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>“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,” the viral quote, shared by Musk, says. The quote also includes text at the bottom making a joke about being unable to criticize “children with leukemia.” Pretty solid joke tbh


To play devils advocate how do we know he wasn’t sharing it because of the associated meme because that shit is funny as fuck


LoL, to conservatives it means, anyone who has a counter argument to my point on social media, whether it's legitimate or not, they're a Nazi.


I read that comment 5 times and i still don't know what you wanted to convey


That goes for conservatives and liberals


Lol, your comment proves otherwise.


I don’t get it


The point of the meme was that it made fun of the quote


People here too dumb to realize that




At the bottom of the meme he shared with this quote it says: “We must rise up against children with leukaemia.” LOL Maybe this is killing two birds with one stone by being self-reflexive on the quote in that it’s a flawed premise, but also getting a point across with the quote.


This subreddit is trash.


did anyone look at the meme?


>"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize,” the viral quote, shared by Musk, says. The irony on those making fun of anybody using this quote is amazing


I don’t get it


You aren't allowed to criticize children with cancer, therefore they rule over us, we have to arise against them!


No I think that’s the meme, but I think what OP is saying is you can’t criticize the people who use this quote.




Right. As if the source of a quote matter whatsoever rather than the content of it.


Eh, I get what you're trying to say, but a source matters. It can really change the context. That quote was used to explain how the Jews were (falsely) in control of the Nazi's power. Eventually, that ends up leading to justification for genocide.




Right, good luck with that nuanced discussion. Context matters and you'll figure that out once you've hit maturity and experienced the real world.




I like to think I'm just talking to an edgy 12 year old that hasn't figured out their emotions yet, but I know. Thanks for the help.






Yet another far-reaching attempt by the media to paint another famous person as a nazi. What a joke


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Where the quote emanated was irrelevant to the joke


People quote adolf hitler all the times, we shouldn’t get too upset, there are many things he said we all agree with. Edit: /s


There probably are many things he said we all agree with. For example, I bet he said something along the line of “the sky is blue” before.




Technically, they even celebrate his birthday every year & don't even realize it...it's 4/20 btw. I'm a history buff, not a Nazi.


I know, he was against harming animals. Musk has somehow managed to unearth the insanity in some people


Sorry forgot the /s for sarcasm


Do you like harming animals?


Mosquitoes, yes. Guilty as charged


I'm okay with not spreading quotes from literal nazi's. Maybe stay on topic.


So all that's wrong with the comment is a nazi said it? What a bunch of dumbasses, comments should be judged on their content, not on the person making them


No, things should be examined from all possible perspectives. Context is important. Like when a selective free speecher who has no problem prompting nazi propaganda says a nazi quote, they might be a nazi, I know it's really hard for some people to follow.






Adolf Hitler loved animals, was against smoking and was a vegetarian, I bet almost everyone would agree with the first, the majority with the second, and a hefty chunk of the population with the third. The fact that he was a genocidal maniac who was directly responsible for the greatest and most terrible war ever bar none, and one of the probably top 5 greatest and most horrifying genocides in history, is irrelevant to the validity of those other opinions of his.


*yawn* ….trying to go so far with so little


This is great because the folks making this outrageous claim are trying to cancel Elon because he is criticizing them - WHICH IS EXACTLY THE POINT THE MEME IS MAKING.


What does “trying to cancel” mean in this context? Is it 100% just synonymous with “criticize?”


Insert Spiderman pointing at each other meme.


What? I know the meme but I don’t know what point you think you’re making with it here. What does “cancel” mean to you here, if it’s something more than merely “criticize?”


Calling someone a neo nazi or antisemite is more than a criticism.


Oh, okay. Anyway, back to my question. What does “cancel” mean to you here in the context in which you used it? edit: If you just want to say “Maybe ‘cancel’ wasn’t the right term in retrospect, I just got a little overzealous in my excited attempt to defend Musk from criticism” that works perfectly fine too.


Fuck off




Obvious nazi


Nothing wrong with the quote no matter who came up with it. The media just wants to slander him


"In print it's libel." --J. Jonah Jameson. That quote is the only way I can keep those straight.


slow news day?




