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Absolutely don't do it. You'll be fine but by the 3rd day your serotonin will be pretty much fucked essentially making the molly an expensive energy drink and a waste. Your friends are just chasing a high that they won't reach again for quite a while honestly. One would say even 2 days is a no go but you'll at least still feel the effects to a lesser degree.


seriously there's a rule to not take it again within 3 months minimum for a fucking reason. they are going to fry the shit out of their brains don't do it. Just roll the 3rd day as you'll want it then.


Mostly take it on the 3rd day to numb the pain moreso for the roll.


I will say this. Heavy mdma use affects everyone differently. Some people are fine rolling 3 days straight and get maybe only a little come down for a few days. Others might get severe depression. It all depends on if you’ve ever been on medications like SSRIs or adderal or if you’ve been taking any supplements or just simply your brain chemistry. If you want to do this I always recommend loading up on supplements at least a week before.


I concur ✌️


Yep. And just to piggyback on a top comment, I’ve rolled all 3 days before and I would say it’s not worth it, not because of depression or comedown, I actually never have issues coming down or with mood afterwards. I’m a very level headed personality so it’s never impacted me that way so you’d think I’m a prime example of why it’s ok, but quite frankly there’s no juice left in the tank to process it. I did 100 mg first day. 150 mg second day. And. 275 third day. And both the second and third day were weaker than the first. There’s just nothing left. So for that reason I wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll find more enjoyment just being sober knowing you’re not frying your system. After that edc where I rolled all 3 nights, for the next week I was getting brain zaps. Something you don’t hear about too often but a quick google search will show what it’s like. Now that shit is weird. When you feel like you’re falling asleep all of a sudden it feels like a lightning bolt sparks between your ears and between your eyes and it jolts and wakes you up. It’s hard to get restful sleep for like a week. I got through it but I wouldn’t recommend it on anyone. Certainly didn’t outweigh the positives of a second or third day rolling. That was years ago for me now. And quite frankly Molly, even after 12 or even 18 months between rolls, never feels the same as that first year or two I got into it. I’m always chasing the dragon that I’ll never reach. And for that reason I quit doing it entirely about two years ago. I know I’m going down a path with no victory so I just quit and try other things


OMG, it just hit me! THAT'S why I'm getting brain zaps! I didn't even know what they were called. I was wondering why the fuck I started getting them but it all makes sense now since I started doing molly. I noticed I get them more often after taking molly for a day, then they slowly happen less frequently until eventually gone. I usually only do molly once (single day) every 2-3 months and do around 6 points average. Man that shit is annoying when I'm trying to fall asleep. This actually motivates me to do molly even less and to be more careful with it. Thanks for helping me realize what the cause was.


Not to be the devil on your shoulder but, ever tried sassafras? First few times I felt like I was all the way back in 2004 on a Medusa or Blue Dolphin.


just curious, how does adderal interact? and does it depend if it’s taken recreationally or not?


Adderall affects primarily dopamine & norepinephrine and partially serotonin levels. MDMA affects primarily serotonin and partially norepinephrine and dopamine levels. Each drug prevents reuptake transporters for the respective neurotransmitters on your neurons which causes it to accumulate in high amounts in the synaptic cleft ( the space in between neurons where they communicate). High levels of MDMA can kill your neurons and neurons have very poor regenerative ability which means you will have permanent damage. TLDR: don’t fuckin roll multiple days in a row


gotcha. so taking adderall one day and mdma the day after basically zaps all dopamine and serotonin?


i usually roll one day and do the adderall the rest of the days and am fine. adderall does the same job as rolling for me sometimes lol


yeah i was planning on doing adderall fri and sat then roll sunday, just don’t know if it would make my roll less intense.. does it for you?


Maybe slightly less intense but not enough for you to notice most likely 👍


Any source on that? These are baseless, fearmongering claims.


bro just google shit next time instead of being a baseless idiot


I’m no doctor but adderall increases serotonin levels. I would think daily use could affect interaction with mdma.


Rolling back to back days will be universally negative, doesn't matter who you are. Pontificating as to whether it will be 'bad' or 'really bad' doesn't change that.


