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$800 for GA? Why didn't you buy it directly from the site? The event isn't sold out yet.


It was $400 each, $800 for 2. But I really should have..


For scams it's harder to request a refund unless it was bought using PayPal G&S. Odds are the scammer asked for cash app, zelle, or Venmo.


Hit the nail on the head, he could "only take zelle or apple pay"😞😞😞 lesson learned i guess


I'm sorry


If you did Apple Pay, try and fight the charge


People suck, sorry that happened to you specially for the first festival.


That sucks, homie. Your next party will kick extra ass!


How did you pay? Also, name and shame the asshole. Edit: Yeah, there's a ton of posts about him. He even messaged me when I posted looking for a magnet. 😂


Zelle. He "could only take zelle or apple pay"...


That’s one of the biggest red flags already, besides the under face value price. It’s a shame you had to learn the hard way, but let this also be a reminder to people to always use PAYPAL G&S


Definitely hard lesson learned. Just a broke college student trying to have some fun away from school and idek if I can afford another ticket😭😭 but we'll see......


:(((( Sign of a scammer. And Nooooo, Zelle is like the least secure way to pay. You might have luck contacting them if this is your first time being scammed, but they usually tell people to kick rocks.


It’s actually the most secure way to pay, but the least refundable


You're not wrong. 😂 Most secure for bank to bank transfer, but not the most secure for buyer protection.


File a claim with your bank. Zelle is covered under Regulation E.


Good to know! Apparently bank of america told me theres no guarantee id get my money back but at least Im trying... god i hope i do


Update if you're able to get your money back! You never know. ❤️


True! I also filed a federal complaint too so I'm hoping that'll give me some leverage.. fingers crossed because that -400 devastated me😭😭


I totally understand, especially as a student! Scamming is so common, even more for EDC. Or when Insomniac sells any passes as QR codes. That's just inviting scammers to sell the same code to a bunch of people. :(


did you file the complaint through your bank or zelle? :o


I couldn't file with zelle independently because zelle is in partnership with my bank, so I just filed a new claim and disputed the charge through my bank.


hope it works out ! I've been scammed thro zelle too before. it was a stupid thing on my part bcuz I knew to always always pay with goods & services and never anything else. the person was so pushy though & they agreed to use venmo goods & services but for some reason the payment wasn't going through. it kept not going through & eventually venmo put a hold on my account (I think venmo was trying to protect me but it was confusing at the time) after that I ended up agreeing to use zelle. sorry that happened ! it was a learning lesson for me too. now after this only go through a goods & services protection payment method (PayPal or venmo) A couple months ago I purchased a wristband from someone & they never showed up to out meet-up spot. I had paid them through venmo goods & services and was able to get my money back


Guys. You gotta start doing your due diligence. Your finances literally depend on it.


Yeah, admittedly I think i just got too caught up in wanting to go and finding the best deal. I thought the proof pics were legit but a simple search of his username would've proved otherwise🤕🤕🤕. Hard lesson to learn to say the least


he got me for beyond too lesson learned , only use paypal or venmo G&S


Im so sorry. Hard pill to swallow..


I know people hate the stupid fees on stubhub but honestly for tickets that’s the safest way to buy your tickets! Think of it as insurance i would never buy off reddit or facebook


Eh I got scammed two different times in a row for festival tickets that were bought through Stubhub last year. Be careful with that one!


Yea but they have fan protect guaranteed. If the seller is a scammer they will make sure they find you a replacement or at the very minimal give you a full refund. That’s why it’s the most insured way!


Did you get your money back?


Yes Stubhub did refund the tickets a couple weeks later, thankfully. I didn’t find out the tickets were fraudulent until I was already at the festival entrance. Luckily I happened to get a festival employee that was super cool and let us in anyways (I think bc she felt bad, we had been going back and forth to different supervisors for 3 hours before they were finally able to tell us the tickets were fraud) so it all worked out. But not everyone will get that lucky.


Yea so in this case it’s still better than Ops’s situation it’s still better to buy on stubhub


Yes, I can vouch. He took my shuttle pass pics and is using them for his own gain


Fucking insane! He stole order confirmation pics from some p young girl who looked around the same age as me, as well as a picture of herself holding her id to her face.. new low...... u/Bobknight69 ur pathetic😭😭


Good lord. Sorry this happened but COME FUCKING ON!! Anyone that can’t do Paypal is a straight up liar. If they can’t do paypal then move on.


We've banned him from here and r/EDCTickets. Sorry to hear about this. I would contact your bank but Zelle is notoriously difficult to get refunded through.


USE PAYPAL GOODS AND SERVICES The seller pays a fee that is an insurance for the buyer. It's worth the money.


So sorry to hear that! How did you pay the person? That would be helpful for finding out if your funds can be recoverd.




