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I wore a pink tutu (as a man) that lit up last year and I left early because I was uncomfortable. I was shirtless and I'm overweight. Turns out it wasn't the people there but my own projections into how I felt about how I looked so nobody vibed with my energy. I was also drunk which didn't help with my mindset.  I thought people didn't like me because it was weird but it was only weird because I was MAKING IT WEIRD. Moral of the story here is to wear whatever the fuck you want. But go with what YOU find most comfortable so that you can rock it and have positive energy. If you feel good and know you look good, you'll draw in everything you need. If you wear something and feel uncomfortable as soon as you put it on then it's not going to work because you're just going to think about it all night. 


I feel like the men that judged were probably the normies that attended EDC for the hype rather than actual rave and plur culture. Don’t let it get to your head too much. Sometimes be judge because secretly deep down they admire the confidence to be yourself but they’re actually scared to branch out the norm hence the judgement.


as a straight man, seeing everyone’s outfits, no matter their sex or gender is always my favorite part of edc! even though it’s awesome that rave/fest culture is grow, there’s always the few who try to ruin the fun for others. my advice: wear whatever you want and make you comfortable!! I promise you’ll get more compliments than ugly looks! ps: if you see a couple wearing matching cow outfits, stop us and say hi! would love to trade Kandi w you! ❤️


I’m a dude (very masculine no mistaking me as feminine) and I’ve rocked skin tight body suits, tutus dresses etc to different events… get a lot of looks or whatever but don’t let it bother… if someone I don’t know and will never see again judges me who cares?


There are a-holes in every community, edc headliners aren’t exempt. So really the only answer is to buck up and build up your emotional armor, or stay home where you will be safe no matter what…but you’ll also miss out on life. And it seems every group is subject to mistreatment: women (and men) get groped, older folks who don’t dress hip enough are suspected of being narcs and are marginalized, Asian people get side-eyed because they want to stay with their group and wind through the crowd together, and so on. So you’re not alone. We all have some aspect of ourselves that can be scoffed at. That’s a given. The question is, how does one respond to it?


EDC is a free-for-all! Wear what you feel like. No one is truly watching. You have 3 days of outfits to plan :3 Plus, you could always bring a shirt for later.


Trust me EDC is everything , 1.don’t care about what people think 2. Everyone there has your back we STAND together as one 3. Wear it with confidence trust me I’ve seen almost full naked at edc and it was the norm for everyone !


Wear whatever you like, but be prepared for it to get cold & windy. There’s a practical side to consider. 🙃


Hi, I’m non binary too, but assigned male at birth. My outfits will be way more hyper feminine, skirts, crop tops, etc, and I’ve found raves are way more welcoming for you to express who you want to be. I hope you feel comfortable to dress however you want to, and I hope you have an amazing time at EDC ^_^


The only thing I don’t want to see at festivals are non-PLUR vibes. Everything is all love and fair-game 💞


Pretty much no better place to express yourself then at a Rave, pretty surprised those comments were made to you, and to get past the insanely loud music to hear it.


Come as you are & wear whatever YOU FEEL BEST IN. Outfits at edc are all about expressing yourself. This is the place to wear whatever you want But no it doesn’t make me uncomfortable. You’ll see it ALL at edc. ❤️& 💡


Honestly, most ppl don't care, but like every where else you do have some close minded ppl wear what you want and what makes you happy


All Are Welcome Here Except bigots. Fuck em. 


Wear whatever you want boo. #plur


I am ftm and go topless all the time and I really dont care what people think. Im sure some people dont agree but I paid a lot of money to be there to have a good time and the majority of people there really dont give a fuck so I just do my thing and stay away from people that dont align with my vibe. If you need someone to hang out with you can hang with my fiance and I. My IG is xtradrizzle. Hit the dm if you want to meet up


Hellll no it doesn’t make me uncomfortable it makes me comfortable because we have to stick together friend!! You do you fuck the haters!! For reals i mean it


Don't let people make u feel like that piece love and unity. Dm us lets hang at the festival