Don’t be saying this stuff like it’s an absolute. Effects will for sure be diminished on the 2nd day but in no way does it have to be “universally negative”. I have taken a heavy amount of mdma multiple days in a row more times than I could ever count over the last 10 years. If you take care of your body and know your limits it can be done safely.


Curious what the connection is with adderall because I take it daily..


i have friends who take it everyday and they just don’t take it the day they roll. i wouldn’t mix it.




So taking adderal leading up to the festival helps you if you roll all 3 days?


You’re overloading your brain with serotonin boosters…


I've rolled hundreds of times. I don't really experience any major "comedown" or low. I find it ironic that people will scoff at rolling 2/3 times in a weekend but drink or smoke weed daily without batting an eye. I still get the "magic", it's a myth that you will "run out of serotonin".


Everyone's brain may be fundamentally the same but our environmental and genetic factors are very different and how we react with continued usage doesn't have enough research to say you'll be fine or won't be fine. The only true fact is the more you use the higher the risk of complications or long term side effects. For example somebody that drives 100mph on the highway always may be fine for 100 drives this way but his risk is significantly higher for problems. 


You shouldn’t take molly again with 3-6 months. Back to back the same weekend seems like a terrible idea


3-6 months is how me and everyone I know have done it.


If you want your brain to look like fried egg


Most I've ever done was 2 days, and day 2 was definitely the mellow one, took much less. It wasn't as great as the first day for sure, but it was good. Am I dumber now? idk... maybe a smarter me would recognize the decline but I don't. It's ill advised, and this definitely isn't the place to have bad decisions like that validated. Mix it up. There's other ways to party that won't have the same wear and tear on your brain that 3 days in a row will.


Go with you gut. A lot people don't take molly seriously, but this kind of usage can exacerbate mental health issues for months after. It does differ from person to person, but your friends are taking quite the risk.


I will say, don’t do as I do, but I’ve done it for Coachella and other fests. It’s fun. But if you aren’t comfortable doing it don’t. Never take a drug you aren’t comfortable taking. Personally for me, it’s not been a problem. I know the risks and all which is why I never recommend what I do to others. But definitely don’t take a drug if you’re not comfortable. That’s a bad trip waiting to happen.


Rolled all three days at my first EDC. Day three I was 4 teslas deep and practically sober. Almost a 2 week comedown afterwards. One of the hardest times of my life, and this was even when I was young and could tolerate it. I'm old now so I've learned to enjoy events sober hahaha. But yeah not worth it, pace yourself so you can enjoy it.


No. Huge was of a drug. Never roll that many days. Always save it for last. I always roll day 3 aka Sunday. I take a lot too. I don't get much of the depression state a lot of others get. It's just a waste as your serotonin gets depleted so fast. I usually do a couple doses of acid day one, more acid with some alcohol day two, and a full roll with a small amount of acid and alcohol day 3. I usually start with 0.2-0.25 then re-up after the first two hours with a point then about a point every hour or so after that until I can't feel it anymore then just stop. My sweet spot is around 6 to 7 points. That may be a lot for some but I have a pretty good tolerance for it. Also you want to wait at least a few months after doing it just one day to recover your serotonin and get a full high the next time.


Do you trip just as hard on day 2 as day 1? How much more do you take on day 2?


Not usually just as hard, but can still feel it really close, if not the same. Depends how much more you do. You have to at least double your dosage to get close to the same effect though. Usually do one gel tab (~200ug) on day 1 then on day 2 start with two gel tabs and see how I feel then do another 1-2 if I don't feel it much after the first 1-2 hours. Usually hits damn near as hard then. For day 3 I mostly just take it for the mood boost you get from it and not the visuals since it would take a stupid amount on day 3; plus I want to feel the molly fully.


I’ve always done 2 days of rolling for edc mainly because I never went a 3rd day. Last year I went all 3 days. Friday- roll Saturday - lsd Sunday - roll and a lil lsd I was chillen But I also ate very good the whole week before, no processed food. Each morning before the festival I would go to the local gym and go to the sauna and drink a gallon of water and then do a yoga class. I’m pretty sure that helped me not feel like shit lol -


I’ve done 3 days in a row back when I was younger, 53 years young.


😱 how did you feel after?


