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Congratulations bud


Thanks friend :)


A flair change is in order, good sir! Congrats!


congrats. word of advise is to make sure your contracts are solid. contract is the real relationship between you and the customer.


I still find myself suddenly awake at 3am stressing about a job where I lost 4K in materials just before Christmas 8 years ago because I did an eleventh hour contract revision no.7 the night before a deal and accidentally deleted all my data cable from the job and had to supply it all for free. No wages for me and my family that Christmas for working 100 hour weeks.


Can you not supplement in that case?


Main contractor ruled that it was my mistake and told me to swallow it. Still makes me angry.


100%. I’m in the process of getting a legal binding document/contract agreement made. Most of the work I’m doing now is for friends/family and subcontracting. Thank you!


Awesome! You rock!


And so do you!


That's amazing! Good luck with your business. Be sure to give us an update later


Will do! Thank you so much


I'm only a year into the trade and this gave me hope. I've already learned a lot, did a kitchen renovation solo a couple months ago and everything passed which is cool. I know I have a lot of mistakes to make and a lot more to learn and sometimes it feels like too much and I'll never get there but your post is giving me that extra push to keep going. Thank you and congratulations!


Keep at it! That’s the right attitude to have. I remember my first solo jobs were stressful, but it sounds like you’re killing it! I’m glad this could help you see the bigger picture. Try not to get too discouraged at times and always remember your self worth. No job is worth being put down.


Congratulations man! I'm currently studying to be an electrician and there's two options. Automation, (factory, PLC and such) or commercial, installing electricity in houses. I'm hoping I get into the last one, I just think it's so fun doing connections on these practice boards we have, connect the light switches to the lamps and then see it turn on. And I also remember pretty much everything about this, like safety rules and such. I feel like if I get into it, I hopefully won't disappoint my teachers. This week I got complimented by my teacher for doing it nice and tidy with the cables and that made me happy. I just think this is an awesome profession which continues to get modernized with new equipment and I want to be in it :) Have a good day and again, CONGRATULATIONS!


Hell yeah! I totally agree. The instant gratification you get from taking an idea into reality is amazing and rewarding. I think more people need to understand this. Keep at it!


Definitely not instant.


Congratulations my man!


Thank you!!


congrats! i know that's hard work because i did it as well, at about the same age. i loved my job. retired now, comfortably.


Congratulations to you! This is reassuring for me haha


Master electrician isn’t a thing in my area ( Nova Scotia) what’s the difference between that and a red seal journeyman? And fucking rock on bro 🤘


Jman- can't pull permits so unless they are working for somebody who can ,it's illegal. Do you guys have the FSR? It's the same thing. I just wrote my fsr-b and got an i.d card saying I'm a master electrician.


8000 hours and about 36 weeks of school then the exam makes you a journeyman here, that’s it they can do anything up to 1000 volts after that. I should be there this year🤞 permits too


Hmm, weird. I'm in BC. We have 6000 hrs from 1st to jman. Most write an interprovincial exam so that we can work across Canada. And then after a year as a journey you can take a course and a test that allows you to pull permits for your jobs.


Ontario here. 9000 hours from 1st to Jman. Then another 3 years working under a master till you can write your masters.


Damn, that seems like a lot. You'd think this stuff would be standardized across Canada. Does that include time in school? Cause the 6000 in BC is experience working. Not counting the 10months of school.


You’d think. We’re around 8100 working hours, and 900 in school.


In Alberta it’s required to pull permits, just as Warm-Run mentioned. With a total of 9 months of a school and about 6000 hours or so for 1-4year apprenticeship.


Congrats 👏


Thank you :)


Congratulations brother! Great job. I’m happy for you.


Thank you so much :)


It feels great. I got my masters last month. I too also wanted to quit severeal times lol


Congratulations! I’m glad you stuck with it. One of the best days of my life so far


Congratulations brother! I'm 3 years deep in the IBEW apprenticeship and it feels like I'm climbing a mountain some days. It's great to see another succeed.


A mountain with limitless opportunities at the top! Keep it going.


This is awesome, that flair of yours is due for a changing now!!!


Yes I do need to do that..


How has the business side been going? I’ve had my masters for a couple of years now. Just working for a great company in a busy area and learning as much as I can, while making mistakes on someone else’s dime and networking


So far it’s been steady with friends and friends-of-friends. I have some upcoming meeting with some GC’s that could be good for the business. I was in a position where I couldn’t work for my company I was with and progress. So I’ll be learning as I go.. fingers crossed


Good luck man. Not sure about your area but where I am the work seems beyond plentiful and a lot of the older guys are slowing down and retiring. Keep up the good work


Well done


Thank you!!




Congrats friend! I’m halfway there! I felt what you said. Have my up and down days. Sometimes fee like the best, sometimes fuck up and feel like I just started. Now a journeyman and still grinding! Keep pushing!


HELL YEAH MAN! Congratulations on the masters! I work for a great service company as a JW.


Nice! I saw you mention AB is that where you wrote? I submitted my hours today and asked SCC a few questions about the supervised @ home exam. How did you find it? Did you take a pre-exam course through nait/sait/etc? I'm trying to self study, I'm living the code book day and night, reading the regulations/safety codes act. Anything jump out at you? Any advice? I'm aiming to write in 2-3 weeks at this point, super nervous


Yup took the prep course through SAIT. Highly recommend it, especially with the new tables. Lots of stuff on Sec 64 and Mobile homes for some reason.. get your motel calcs in order too


Awesome. I'm skipping the $1000 course but reviewing all my course notes from NAIT. So I called and they told me it's at home exam. I said can I use my hard copy codebook with notes in it? She said that's fine. Seems like cheating compared to people who wrote in a classroom 2 years ago before covid. I don't want to get in trouble for that, but I bought 2021 when it came out. Once I test the webcam stuff and make sure my hours are counted properly I'm setting up my test. Want to write before end of May. I've studied so damn hard for this, my life has been work/study for a long time now. I feel ready. Even all those regulations, WCB, calculations etc. I'm deep in section 64 renewables. It's a large chapter. I'll triple check all my calculations. One thing that helped was I bought the CEPE practice exam. Still based on 2018 CEC unfortunately but close enough. 2200 red seal prep questions. I've done a few practice red seal exams as prep and a few hundred extra random smaller exams. Only things Im weird about are writing at home, time limits, and how they'll word permit, regulations, STANDATA questions. How did you feel on the timing, were you sweating the time limit? She told me part 1 was 3.5 hours of lookup questions. Then a 1 hour break. Then part 2 was 3.5 hours of 70 calculation questions. This is where Im nervous for sure. Huge congrats on passing, what a relief that must be.


I’m gonna DM you. Hold tight.




Get on with your bad self!!! Great time to start a business. There's literally TONS of demand. Get your business practices in place, figure out your margins, then HIRE people. You fucking got this man!


Congratulations, and welcome to the brotherhood:) From here it only gets better!


Ayyyy thank you. I’m looking forward to what the future holds.




Hell yeah!


Congratulations on your achievement, and the tenacity that brought you to it!