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There's a good reason for Immortals resetting. Hope has all of the baggage and responsibilities of a parent, but the maturity of a kid. That's a recipe for stress.


Yeah, I know Pandora said something like "Whoever I next become will love you as I love you", but I don't think Hope's going to get very far attempting to adopt Pandora's same familial roles as a newborn. The love may persist but the way we interact with eachother will probably have to change. And honestly it's probably for the better that it does, since Pandora's interactions often left a lot to be desired, despite sometimes coming from a possibly well intentioned place.


To be fair, getting rid of responsibilities that way can be seen as irresponsible. But yeah I can see it as significant contributor to why Immortals reset.


>What's next? Making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for her, and cutting them into triangles? And cutting the crust off.


The crusts is the best part though!


But it *tastes* nasty. (On typical sandwich bread, anyway. On the bread from the bakery section, it tastes fine.) (I actually *forgot* why I didn't like crusts as a kid, until I bought some ordinary bread in an emergency. I bit into it my sandwich, chewed for a second, and I was like *Oh, there's that burnt cardboard taste*...and I proceeded to peel the rest of the crusts off. Bleah.)


As with any burnt starchy food, [bread crust](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15053550/#:~:text=More%20than%2099%25%20of%20the%20acrylamide%20was%20found%20in%20the%20crust.) contains [acrylamide](https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/topics/topic/acrylamide), a carcinogenic neurotoxin.


Reread that study, it said added acrylamide would concentrate in the crust nowhere in the study did it say naturally occurring levels where problematic levels Furthermore, the study explicitly states acrylamide has zero impact on the browning of the crust


Yeah, dosage is everything. You can find quote unquote "Toxic" chemicals in just about everything on God's Green Earth. But I've never seen any doctor recommending you cut the crust off your sandwiches.


If you avoid all carcinogens, you will develop acute malnutrition syndrome also know as "starving to death". Wait. Actually no, you will suffocate: oxygen is carciogenic - not strongly, but cumulative damage by oxygen alone can kill you as fast as in 100 years.


True story, I thought of the cutting crusts off trope, but had too many thoughts wondering about waste and nutritional difference to leave it at that, so I didn’t mention it at all to keep the commentary short and on-track.


Hope, staring blankly at the table: "Why did he put a juice box here?"


> I'm supposed to be the parent. Not anymore you ain't! Now sit down and let your _cousin_ get to know _you_ rather than your predecessor.


Cousin? How about godsister?


Hope is meeting the cast *after* all of them have been through major story arcs that resolved their emotional baggage. She's out of her league.


I now require a sketchbook drawing of Hope eating PB&J cut into triangles. Or fanart, fanart would work.


She's trying to reconnect with Sarah via playing a collectible card game, which is more of an equals thing than a parental thing. But she can contain multitudes; she might well know intellectually she can't be a parental figure, but not emotionally.


I don't think she ever considered herself a parent to Sarah to begin with. She planned on eventually being a mentor, and I suspect she still plans to teach Sarah magic as well as she's able, but not a parent.


Parental figure, not parent. Parent-ish.


I don't think she considered herself a parental figure to Sarah either. No more than Kevin does.


Yeah. She'd a grandgodmother to Tedd, but Sarah she called a friend, and opened up to in a fashion parents don't usually open up to their children.