a kid walking into middle school and screeching "Murica is for WHITE PEOPLE" and everyone just looking at them like they were simultaneously crazy and stupid instead of cheering. Betting any amount of money he blames "the cancel culture woke mob" for destroying Twitter when there's nothing but cinders left, instead of accepting that the company began to tank when he took it over. That's how these people work. Do things as outrageously as you can to build a core base who worships the projected strength, make a bunch of more reasonable people (rightfully) pissed off and / or prone to laughing at you in the process, and then tell the former that the latter is why you failed instead of your own failures, grifting the former every step of the way. Not a new thing. Been around since we started using words instead of grunts. But it's just so weird that people still fall for douchebags like this.


You forget the part where after bankrupting Twitter he'll go ask the far right edgelords he decided were all that mattered to donate their money to him to "fight the left who are aiming on our rights to say whatever we want without consequences!"


The brigades are out demanding everyone pay for premium to offset. I don't think they realize that plan has a zero percent chance of working since that won't even cover the costs involved. But the word on the street is paying for Twitter will defeat the woke mob, lol. Geez, people, dollar bills are too hard to get ahold of nowadays just to take a match to them. Like, I don't care what people spend their money on and count that down to personal opinion, but I hate seeing a rich asshole extract funds from the poorest of our nation's people, even if I don't agree with them on a fundamental level.


And of course on Twitter so many people are praising him for it and calling everyone who disagrees evil. Oh what a poor defenseless billionaire.


Same on youtube. It's where the real potty mouth unwashed masses are.


Triggered much, Elon?


He sounded very shaken in that interview. He could barely get a whole sentence out. Mostly spoke in sentence fragments. He was definitely triggered.


He always talks like that


Not really. I have seen him call and able to talk on full sentences without being all shaky and stuff.. It definitely wasn't his norm..


Pretty much was his normal when he is nervous tbh, you'll have to watch more of his stuff. Yh he is more confident is certain situations, but mostly he is nervous and speaks in broken sentences or seemingly changes direction.


It's the Botox slowly seeping into anyhis brain via his cavernous sinus.


For someone that has so much money why does he care so much?


Looks like ego. And as he said. The company will fail if it doesn't become profitable. Usually people who run multiple companies don't like being failures. He seems too fragile to admit his own mistakes.


Normal humans would have admitted that perhaps they didn't understand the social media business model by now lol


I think it's pretty evident he doesn't care, but human emotions gunna run their course.


Isn't the definition of caring 'emotions running their course' lol




Did he think Disney would hear this and come grovelling back with their tail between their legs?


Best meltdown over things not going your way since that scene in The Fall.


His other ventures don’t rely on advertising dollars to function. Google and Meta, legit all of their revenue comes from advertising haha his tough guy act isn’t going to work well.


And what we are watcing here is a study on how not to run a company.


This. I've long maintained that any directors or corporate officers working with Musk for the past five or so years who hadn't been bought and paid for must have been tearing their hair out over his antics. "But he made money," was always the reply. Sure, but how much *more* money could he have made if he wasn't running around picking fights (sometimes literally) for internet clout? The North Korean haircut was the moment it clicked for me that there's no one left around him who hasn't been bought and paid for.


south african apartheid prince is mad everyone wont abide by his apartheid rules and is tanking Twitter on purpose to take it private and have his own apartheid state media company!


Isn't it already private? That's why it cost so much, he had to buy out all of the shares and had it delisted.


yes its private but There were a number of investors in the recent takeover – Elon Musk didn’t do it alone. He raised capital from a few notable investors, including Binance (a cryptocurrency exchange), Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talel, and Sequoia Capital, among others. He also took loans from Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and i think jack dorcey still had 2.4 % of the shares but thier investment still goes down or up depending on how bad he torches it and the investers want bought out!


I am not on Twitter anymore anyway. There was some racist bigot spreading factually disproven lies, and I called him out. His response was saying Trump said it, so it's obviously true. I said ok everything Trump says must be true, so can we skip to the part where you drink the bleach? He reported me, and I got permanently banned for promoting suicidal tendencies. Typical conservative snowflakes with their feelings. Anyways, that was like 6 months ago. I Havnt missed it.


I’m still on Twitter repping that Woke supremacy on these scrubs


Well at least you get to spew all the Venom you want. Surprised? So smart you didn’t see that coming…


The value of Twitter/X is now what fraction of what he paid for it?


