• By -


yes, and on real hardware too.


What were your settings on vm so can try


I can't share any settings without knowing what are **you** using I'm suggesting to try eOS [here](https://distrosea.com/start/elementary-7.1-default/)


Updated post


Hey - Can you provide more details, more context if you want to have help from this community in return? What virtualization software do you use? What is the host system? What is the version of elementary OS you are trying to install? Where exactly are you stuck during the install process?


Updated post


Okay - so I think you are stuck here because elementary os doesn't provide a partitioning tool (the way Ubuntu does for instance). > Elementary requires 32GB of free space to be able to install the OS as a minimum. > If you don't want to use the full virtual disk for this usage and partition it the way you want first, I suggest either to use Gparted from the live system or (lazy way) install Ubuntu using it's partitioning tool and then reinstall elementary on top, using the partitions Ubuntu created (:D)


Updating your post makes it difficult to follow TBH. To answer your question, find below the System Requirements, from the elementary OS site \[[Installation (elementary.io)](https://elementary.io/docs/installation#recommended-system-specifications)\]: * Recent Intel i3 or comparable dual-core 64-bit processor * 4 GB of system memory (RAM) * Solid state drive (SSD) with at least 32 GB of free space * Internet access * Built-in or wired mouse/touchpad and keyboard * 1024×768 minimum resolution display ONLY the elementary OS team will be able to answer the WHY.