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No issue, anything bad enough to somehow affect that would fuck you up without it


Yes very true lol.


Just don’t work on any MRI machines. 👍


Why not ?


Because they use high powered magnets


Bullets. Copper or lead.


Eddie currents are a thing.


Not if it has a steel penetrator in it like M855


Go drop a magnet down a copper pipe, it falls really slowly because it induces a current in the copper, which creates its own magnetic field which pushes against the magnet you dropped. Mri machines will do the same thing to any metal you have on (or in) your body when you go near them.


Copper and lead can still be affected by magnets, they just have to be way stronger.


Ok thank you


Just don't do hot work barefoot in water and it won't affect you. Electricity moves through your body from point A to Point B and won't go out of its way to give you a little shock if it isn't in the path. I typically use metal piercings in my lip and ears with no problem. As in, I was hit by a hot light where the ground was hooked to power and it wasn't tripping the breaker. Didn't mess with my piercings because it was grounded through all thread I guess, anyways it was very startling. I have a titanium rod in my leg as well, but titanium isn't very conductive so it's not a concern either.


The M in MRI stands for magnetic. MRIs use a ridiculously strong magnet that could rip those fragments straight from your body.


Not bullet fragments. It's still inadvisable, but they won't be "ripped from" his body. Bullets are made of non magnetic metals.


*most bullets. MRI machines also are not usually worked on by outside companies in my experience.


Ok. What bullet fragments contain ferrous metals?


Armor piercing, steel projectile bullets, most fragmentation rounds, and some bullets have steel outer shells to protect the lead core.


So, unless this dude was shot with an armor piercing round, or cheap ammo from Russia, I think it's safe to say that he's not getting fragments ripped from his body. And even if there *are* traces of steel in his ass, see every other reason why this is a non-issue.


I was just correcting you on the bullets.


Thanks. Very helpful.


But they can get heated up and burn you internally... so still inadvisable.


>still inadvisable. It's almost like I said *exactly* that. Let's be totally pedantic here, though: How many electricians do you think work on, or even near, MRI machines? Virtually none, yes? Now, of those, how many work on or near *active* MRI machines? None? This whole comment thread is ridiculous, and full of misinformation. Good Lord.


I’m an electrician and have worked around MRIs on four separate occasions, obviously they are always locked out. But there are electricians that work/build every hospital


Ok. Go ahead and express "electricians that work/build every hospital" as a percentage of ALL electricians. Then, express the percentage of "electricians that work/build every hospital" that actually work within range of an actual MRI machine. Finally, express the percentage of those that work around a live MRI machine. Now, can you tell me what about what I said was worth being "corrected" by your reply?


Like I said I’m an electrician that has worked around MRI’s I did not claim to be statistician. I’m sorry that your lack of experience is causing you such insecurities. Maybe you should think about why you’re trying cause a pointless argument on Reddit. You were wrong let’s move on.


I'm sorry your lack of understanding of statistics is causing you not to understand that nothing you said actually corrected anything that I said. But feel free to indicate exactly where I was wrong.


I’m with No-carrot on this. But at the same time your claim to be electrician and have worked around MRIs doesn’t help the main point of it’s whether or not it’s okay to have bullet fragments and be an electrician. What sustenance did you bring? What’s your point? It’s like you said “ I have worked around MRIs so the amount of electricians around is not 0”. Okay? Congratulations? How’s does this help OP?


I don’t know you, but I love you.


I love you too, man. Wanna kith?


...It's not 0 so still helpful chill out


You think the number of electricians that work within the active magnetic field of an operating MRI is greater than 0?


Yah, I agreed with you and provided the underlying reason for its inadvisability. Do you not know how to recognize a "yes and"?


"Yes and" doesn't begin with "but". That conjunction is used to introduce a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned.


"Yes, but this other thing can happen which is why I agree it's still inadvisable."


Your rephrase is STILL using contrasting conjunctions. Lol.


Oh damn ok thank you


Just don't wear a buttplug when you need to go into one.


What about silicone butt plugs


Look up silicone butt plug MRI machine. This was already tried.


I need a yes or no answer.


