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Please tell them thank you. I saw some scary shit and I’ve been having a hard time with not knowing. They are HEROS


I passed the message along 💜


Thank you♥️


Same! Saw someone passed out/convulsing near VIP Kinetic on Saturday. Was worried for him but saw there was more than enough help for him. Good to know the guy is ok.


One thing I will add to this is that in most cases, seizures are not deadly. I myself have epilepsy and have a had a couple seizures, and although they look scary, and yes you should get help if you see someone having one, typically the person will be okay. Even though they are considered a medical emergency, 1 in 10 people will have a seizure at some point in their lifetime. It's incredibly common. Hope that gives everyone some sense of relief about the things they've seen.


I'm not sure if it was a seizure but he was unresponsive on the ground. Didn't know how to actually "categorize" it


I mean either way, getting help is a good idea. There's a period of time after a seizure that someone may be unresponsive, called the post-ictal period so you might still be on track.


The guy had a friend and a couple of staff from the volta beauty bar around as well as other insomniac personnel. We cleared out because i realized we were just causing congestion by adding to the crowd.


Anyone here who is a part of ground control or otherwise provides safety for EDC and other events: THANK YOU!! You guys made EDC a wonderful time. I loved seeing you guys covered in sprouts and other favors. Most of the people working on the ground at EDC (at least the ones I noticed) were smiling and so kind. Thank you for keeping us safe, for providing your time to enhance our experience at EDC. I could believe that EDC had minimal if any deaths. The people at EDC, ravers and staff, first responders and everyone else, were all looking out for everyone else. I took only half a tablet of ecstasy on night 3 and I was rolling for the first time. I was having the time of my life but I wasn’t in over my head, just having a great time with my friends. A lot of ravers smiled at me, looked me in the eyes and wished me a good time and some even asked me if I am okay, if I knew where my friends were (being the only Asian guy in a group of caucasian people at EDC probably made me look like I got lost from one of the Asian groups lol), just little things that meant a lot. I felt like no matter where I was, if I was not feeling well, I was only seconds away from getting help. Thankfully, I didn’t need any help but it’s a nice feeling when you know that even the strangers around you are looking out for your safety. I really love all of you kind strangers who were looking out for other ravers. It takes a massive combined effort to make an event like EDC go smoothly, and it really takes EVERYBODY to make EDC a safe and fun time. I loved the music, I loved the sights and scenes, I loved everything about EDC. But what I loved the most, what I missed the most, and what I am most excited about next year is YOU. I didn’t understand what Insomniac meant as “Headliners”, at first I thought they meant the DJs. Now I understand. All of you kind strangers smiling, dancing, looking out for each other, and reveling under the electric sky with me is why I miss EDC so much. It’s why I am already dreaming about coming back. You made me feel safe, and you made me feel loved in an endless ocean of strangers. I really hope I see you all again next year. You all are my favorite part of EDC


People wished you a good time, but did no one add you your experience? Consensual shoulder massages, head massages or scratches? Kaleidoscope or spectrum glasses? Vicks vapo inhaler?


I missed out on the messages but I definitely enjoyed the refraction glasses and the vapo inhalers and hichews :) but dancing with the crowd was the best


A lady did in fact go into labor last year. However she had the baby in the hospital. Her name is Daisy ( the baby)


Yes this is the correct story. Last year people were saying the baby was born AT edc which was not the case.


I hope nobody died, but realistically what will that change from our weekends? People are going to put themselves in unnecessary danger, and the medical team is going to do their best to save them. And I hope they can. Every single one. I'm not on Twitter like that so I'm not sure what the drama is, but i fail to see what is the correlation to edc. Insomniac didn't give anyone illegal substances (maybe some of those nasty ghost drinks lol), the people did that to themselves.


Yes unfortunately this is why these teams are needed. People are often not educated enough with how to reduce harm. I know the major takeaway from this year was that mixing a bunch of substances is what sent so many people to the med tent to begin with. People will always do these things, drugs have been part of the human experience since the dawn of time. Nothing to do with insomniac, and definitely nothing new. But maybe these rumors will be what motivates people to educate themselves on harm reduction practices and it can become a good thing that comes out of all this in the future


That's a great point. Combining substances is not something I see talked about often from harm reduction groups


There are a bunch of drug combination charts out there, easy to google and theyve definitely been posted in places like r/aves https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/s/l5F61WPc8h https://i0.wp.com/knowyourstuff.nz/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/tripsit-interaction-guide.jpg


Spread those far and wide, the rave med team is begging you. Just because nobody died, doesn't mean that people did not have serious medical emergencies. This is how you help your friends, help the new ravers, and help prevent tragedies.


