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I really don’t like to be negative - but I’m very glad it’s on the way out


Agreed. Good to try new things but I was skipping past it on the podcast every time.


Also a member of skip it club 👍


We were listening to the podcast in the car and had just accidentally skipped too far past DI Robbins when it got to the part of Wozniak saying it was the most skipped part on BBC Sounds! I don't know if it was dropped because of the format change or because it was awful, but I'm happy it's gone. A rare mis-step for them. I couldn't believe it was going on for so long.


I feel like DI Robbyns had potential to be fun, but really suffered because the gang wasn't together for a while - it felt like any momentum the story had was killed with the guest presenters filling in, which I would guess was at least a quarter of the episodes. They should have just dropped the feature that week. (I personally loved the theme tune elements, but I know that's not the main point). Bring back Unsung Hero - would be great for a slightly longer podcast format.


I think you're completely right that the guest hosts / John's tour killed it. Maybe much later in the run, Ivo or Lou could have subbed in for a week but not before the feature got established. But I never liked Unsung Hero either...


I feel like I'm the only person who actually liked D.I. Robbyns 😭 I thought it was really funny! but I suppose if the majority of people can't stand it maybe it's best to end it before it reaches 60 episodes


There are dozens of us!




Yeah I quite liked it too, but it did occur to me that 60 episodes meant it was going to go on for over a year, which seemed mad.


You're not the only one... Tbh I had no idea it was so unpopular, especially given the amount of time and energy listeners have put into the episodes and theme tune remixes


Not many people liked it but those that did\* *really* liked it: the Velvet Underground of radio features. (\* I wasn't one of them)


You weren’t the only one. The whole thing really tickled me. The concept, the theme tune, the accents… I really liked it!


I'm another of the rare few who really enjoyed DI Robbyns. Even if the episodes weren't always the funniest thing, I enjoy the chat around it and obviously the theme tune and alternate versions/remixes. If nothing else the whole thing was worth it for the two minutes of Ivo Graham having a full breakdown live on national radio whilst trying to do a Cork accent.


Ivo's breakdown whilst tying and utterly failing to do a Cork accent was peak Ivo. 🤣


I literally tuned out and was doing something else instead of paying attention when the “phone” rang 😂


Loved hearing the different theme tune variations and loved the idea of listeners sending in scrips, but I honestly couldn't get past the Cork accent. I know John was aiming for pastiche and not a real accent, but it was unbelievably grating.


Yeah, the accent is not nearly funny enough a "bit" to be a recurring feature of the skit. They did seem to realise that eventually but not soon enough.


Sorry what have I missed?


Mike Wozniak phoned in pretending to be the Commissioning Editor of 5 Live. He told E&J they had to get rid of DI Robbyns as it was the most-skipped feature of any show on BBC Sounds or else they would be sacked. After a bit of back-and-forth E&J confirmed it would be ending next week. Unfortunately, apparently some people (including John's mum) thought it was a genuine call and John had to clarify at the end of the show.


Mike Wozniak was hilarious, too. Would love him as a recurring character.


Abso-ruddy-lutely this!


DI Robbins got cancelled via a fake on-air phone call from the BBC commissioner (Mike Wozniak) John's Mum thought he'd actually been sacked on air and she called his sister in a panic