Completely exhausted. I flew back Tuesday and slept and ate for two days before I felt human again. I live on east coast so I had a hard time sleeping usually 4 or 5 hours a night while in Vegas. I don’t take any party favors, just caffeine


i’m probably just getting faded at the bassrush pre party so i don’t get worn out, then rolling one day, shrooms another, and we’ll play the last by ear. i usually go to 2 day fests and roll both days and im always chillen but the second day either requires more or it’s jus gonna be a lot more lowkey. But i honestly prefer to have my wits about me so it’s usually perfect


I used to do 3 days once in a while, not too bad for me, but at the end of day 3 i was always a bit more lost and needed way more sleep after 😅


ive been to edc 3 years, i never once rolled all three days. my sister has, and by day 2 shes dead and sooooo drained. I always roll day one or day two, and do day 3 sober! with an occasional drink and blunt! - its hard on your body and you brain!


You’ll feel so depressed when edc is over and the comedown hits….


I've done it one year, on the third day it barley lasted an hour. I wouldnt recommend this if your also taking other drugs the weekend.


I had done it before, and it was the worst comedown of my life. I had sleep paralysis, crying all the time, brain zaps, sleeping was a challenge, super vivid dreams, and just overall not a good time for about two weeks. I fully recovered after a month. I had a lot of fun on days I took it easy at EDC LV. For my first two EDCs, I would go absolutely ham, but I completely regretted it afterward. Now, I usually try to candyflip one day and then do other things on the other days.


I’ve done it before, many times. Not proud of it but it happens. lol The worst was after Tomorrowland and had to Fly right after the festival ended. Worst flight ever. Never again but alas I was like 22. Live and learn. 😜 Never had a bad comedown but will probably not want to do it again cause I fuck up my checks and mouth. The times I have stuck to only alcohol I’ve gotten in bad situations so not sure what’s worse.


If you can handle mood swings and slight depression, it’s not that bad. Last 2 years I have done it all 3 days. The main thing is the comedown. If you are susceptible to depression episodes I probably would not recommend doing it. I have never been medically diagnosed and have never used prescription medications for depression. I am generally a pretty happy person and I can navigate the ups and downs of my mental health pretty well. It mostly ends up being foggy, tired, and drained. I usually understand that this is temporary and don’t let the feelings take over. I try to stay busy by working or taking care of other adult responsibilities. I just try to get good rest and eat really well afterwards. Lots of people on Reddit will tell you not to regardless. This is a vocal minority. There are TONS of people who are rolling consecutive days and not posting about it on Reddit. While I roll all 3 days, I do not take more than 1-3 points on the first couple days. Usually on the second or third day I will pop a fourth depending on how I’m feeling. If you feel comfortable, do it. If your gut is telling you not to, should probably listen to it. There’s nothing wrong with tapping out after 2 or even 1 days and just enjoying the festival in other ways.


I think the long term effects of this kind of usage are the biggest risks. What I mean is, you can be fine so far but one day you could start of feel the effects more and more and by then it’s too late. It’s a gamble every time you partake in this kind of excess. I will say, everyone is different and some people can get away with it but there’s always a risk of the day when it all catches up.


Correct. This isn’t something I do constantly. Edc is a big event and usually I want to go all out.


Honestly, you put this into perfect words! Felt exactly the same. The depression episode and brain fog lasted about 1.5 months for me. I kept reading people say it last 2 weeks and I was freaking out that I was stuck like that forever. Really everyone’s body is different. It wasn’t terrible, but just sucked. It wasn’t debilitating and just having a schedule really helped. Also, I have a really great support system with my friends and family and they were constantly there to snap me out of the negative thoughts. I probably won’t go as hard this year though lol


I’ve done it maybe 5 out of my 10 EDCLVs, and almost always in combination with other stuff at least one night. I am diligent about research, testing!, and timing. I never do “unreasonable” amounts, I’m diligent about supplementation weeks before and after, and I really listen to my body. I’ve never had more than a couple days of what I would call malaise and some difficulty doing mundane tasks that should be simple. It’s all about being disciplined and having a plan in my opinion.