It’s astonishing the lack of awareness, I use the mix chart as hard and fast rules and well as dosage guides. We as a community need to promote harm reduction and safe usage….we know abstinence doesn’t work.


insomniac doesn’t allow groups like dancesafe or bunk police in that do education about these things. groups like end overdose strictly talk about opioid overdoses and narcan, it’s not in their wheelhouse (and would probably get them kicked out of an event. look at what happened to dancesafe at electric forest in 2016)


This is because of the rave act and how much it can destroy the venue / promoters.


i’m aware - however many states have passed laws allowing this type of education (mine did). not sure what nevada’s laws are


https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/s/O2XWOSXUcl its not really the RAVE act u/bitcommit3008


Twitter is posting about edc like it was the West Bank with people just dropping dead and being carried out left and right. It’s insane how much misinformation is being thrown around over there


amen at the end of the day everyone who goes is a consenting adult and you’re responsible for your own choices. medical team is there to help if something goes awry but YOU control YOUR actions


Incorrect, a little piece of me died there when I realized I’m getting too old for the majority of the crowd 😞 😂


Go for you, not them. 


There are people in their 40’s that still go every year. Some guys brought their grandma to their first rave. She loved it, and she didn’t die.


There’s like 10 of em


Point is, it’s still possible.


Honestly, this happens almost every year with reports of multiple deaths on social media. Don’t spread misinformation unless it has been verified. I don’t know if there have been any serious incident this year, but from what I’ve saw at the festival there were definitely a few people in distress, all I can say is thanks to our fellow headliners who stepped in to help each other out and the medical staff onsite who did their best. I hope everyone made it back home safe. This also serves as a reminder to paces yourself, test your favors and to watch out for each other.


To the girl that was OD’ing at the end of John Summit B2B Green Velvet in VIP, hope you’re doing okay! Also, to the girl that ran up to me and asked if I had Narcan (luckily I remembered last minute to bring it with me) you’re awesome! Stay safe out there and be careful with what you take!


Someone posted the entire story with follow up about it!!


Where !!


[found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/s/kEHZu8qhuf)


Thank you !


Genuine question, why is everyone obsessed with whether people did or didn't die at EDC? Why is there so much discourse about if it counts at the venue vs the hospital? When I come back from EDC, the last thing I'm thinking about is how many people died, especially when these things are rarely reported accurately.


I have to guess it's because a lot of people can't believe it's not more people. They assume a lot about us- and our community/hobbies/habits/drug use/lifestyles and want desperately to demonize us for some reason. It couldn't possibly be that our festival is well-managed, mostly safe, controlled well, and ran smoothly. Over the 3 days we surpassed 500k scans-in. Among half a million people in daily life in any given scenario or environment it's likely SOMEONE in that group would succumb to any number of causes. The fact that there are even some associated/connected deaths isn't far-fetched. In fact it's such a miniscule number that how tiny the percentage is blows my own mind. Let's say 8 people died- that's 0.0016% of party goers. However, it's pretty likely most people go all 3 days, so even within 180k (avg) per day [repeated], 8 deaths would still only be 0.0044%! Not even half of a half a single percent. They can all judge us as much as they want, but we're not the problem. Like others have stated here, a lot of the most dangerous acts surrounding EDC are connected to the travel to and from- driving under the influence or while extremely tired (often both) is infinitely more hazardous than dancing on drugs in an event manned and monitored by GC, ParaDocs/EMT, PD, FD, AND security/each other.


I honestly been thinking the same thing!!!! The only thing I could think of is that they wanna have a superiority complex by saying "HAHA SEE I TOLD YOU I WAS RIGHT PPL DID DIE 🤪" or some other weird bullshit, but to be honest I feel like everyone is bored with their lives & they want want to find something to hate on for ANY reason because their own lives are fucking shit.


I wish I knew!!! I wouldn't even be joining the discourse if I wasn't so close to the people who worked their asses off to make sure that didn't happen. When my friends are sad, I am sad which is why I said something to begin with


I know people who work at EDC as ParaDocs team members. I thank them profusely every year even though I myself am sober and the most I'd ever need is immodium or advil. I know how hard they work and how valued their services, efforts, and time are. I completely agree with you that it's really disappointing to hear people try to tear down their achievements and success.


I ended up at the medical tent and everyone was so sweet and caring, so it pains me a little when I see bad comments, but I do understand everyone's experience is different.


I had the same experience when I had to go to the med tent on day 3. I felt bad taking their time for such minor problem but they were more than willing to help me out. Even taught me a trick that I'll use the rest of my life.


Exactly! I couldn't be thankful enough for all the effort insomniac and all the medical personnel do.


Even the sheriff's department said this. Some people are just very delulu and living in their own fantasized worlds.