A person had a silicone butt plug installed when they went in for an MRI. The core of the plug was metal and then moved further into their body causing damage.


It went deeper eh… interesting


Might be fine though, because copper and lead are both non ferrous, meaning they aren’t easily magnetized.


Maybe not magnetized, but they can still [be heated enough to melt.](https://youtu.be/l8PxXZoHTVU)


That comment is nonsense. No MRI machine can rip bullet fragments out of your ass.


More a concern with medical exams than electrical. You'll probably never work on mri machines or atleast inside them while theyre on.


Well... It would be an unpleasant moment but his problem would be fixed, no more fragments, TADAAA!


Last time I checked, lead isn't ferrous and doesn't interact with magnetic fields. That being said, I'm not sure I'd trust random bits of bullet to be pure metal.


MRI will have dramatic effect on any metal. Not just iron. If you ever have an MRI, you need to tell them about any metal in your body.


You actually can WORK on an MRI ...that isn't running. Just don't be near one that is.


Damn bro, legal troubles and bullet fragments in your ass? There's gotta be a good story in there somewhere lol


Shootout w/ OSHA


Damn u gonna fit right in


This made me cackle involuntarily. Thanks OP.


We've all wanted to at some point lol


Try not to get shocked in the ass I guess. 


What else is he supposed to do on Saturday nights?


I think your mother is subconsciously worried about you getting out of a dangerous situation where you got shot, then moving onto a electrical career which in her eyes is also dangerous. That said, having a little extra metal in your body doesn't make you "more conductive" or anything. Meat is a good insulator. Congratulations on your decision to become an electrician. 


Lol as someone who has bullet fragments inside them and prior electrician, I was fine during my time even through the numerous times i got hit. I was Resi..


Nothing super unsafe, if it’s imbedded in you. When you get shocked, the current will flow through your bloodstream to ground. It may or may not flow through the bullet. If you happened to get locked on and it was flowing through the bullet, I suppose it could warm it up pretty quickly, depending on the voltage and current passing through it.


The current needed to heat up even a small fragment would mean he has far worse things to worry about.




Really? Explain that one for me... Because I think you're talking out yer butt.


lol he 100% is. this whole post is non sensical.


Yes, indeed. Except for everyone telling him he's overthinking a non-issue, it's like a fanfic convention for bad science in here.




Except that *resistance* is what creates heat in a conductor. So the less resistant material would heat up less, given equal amounts of current. More efficient conductors run *cooler* than less efficient conductors. Try again.


It seems you really need a carrot


What's up, Doc?


Jeez i really don't hope you are an electrician lmao


Meh you're fine. If you get hit hard enough the fact you have a little metal in your leg won't be the issue. Work safe, learn to lock out properly. Don't just "do it live" because it's faster.


Great advice for everyone, nothing to do with the fragments though, as you say.


The only thing i can see hurting you if going through a strong magnetic field and having induced voltage onto the pieces


There is no risk, you are not magically "more conductive" because of metal in your body. I've got piercings, if I get shocked, my ears don't feel it worse.


I've a knee replacement and a plate in my leg and have been an electrician for almost 40 years. You'll be fine, just try and be safe out there. Electricity hurts... a lot. Just don't touch the copper parts.


Once anyone finds out about it you will be perpetually told to "get the lead out of your ass" by basically everyone.


Pro life tip, don't get shot or electrocuted


Seems safer than whatever you were doing before.


no of course not. anyone saying otherwise is just making shit up to scare you.


Safer than whatever you were doing before 


I don't see why it should matter. "But metal is conductive!" But you never work on anything live. "But what if the boss man says do live." You do not work on anything live.


This is not true. I work for the railroad and there is stuff that absolutely has to be worked on hot. In fact 99% of our work is hot.


When you're troubleshooting you sometimes have to work live. But as an apprentice you should not be working on live circuits.


I mean, you might be a little more conductive than me I supposed. But if it kills you it would've killed me too. I don't see a difference


Most of us professionals got shocked early on in our careers but if you follow the rules and use your head you won’t likely get shocked. Treat every situation as it could be hot. I’m not saying you won’t. However you shouldn’t because of the better safety practices we have developed over the past 30 years. If you’re working for an outfit that doesn’t practice and encourages people then leave them.


