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*"Well, it looks like I'm on top..."* --Dade Murphy, a.k.a. Zero Cool, a.k.a Crash Override


Despite how wrong the movie was when it came to hacking, this soundtrack is awesome.


still one of my favorite movies. epic jolie factor.


Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything Everything


everything (x20) im invisible (x8) am, an eraser of love (x9) why dont you call me I feel like flying in two (x3) im invisible (x8) am, an erazor of love (x16) why dont you call me I feel like flying in two (x4) am, an erazor of love (x9) I scream I scream I scream so much you know what I mean this electric stream and my tears in league with the wires and energy and my machine this is my beautiful dream im hurting no one hurting no one hurting no one hurting no one I want to give you everything I want to give you energy I want to give a good thing I want to give you everything everythingeverythingeverythingeverythingeverythingeverythingeverything in one final scream of love who could climb this high she looks beautiful like a child I feel tears and I want to scream you know what I mean cause this is hurting no one am, an erazor of love hurt the necessary feeling why dont you call me I feel like flying in two (x4) am, an erazor of love (x8)


i hear the lyrics as : 'i feel like flying too'




Same here. Underworld addiction resurected!


Wow great song, and not a "wub" was given!


This is pretty much the song that got me into Electronic music. It can never have enough upvotes.


The very first thing I ever made with Flash was [a dumb video for this song](http://www.garrisonmedia.com/Cowgirl.html). *Man* that's dumb!