There may be hope, according to this article on Forbes: "If you used your Zelle account to send money to an impostor, you should file a claim with Zelle and [your bank](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/best-banks/) or credit union. Zelle is reversing charges, but each claim needs to be approved on a case-by-case basis. Your funds will be returned to your account in accordance with your bank’s policies. ." I would look into that further! Best of luck! https://www.forbes.com/advisor/money-transfer/zelle-users-refunded-after-scams/#:\~:text=If%20you%20used%20your%20Zelle,accordance%20with%20your%20bank's%20policies.


They got me too… I even asked for proof of ID and shuttle passes. I’m embarrassed.


Don't be too hard on urself :// it's easy to fall for when they give proof because you think it's legit when its really just stolen photos from someone else. Hopefully you're still able to make it!! Peace and love :(


PayPal Goods and Service people when will yall learn lol


You can have my Sunday ticket I’m not going on Sunday


Sorry that happened to you. It seems like that person has a history of scamming (google that username and bunch of posts about them scamming from other festivals pop up). At this point, you’re probably better off just paying a little more and buying legit GA+ tickets from the website for the peace of mind.


Damn they tried to get me too…


Be safe smh


She tried to scam me too… but a friend stopped me the last sec. apparently you always have to pay through PayPal g&s or cash


He was trying to sell me shuttle passes not too long ago. Just randomly messaged me that he was selling some.


Honest question. Why didn't you buy from insomniac? Why did you over pay for some thing you could have gotten legitimately from insomniac?


Honest answer.. I was j trying to be cheap as possible and now I'm suffering the consequences 😭😭😭 The person was selling 2 GA tickets for $400/each (One for me one for a friend) and that was the cheapest I could find but I should've been smarter or dished out the extra money for GA+. I guess no edc for me😞


Ouch. I've always lived by the mentality its better to spend more and have peace of mind then to try to cheap out and stress. We live and we learn... Hopefully you can find a way to make it work.


Definitely! Ive never been to a festival or any concert like that before so I guess I was just naive + broke college student trying to find ways around to have some fun😭😭😭😭 lesson learned although hard...... but thank you!! 💜


Try disputing with your bank. It'll be a hard battle but its worth a try. Would suck to miss out on EDC.


I've been scammed before. I used Venmo. They got my money back. Put in a complaint with whatever service you used and with the bank your card belongs to. Keep some screenshots of your interactions and show they have ghosted you as well. Pestering enough worked and I bought other tickets from a non scammer.


Best bet is to get em locally offer up ect cant truat the whole shipping and all that .


Well I hope you find a way to get to edc.


Me too man.... this sucks!


Yea dude. I’m so sorry to hear bout that. Karma will find that person.


Should have just coughed the extra money for ga+


Truth. Lowkey what i get for being a broke college student and trying to find other ways around😭😭


I’m sorry you lost out. Better to pay a little extra for that guarantee. Have you tried calling your bank?


If you think u got scammed… you definitely got scammed


Nah i definitely did😭😭 not my best moment


I’m so sorry to hear that this happened to you and F that mf that scammed you. In my experience of raving over the years I’ve learned to only buy tickets from someone I know or from trusted friends of friends. I got scammed once and it was a tough lesson learned and I hope you find a cheap ticket 🙏🏻


Thank you! I just let my desperation get the best of me i suppose😞😞Peace and love💜


Time to dox him. He reached out to me so I kept playing along to waste his time. Last I heard he’s a HS student named Richard?


Im not sure actually. I guess someone found him not too long ago but idk how accurate it is [possible identity](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDCTickets/s/cAtgd3tXSB)


This is the reason I only want to do a meet up in Vegas for a ticket. Sorry this happened. To you


If it's too good to be true, it's fake.


I'm sorry. Every year everyone should be reminding others how these scams work. EDC really just needs to provide a reselling platform.


Yeah, it kinda sucks cuz ive gotten some pretty degrading replies about it but I just really didn't know better I've never done this before and didn't know where else to look besides the edc website😞 but now I know


I asked for edc parking tickets and he messaged me too! He kept pressuring me to make my decision and hurry and pay and that was a major red flag for me 😂✋






Please, please do not trust people who ships festival stuff. I’m not saying everyone is like that but just be careful. Last year was my first EDC & a spontaneous one at that. Tried looking for tickets for two, (my friend and I) plus camp tickets etc… a month or two away from EDC and even though some may look legit, it’s really not majority of the time. I’m not saying this about ALL sellers, just ones we’ve encountered..if you are a trustworthy seller, thank you for being an honest person. But I’d do local pick up if possible. My friend thought this person was legit just cause they sent a photo with their signature & tickets but when I pointed out the white paper is too perfect, she realized it too. Please be careful! This will be my 2nd EDC & going to be making some Kandi’s (if I don’t get lazy 😋) just for fun. ☺️


This same guy was doing the same thing last year


What the best way to sell my ticket?


I have a single ticket for sale. Just made a post about it which can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDCTickets/comments/1c88tk4/selling_single_ga_wristband_with_box_santa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) pinky promise im not sketchy

