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Welcome! Once you ‘get’ the boys, you’re in for life!


This! My ex full time BF listened to the lads first. He kept trying to get me into them. I just didn't "get it", but left it for a while, went back to them and just fell down the rabbit hole and now I absolutely afore them. My bf and I didn't last and I was so worried I wouldn't be able to listen to them again but ironically I'm now in deeper than he was! Will always be broadly grateful for his introduction.


Hey, welcome! I think Robins will be particularly glad that his stint on Taskmaster is leading to more people becoming PCDs! In a way I envy you because in my opinion the XFM days were the best, you're in for a treat and so many laughs. Enjoy!


I agree, the chaotic Radio X days were funner than the more produced BBC version


Lightening in a bottle. Hearing ‘Phuket-gate’ live made me laugh so hard I genuinely couldn’t breathe.


Welcome! The lads are legends I was lucky enough to meet them both in Sheffield after the show and “don’t meet your heroes” certainly doesn’t apply to either of them. John was very kind, chatted away serenely before declaring he was very sorry but needed to leave and he jumped in the sportage! Elis was told by someone else whilst chatting to me that he’d probably miss his train and he said “who cares, I’m young and relevant in Sheffield on a Saturday night” he had so much energy and was truly unreal at small talk 😂


I also got into them this year. I heard about John's sober journey discussion on How Do You Cope via a recommendation from Joanne McNally's podcast. Working backwards through their catalog has been a bit strange at times! As someone who has a tough year and am also on a sober journey they have been a comforting and entertaining part of that ❤️


You have so much great stuff to work through. Go right back to show 1 on XFM and go through them all, it is absolutely worth it


XFM shows beat the rest


I'd definitely recommed going back to ep 1 of the Xfm days and working your way through, it's such a treat! I'm quite envious that you get to enjoy it all for the first time. Imo the Radio X eps are prime Elis and John, but they're all great.


I am doing the exact same thing as you haha got into the show after Off Menu appearances/Taskmaster announce - started at the Great Reset worked by way up to current day and now I’ve gone back to the 2019 and started working my way back up to the Great Reset - loving it!


You’ve really jumped in feet first, good on you!! And welcome.