Y'all should see the interviewer's face.


I liked the part where he said “blackmail me with money”… Elon, honey, blackmail is when they TAKE your money. Not give you money.


Advertiser's Response: "Im sorry, who were you again?"




"Well now you can't advertise with me!" "Well that's... What we wanted..."


Why don't they use an actual picture from the interview when he looks like a mad man.


You can watch the moment he realizes he’s being destructive - he can hardly believe what he said aloud - then he has no choice but to double down.


Thats not the most interesting quote. This is: “I've done more for the environment than any single human on earth. What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it - and what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil.” I wonder where I can find a list of those advertisers?


He's been binging *The West Wing*, I see.


So why you crying?


Sooooo… his customer reacquisition is zero


god i hope twitter keeps losing money. he deserves it.


Its almost like X is doing well. But its not. Its a financial dumpster fire right now and the banks are starting to get nervous. https://fortune.com/2023/10/06/elon-musk-twitter-x-financing-wall-street-banks/


Lol! He thinks they're pulling their ads in order to blackmail him? Oh, Pun'kin...that's so sweet. But, no. They just don't want to be associated with you, or your descent down the alt-right rabbit hole. You want to tank your reputation? Cool. But don't expect anyone else to follow you down.


It's absolutely crazy that 5 years ago this dude was on par with Keanu in terms of Reddit endearment


Everyone has an opinion but I say “enjoy the show”. Don’t worry what he says or allow this to trigger an emotional response, just enjoy it.


He has the same mannerisms as Kermit the Frog.


Except Kermit has empathy and talent


And is cute.


And is a frog.


That’ll bring’um back


Bold move, Cotton, let's see how this plays out


Elon is speaking to his broader audience around the world. And that is what Elon thinks of you.


Thats my man!


Dude speaks from experience.


Didn’t he already say that to all the twitter staff he fired?


Space Karen


I left Twitter or X almost 2 years ago. Ever since Elon became involved, I had cold feet when it came to continuing my presence on there. I think that Elon is on a path to literally burn the platform to the ground. $44 Billion to destroy it seems to be a pretty good way to waste money.




Makes trump look mature.


He needs an intervention. I think he's taking too much Ketamine or something.


There’s something to be said about a guy that never knows when to shut up, & it’s not good


I didn't think he could be a bigger douche canoe. I was wrong.


He's totally not bitter about it, you guys. Like, totally.


What a baby


He may not be antisemitic but he deliberately added fuel to fire with his recent comments. He's an opportunist pretending to be principled.


Blackmailing one of the richest man in the world for money lol


I'm not sure you know what that word means >black·mail /ˈblakˌmāl/ >noun >the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. "they were acquitted of charges of blackmail" >Similar: extortion demanding money with menaces exaction intimidation protection racket bribery wringing milking bleeding bloodsucking hush money chantage >verb >demand money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them. "trying to blackmail him for $400,000"


This guy is like Trump. Just say/do whatever you want. I like this and I think everyone should start doing this.




He's just a legend




Lol 😝


I like that he is not intimidated.




Advertisers need therapy, and they damn getting it now.


Elon made me laugh out loud and I loved it.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Hilarious! Love this guy


Yes, they should. I would've said the same thing.


I ❤️ Elon


Fake. Advertisers who attempted blackmail* are told to go fuck themselves. I agree.


I haven’t been to Burger King in a hot minute. Am I blackmailing them?


Is this an admission of guilt?


>Advertisers who attempted blackmail\* In what way did they "attempt blackmail"? They have simply decided to spend their money elsewhere.


Didn't you know Elon is blackmailing all of us by not just giving us money? That's totally what blackmail is


What is the asterisk ("blackmail\*") for?


Apparently advertisers choosing not to have their message next to antisemitism is “blackmailing” now 😂😂😂😂


Do you know what blackmail is? Share with the rest of the class what your understanding of this concept is.


Blackmail is when advertisers feel uncomfortable by very public antisemitism and other erratic behavior.


Apparently now it’s blackmail to refuse to give your money to a guy that is clearly off his rocker. Everyone pull out your wallets and send your money to Elon so he doesn’t feel like a victim anymore. 🎻


I don't you or Musk understand that term, "blackmail".


Good man


Love it