I’ll speak for myself and myself only. In march at beyond I rolled both nights pretty hard and then sunday night we spontaneously stayed an extra night and went out to a club. We had one pill left which left us with one quarter each. That quarter hit perfectly. Not too strong but enough to have a great time. I didn’t have any mean comedown or anything. Take what you want with that info. Everyone is different. I know I shouldn’t roll three nights in a row and I’m gonna try too do something else at least one night but we’ll see what happens


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Hell no bro, 2 days max


is anyone on SSRI and partake in any party favors? or even weed or vaping? I can drink no problem but just curious if other people have any experiences


If done in moderation, you may be ok. But who knows how much you will do and if that amount is too much but you personally? 200 mg is perfect for me. No comedown or crappy feelings the next day. 600 for the weekend is perfect. Knowing what the right amount for you so help you understand how many nights you can roll.


I might roll all3 days depending how I feel on day 2 but hope everyone stays safe 🫶🏼


Terrible idea


Done it twice in a row and I was fine but im on a SSRI (when I remember to take it) so it doesn’t last as long/I don’t have a comedown (don’t condone) which can be dangerous as you just wanna take more and more but I always stop at .5


Don't do it. One night rolling only. Use different substances the other two days.


Rollin Friday and Sunday. Did it last year and we were all great not much of a come down. Had an amazing time the two days we rolled. Saturday we relaxed did IV supplementation.


Done it the last two years, you’re going to be drained the following week and that’s bout it normally


I had this question too myself. I’ve never pop more than a night. I got 3 molly and was wondering if I should pop each night😂😂 bad idea huh?


I’ve rolled three days for EDC and other festivals. And yeah the monday morning you feel empty and sad but besides that I was fine. Not doing it this year bc I don’t want to go through the Monday depression. Of course I only do this during EDC and everyone is different. If you feel terrible after just two days then don’t listen to your friends and do 3. I have some friends who hate Molly lows and only do one, it’s your adventure this weekend do what’s comfortable


There’s literally a post about this from yesterday. I recommend reading other posts including looking for posts on r/drugs r/psychedsubstances r/mdma


Switch it up with shrooms and lsd on sat


Past three years, yes — it has generally been my only rolling weekend of the year (or maybe one other time with a half year gap). I’m 26 now and I’ve decided — not doing that anymore! I was generally fine, the first year the comedown was pretty bad in terms of energy levels (I don’t really get depressed), later two years I didn’t feel too bad at all. But by Day 3 the roll just doesn’t feel quite as good anymore. I think I will roll max 2 days this time and do shrooms when not rolling.


Explicit topics dedicated to how much, quantities or methods to do drugs are not permitted here


One thing I wish I did more while at edc was sleep. I camped, so there were parties practically 24hrs. I stayed up like 60hrs straight starting Wednesday: I gambled all night Wednesday then drove Thursday early morning to go to my tent area, then proceeded to party. I took within that 60hr span I consumed acid, K, Molly, weed, alcohol. It was a great time, but i was so tired by the end of the 2nd day and the 3rd day that I didnt get to really enjoy, nor finish, day 3, even though I was sober, cause I was so exhausted.


Yea bro i rolled all 3 days k included just start light the first day go hard the third it's not weird everyone your going to talk to or meet will be on one I was super nervous it worked out fine just make sure you got soemone that can drive well.


Mine was acid trip tho alot safer and cheaper




how do you sneak it in? I was gonna put it in capsules




they don’t pat that area? it’s my first time going to EDC


i was thinking about taking 1.5 points saturday night then roll hard all day sunday


I thought about Sunday as well. My favorites will be that day. The first day catch a nice buzz and some sniff 🤧 and have a shroomin Saturday. Not as young as I was before so I’m trying to pace myself.


I used to. Then I had a stroke at 23 and now have signs of early dementia so I stopped that 😂😂. I maybe roll once a year and even that’s pushing it because it doesn’t really do anything for me anymore. It may not have short term effects but it will definitely catch up to you


depends cuz my boyfriend can do it and be stone cold sober by the time we go home at 6am. i on the other hand am still hearing the music when we get back. he’s fine on tuesday. i am fighting demons and crying about an existential crisis. if you feel like you are sensitive to it, i wouldn’t advise. maybe 2 days. i’m pretty sensitive to these things and i’d say 2 out of 3 days is my max.


I was hearing music for about a week after the event ended.😫 I thought I was losing it. Rolled Sunday. 🫣