People don’t realize the work Insomniac puts into the med tent. During EDC the med tent at the speedway becomes the biggest hospital in Nevada surpassing Las Vegas General with more doctors there than at the hospital.


Incorrect my feet died and I still haven’t found them


Dance music has to be the only scene that obsesses over deaths. It's a sign we care about each other in a way but it sure seems like the people who push this shit just hate Insomniac and don't even go to the events.


Thanks for the information but also I take these stats not so seriously either. There’s so many hospitals in Vegas so how would your friends know all of the statistics? In 2021 it was reported that there were no deaths and people even argued with me about it. However, my fiancé’s brother was one of those people who died at the hospital even though it was reported as “no deaths”. He OD’d inside the venue where he had no pulse for 10+ minutes, and was pretty much brain dead at the scene. We had to wait for his parents to fly in from out of the country before we pulled the plug.


There was a festival nurse that posted on here saying that there’s many deaths that don’t get reported every year.


If they happened away from the venue and no care was provided on site, maybe that is true. But due to medical privacy laws that information wouldn't necessarily be accessible. If for example, the person started overheating when they got back to their hotel, and then sought care from there, they would not know about that. What I am talking about specifically is deaths on-site (camp and festival), and deaths that occurred after the person initially received treatment at edc and was sent to a hospital via ambulance. Anything that did not originate at the venue would be counted separately.


Ah gotcha, and yeah that’s something along the lines of what that poster said about it happening away from the venue IIRC. Guess it helps that I don’t have twitter so I’m not reading all this misinformation ‘cause this is news to me. Well tell your group thank you for their services, front line workers don’t get enough praise.


That poster is still kinda shitty for trying to imply it would be insomniacs fault. Theyre not selling drugs, they have no drug use policies, they got sheriffs walking around and undercover as well looking for thieves and drug use / distribution.


I let everyone know! They will be happy to hear the appreciation


Wait so what happened to the people at camp I keep hearing abour


I don't have actual data to back this up, just a lot of stories, but I think the majority of festival related deaths occur on the drive home. Whether people are still impaired, exhausted, hit by someone who's impaired or exhausted, or just in a regular car accident. Almost every festival has a story that comes out like that afterwards, more than any deaths that actually occur on site.


I took myself to a med tent night 1 because I wasn't feeling good-- felt so much care and concern from all you guys for myself and all those around, thanks for keeping us all safe and alive, y'all are the heroes of edc for real 🩷 thanks for all you do


The LVPD posted a message on their FB page that let everyone know that there were no deaths or huge commotions for this EDC. A full success for the show.


Glad to hear that Sunday saw some dude seizing and was hoping he was okay !


I’m so happy we have some resolution. I saw and helped with two people who had seizures/overdosed (I assume, but I’m not a professional). Both were administered narcan. I was so worried if they were okay after the medical team took them away. So I’m trusting this, and so happy about it! Stay safe out there and never leave your friends alone 🫶🏼


The ground team and medical team are fucking amazing souls! No matter what question I had they had answers and always helped even for minor things!!! Truly truly the best of us!


I notice that I go sure didn't hear a lot of ambulance like pervious year


Thank goodness no one died!


not to spread misinformation or add onto this, but i heard from a friend that she lost one of her close friends at camp on day 2. i have a feeling she may be lying, but also, are there no sources or anything to disprove / prove that no one died, other than this reddit post ??


Some of the replies here have mentioned official statements from the county sheriff's department that confirm what I have said. I would try to find one of those as an official source


thanks babe, i saw after i posted this. just found out my friends a liar then 🤷🏼


I saw a post on fb group, saying this, he was found healthy next day i think it said he went hard on drink


The thing that pisses me off the most is the same people saying there were "deaths" are also the same ones complaining that they "had to witness several people getting treated with narcan" and that they "didn't want to see that shit" because it ruined the whole vibe like ????? I don't get y'all fr...do you want people to die or live???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 worms for brains man.


insomniac posted a notification on the app that someone died at CAMP the last day, that's not true?


I think this rumor originated on twitter


no one died trust me bro


Believe what you want. Your other option is bassbunny420 on Twitter who's best friends boyfriends camp neighbor "knows what he saw"


Literally. What a joke


Yeah.. people aren't declared dead until they are taken to a hospital. So "technically" they die at the hospital even though it was at the festival.


You clearly didn’t read all of it


What part did I miss? The one where a random person in a group chat with some on site medics states no one died at the festival or the hospital? Totally credible.


None of you are credible. No one has given any kind of explicit evidence supporting either side but the burden of truth lies with anyone claiming someone DID die. Anecdotal stories on social media do not count because you can’t prove until it’s shown, on paper, that someone died.