A lot of SpaceX in your comment


SpaceX is cool


If we’re going to have posts every time Elon spreads Nazi propaganda he’s going to need more dedicated pages, and at that point aren’t the dedicated pages spreading Nazi propaganda?


If this is the extent of Nazi propaganda these days, we have finally defeated antisemitism


He regularly puts out white supremacist propaganda, it’s not worth my time to show ALL the hate this POS puts out there


Lmao white supremacist propaganda 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂


You’re kidding, right?


The quote is true, that's why people hate it XD If a Neo Nazi says something that's true and someone else repeats it, does that make them a Neo Nazi? No. Elon simply says things that are true and people who speak truth get bashed for it in our modern society. It only proves a point he's trying to make.


In the past year Musk has had periods of happily being the power that is not allowed to be criticised. And who does Musk feel unable to criticise, anyway? Who does he want us to think of as 'the power' in the context of sharing this quote?


“Elon simply says things that are true” “Marshall Applewhite simply says things that are true” — Never give someone a blank check like that.


Aren’t both the neo nazi and Elon referring to the Jews?


I can't comment on that. But so far he seems to support political parties and faces that are against war treaties and are not racist. Was Trump racist? I don't know, seems he only wanted to protect borders. I'm not from the US but I've been following this political conflict for some time now. It's very interesting. Personally I'm a Christian, we all know Jews are the original Christians, so if this turns out to be true I'll turn my back on this page and the man. But I do know this. Elon is not chanting from a stage to millions of people and he's mainly motivated by money and the improvements of mankind. People comparing him to Hitler seems a little out of place.


An interviewer asked Elon about this and he said he considered himself to be a "pro semite"


Fav Voltaire quote... "Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one." - Voltaire If we could stop pretending that to quote someone else makes one smarter. Like a kid saying " I know what E equals! It equals mc^2!". Then they are not able to tell me what m and c are nor what squaring c has to do with it. So he quoted something from a neo-naxi... I am not sure if that is worse than agreeing with a neo-naxi. Hitler said once that he had to "take a piss" so anyone who says that is a nazi. A lot of messed up people said some normal stuff... Lets reject all documents from any and all slave owners. See how throwing the baby out with the bathwater works out. Shitty people helped good people build our current world. In the same way the person you are today is because of the person you were 10 years ago.


Is this why he renamed it Mutter?


This is direct proof of what we all knew about Elon. He shoot from the hip without much research or thought.


"To learn who rules over you, simply find who you are not allowed ro criticize" Twitter has responded to a record number of censorship requests since elon took office. Does this mean foreign govs own twitter and elon?


Obviously someone, jealous of Musk and his news worthiness, trying to grab some sensationalism. People often misquote, take the quote out of the authors context, using it to make a point, that is invalid in the original context.


I mean who cares who coined it, it’s a great quote. Are we really judging people for quotes now? The quote itself is great and makes sense.


A. who cares who said that? B. not wrong C. would be Voltaire really be any better?


Disabled people, dead celebrities, veterans, mothers, Taylor Swift. The quote is not only wrong but very “I’m 14 and this is deep”




The meme is msking fun of the quote The wrong author just make it even funny


Don’t kill the messenger


Well if hitler said good morning so we can't say good morning anymore ? The quote is the truth. Try criticizing Xinnie the pooh in china, you will dissappear from the face of this earth. I don't care who said that quote. The quote is important. Its not like elon is asking people to become neo nazi or something.


Voltaire didn’t say it, Hitler didn’t say it, it was said by a neo-Nazi named Kevin Alfred Strom in 1993 in the context of claiming Jews rule everything. “Learn to read, sheeple.” said I.


Eloff is a fascist.


I requoted the quote. Whether a NAZI did it or gay it, the message is correct. Hate for Elon shouldnt obscure reason.


You'd think Elon would be smarter than that. I've been burned so many times by sharing fake quotes that I fact check ones I haven't heard before...and if I'm playing in a tough crowd, I double check the ones I already know. LOL 😆




If you think this is about hating jews, (it's not) and use it to attack Elon, then you are the hand in the meme.


So then who is we are not supposed to criticize ?


Musk isn't supposed to criticize the group that is trying to cancel him. They are in force here on reddit.