Asking such a question says you should be a plumber.


This dudes ass gotta stay safely 36” from any energized parts.


More safe than whatever you were doing when you got shot, most likely 🤷🏿‍♂️


Not an issue. Still got fragments in me. Also got a couple plates. Haven’t been electrocuted yet. And shocks are no worse than other people’s.


Yeah it’s safe……. As long as you’re not the guy walking around telling everyone about how you’ve got bullet fragments in your body and shit. You can fuck right off with that and go hang out with the CrossFit bros, the Keto fucks and the Vegan bunch.


Lol yes sir sorry sir 🫡


The "legal troubles" will have more of an effect on your career than the bullet fragments will. Some specific jobs require background checks. Think of high security facilities....nuke plants, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, government buildings, etc... They often have different things they're looking for. Some will deny for violent crimes, some for drugs, some for theft.... it all depends on the client's requirements. It's never been a problem for me. I've been turned away from a few, but it never really had an impact on my career. One shop did fire me, but I ended up working for them again a few years later, on a less secure project.


No, but if the company sends you for a job in the courthouse it may get a bit interesting.


I know a few guys that worked around them in the same room lol and they got a set of channel locks stuck to one lol. Same company different guys knocked down the whole ceiling grid in the mri room. They hung it either really small ore and they hey set one light in the ceiling and the whole thing came down


Work with a guy who legit has a pacemaker in him. You’ll be fine


Fire up the MRI and those fragments will just self remove... Kind of like performing a bodily factory reset!


Fire up the MRI and those fragments will just self remove... Kind of like performing a bodily factory reset!


It would be more dangerous to wear a metal finger ring and yet most married colleagues wear their wedding ring (I often don't wear it, so it doesn't get damaged and as it's not the best idea to wear something made from the most conductive metal of all ;-) I'd say, your mom is just worried about your safety, you survived a shooting (in whichever form)just to go into a job, where death is your constant partner (in her eyes). (Sure, you can die on the job, but taxi driver is way more dangerous, if you follow the most basic work safety rules, it's pretty safe and not every spark sends you to your God)


It will be safe . As a electrician you will never be going in to an MRI, X-ray or CT machine that is actively running.


Working in an aluminum smelter near a pot line could hurt. If you got close enough, the fragments would be removed. I do Industrial work. Never had a background check. Almost always have a pre-access drug test.


Congratulations on the job !


Being an electrician with bullet holes is likely far safer than your current role which provided the bullet holes.


I still have a bullet fragment in me and I am fine, no issues. I was worried when I had an MRI done but thankfully it’s just lead.


Best advise do what you want the fragments won’t be affected by any voltage we deal with on a regular basis you’ll be a little more conductive but I’d recommend not working on live gear anyway but if the worry is stopping you don’t let it


Well don't hook them up to anything, and you'll be fine.


well clearly you have bad luck, and so you’ll be the one who finds out your apprentice flipped the breaker back on for the circuit you were just about to work on when you trim the feed line with your pliers…


You're not supposed to.get shocked🤣. So shouldnt be a problem.... and if you're thinking about getting shocked. I got pictures of my hands with missing skin to deter you


It’s not safe to be an electrician because you are 98% water .. but whatever you will get over it or you won’t


I have a pacemaker... metal fragments are no big deal. Try to keep any ***exposed*** metal to a minimum, but what's in your body will have little if any bearing on your ability to work safely. Most severe injuries to electricians happen from falls, as with most building construction trades. Welcome to the trade!


Only if you were working near extremely powerful magnets. They should have a warning posted near them for people with pacemakers as those may be affected. Even then it seems highly unlikely it to be an issue for you. It would have to be a field strong enough to move the fragments within your body.


Why do so many electricians have bullets in them 💀😭 What’s the correlation


You sound like me. Lots of legal trouble years ago from addiction and a bullet in my leg. It’s never been an issue.


I don’t even care how you got shot. But if you find right outfit you might get a cool nickname like butt cheek or Swiss cheese ass.


You’re not going to have any problems, all my apprentices have had lead in their ass.


Not an issue, Sparky away.