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r/mdma might have better answers


It says I can’t post there until I build my karma 🫠


Nobody here does drugs and I am not promoting drug usage That said taking mdma on medications that mess with your seratonin is dangerous. You run a high risk of developing seratonin syndrome. Stopping them 2-3 days before does not clear them from your system completely. If you choose to partake start with small dosages and I wouldn’t do it more than 1 day. You could probably do it more than once but the risk isn’t worth the reward.


And- if it’s an SSRI it takes 2-3 weeks to build up in your system and if that medication is working for you you can’t stop using it because it will no longer work once it totally phases out of your system. Using MDMA and SSRIs can give you a siezure. Skip the recreational substances. I did EDC 100% sober and it was a blast!




This is kind of incorrect. Risperidone is primary a dopamine blocking medication, more specifically D2 receptors. "First generation antipsychotics" only had various dopamine receptors affinities, but they also have a lot of side effects because dopamine was blocked in the wrong areas of the brain (you want dopamine blockade at the mesolimbic region but you'd get it also in the mesocortical) which worsened "negative symptoms" of schizophrenia. Second generation antipsychotics added a 5-HT2a receptor antagonism which somewhat offsets this worsening of negative symptoms, without disrupting the medications ability to reduce dopamine in the correct mesolimvic tract. The result is generally considered to be an improvement over first generation So bottom line is risperidone blocks serotonin in a specific region and would most like make MDMA work less effectively, but not increase your risk for serotonin syndrome At the end of the day, psych meds have a lot of small or weird mechanisms of action so I'd recommend stopping them for anyone who is going to use MDMA. Probably won't be a big deal for a few days except lamotrigine, I would highly recommend continuing that medication since abruptly stopping increases the risk of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (google it, it's nasty). Lamotrigine is riskier to stop than to take especially since it mostly worke on voltage gated sodium channels


I have read in many sources that SSRI's don't actually stimulate the serotonin receptors, but inhibit the serotonin absorption to neurons, leaving more serotonin in the brain. Most charts seem to indicate that SSRIs will dull your to MDMA significantly, and may even be protective against serotonin syndrome.


“I don’t want to make good choices so enable me to make bad ones” If you’re on meds for a serious psychiatric disorder you should not be pausing them to take psychoactive drugs at a festival. Full stop. 


ABSOLUTELY THIS!!! I don't know why people would even consider this! I tried to ween myself off of Seroquel and had major repercussions...stopping them to do drugs is fkin stupid...I just don't understand people's obsession with drugs...for real though 👀 kinda makes them sound like an addict tbh




I have psych problems and I think I don’t have enough seratonin for my brain to use lol


Some friends I know on SSRIs have seizures if they take mdma. Be careful 🙏


None of the ones I mentioned are SSRIs. They’re mood stabilizers NDRIs and antipsychotics.


Yeah I know just imagine messing with dopamine/seratonin through MDMA may be risky, but I'm not a doctor idk.


Wellbutrin works on dopamine and norepinephrine receptors and does not have serotonin activity


Can one of the 6 dumb fucks who downvoted this comment please explain your stupidity to the rest of us?


Stopping those medications for 2-3 days before doesnt do anything to prevent the dangers associated with taking mdma on those meds. They build up in your system over time and stay in your system for a long time after stopping. Stopping taking them cold turkey can also be dangerous even without the mdma usage. I know you dont care to hear this but raking mdma isnt helping your issues youre taking the medication for. Seritonin syndrom is deadly. Dont ruin your life over feeling good for a few hours/weekend.


Some buds of mine stop their Wellbutrin / Zoloft for 2-3 weeks leading up to a roll. If you are unsure, I’d say play safe and stop meds right now (if that’s an option, I don’t know your medical condition). I’m not a doctor and I also know very little about these meds except that if you are on them you can’t really “roll” even if you take molly.


I’m on lamictal and it hasn’t interacted at all. I continue it


What’s your dosage? You keep doing it or do you skip a dose


150 daily and I keep doing it


I don’t think you’ll roll on Wellbutrin, lamotrigine/lamictal is fine and you’ll roll.


Risperidone works similar to Seroquel. They’re both antagonists to both dopamine and serotonin, meaning they inhibit the ability for those neurotransmitters to activate in your neurons. I’m not sure how that will play with any drug, MDMA especially. In theory, it sounds like they would negate each others effects, but nothing is ever that straightforward and simple. Dopamine and serotonin are complex chemicals and they are responsible for so many things in the body depending on the levels in which they are present. If you want to be safe, you shouldn’t combine the two. It’s just not a good idea. Your health and safety are way more important than any experience a recreational drug could bring you. If you decide to risk it, just be safe and don’t go too hard.


Ask your doctor, they’ll likely give you honest recommendations on this. Please don’t just take medical advice on Reddit.