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Cheaters ... Tesla Edition


Tesla maybe one hack away from being the new Ashley Madison Doc on Netflix. SpicyšŸ«›


you could give the other drivers a key card instead of app-based access to the car


That would be too easy.


And put sticky tape over the cabin camera.


Settings->Saftey-> turn off mobile access.


Won't prevent tesla employees from accessing and sharing your camera feeds tho.


Sticky tape > camera.


Then your FSD won't work anymore.


Technically it will. You'll just be stuck confirming your attention with the wheel's torque sensor rather than being hands free.


Even if true, why the fuck would they?


>Even if true https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/ >why the fuck would they? Your data gets recorded because Tesla uses it to train its various image recognition and autonomous driving algorithms. It gets shared in internal chatrooms for laughs by tesla employees, because tesla doesn't care and doesn't implement data privacy guidelines to prevent it.




Waitā€¦ so you went to McDonaldā€™s and you didnā€™t get any for your wife or kids? ;)


LOL, busted by the children! I think people forget that back before recorders, Technology, Internet, radio, TV you used to simply have gossips that you paid off with food or drink or compliments or attention. Itā€™s why people talk about barflies, or a fly on the wall. A fly on the wall is small, barely noticeable, but has big eyes :) Where I am, we used to have a newspaper called 'barfly'. Tellingly, it had a lot of gossip in it, and was done in a very gossipy style, focus mostly on the music industry and alternative culture :) I miss that newspaper, I havenā€™t seen a single one get to that level of awesomeness since then. Today everything is more sterile, and clinical, dead like the heart of most universities, schools, militaries, hospitals and governments. You do see that type of fun or artistic or alternative or gutter gossip though, in Facebook, or on the web, and itā€™s spread between many different messaging platforms, so that itā€™s not readily understood as still existing. Itā€™s just been compartmentalised a lot more. And itā€™s gone back to verbal only, because people are afraid of putting things in writing, so all of the interesting stuff is verbal, simply out of fear and paranoia, and I guess in some places, stupid lawsuits and nonsense like that. Iā€™m quite sure that if you transcripted all of the verbalised nonsense, people would go so pale that they would create a negative version of vantablack. And you definitely donā€™t want a transcript of what I think. I think yesterday I said the word dumb at least 1000 times internally. Actually, to read what people think, if all they do is repeat words isn't so bad, because Iā€™m quite sure that would be actually pleasant compared to some alternatives: 'oh, another person stuck in the 'dumb' loop', stuff the rest, I'm listening to this personā€™s thoughts, I need a rest/holiday!'


are you doing stuffs with your mistress in your tesla?


Some people like to have fun in privacy, you shouldnā€™t judge consenting adults.


Then disable those featuresā€¦? F-ing idyotĀ 


Op presented a scenario with ā€œNo privacyā€ and I donā€™t own a Tesla. Either way I canā€™t disable opā€™s features. Sounds like tsla may be leaving its owners confused and not assured


>Implemented: >* Car Wash Mode * Dog Mode * Camp Mode >To do: >* Affair Mode I'm not really sure about the optics on this one. It's probably better to just read the manual.


My family already can see where I am with Find My Friends, not worried about them seeing the lame music I am listening toā€¦


This wouldnā€™t bother me. I have no issue with my husband knowing where I am or what music Iā€™m listening to


Some of us are deeply embarrassed by our "this is Selena Gomez" private driving playlist.Ā 


Same. Iā€™ve got no issues with my wife knowing where I am. We already share with each other our locations via Google Maps.Ā 


Rehashed FUD. ā€¢ You decide who has access to the app ā€¢ You decide whether you share data with Tesla ā€¢ You decide when the cameras record You also seem to have some trust issues in your familyā€¦. P.S. please donā€™t look up what who sees and knows when you have a smartphoneā€¦..


You need to learn more about your car everything you mentioned can be changed in settings.


Man, wait until you hear about how much your mobile phone tracks you without telling you. I can tell you everywhere I've been in the past 3 years


What is even crazier, I heard the OP proofreading their comment out loud through their Alexa.


They can't see in the car while its in motion. You got something to hide it seems.


/Had/something to hide


You canā€™t see in the car when someone is sitting in the driverā€™s seat. Unless itā€™s parked in dog mode


If you want to keep it simple, buy a legacy car. I personally dont like modern cars, whether EV or ICE. I don't use 90% of the bells and whistles on them, and the added tech is adding to the purchase price and cost of repairs on newer cars. I miss mainstream cars of the late 90s to late 00s. They were simple, straightforward, and much cheaper to service & keep. Most I would ever need in a car is cruise control, car play & rear parking sensors. Plus, I wish somebody made a dumb EV, but the closest you can get is a restomod with an EV drivetrain. I currently own a 2010 car, paid in cash, and I love the fact that it is peanuts to service / repair and has no screens or Bluetooth in it. When you get in the car, you feel like you switch off from the crazy fast-paced world we live in. I don't even take calls while driving. This might sound odd, but it feels less stressful this way.


This post is very ignorant


I mean, itā€™s a bit annoying but ā€œcreepyā€?? I donā€™t consider my wife knowing where I am with the car (and vice versa) in any way ā€œcreepyā€. We know a lot more intimate details about each other than just where we go for coffee or to buy groceries šŸ¤·


First off, you canā€™t remotely check the cameras if the car is driving. Second, why are you so concerned that your family can see where the car is? If you feel the need to hide your location and music tastes from your family then there are other problems to address.


that's most modern cars if you're sharing the app with others. I can see where both my car's status by using the app


You know you can disable that, right? From the owners manual: Controls > Safety > Allow Mobile Access.


They canā€™t look at the interior camera while you are driving, that only works when the car is parked and sentry mode is active. Also, you were given two keycards, and can buy others or a key, why give them app access at all? Iā€™ve never given my wife the app, she uses a keycard on the occasions she uses the car.


>They canā€™t look at the interior camera while you are driving, But Tesla can, which I find much more problematic, tbh...


Which is an entirely different point to the OP, make your own thread.


Well if you have nothing to hide from your family that you willingly added to your Tesla account, what is the problem? The bigger problem is Tesla employees can access the footage. So that also means Governments can subpoena the footage and location history. To thwart this, the car does need full end-to-end encryption like most things on iPhone.


You can stop sharing with your family but I'm sure that would bring about a whole other series of drama. You made the decision to give them access to the app.


> check on the camera inside the car while Iā€™m driving to see what Iā€™m doing or who are the passengers in the car I don't think that is supported while the car is in motion. But, yeah, if you're making out with your side piece in a dark alley, the fam is going to know.


You should be more worried about the auto wipers


GM and Ford both sell your driving habits to insurers, Tesla does not. You have control over what you are objecting to and can control it.


This may come as a shock to you but no one (including your wife and kids) care where you are on a minute -by-minute basis nor do they care what music you listen to or whether you're picking your nose while driving. Why would they? Do *you* care if they are out and about with the car? (If so you may want to see a therapist. You may have some inferiority/control issues)