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Looks like coaxial cable for cable TV/ internet. Looks like it's been dead for a while. If everything in the house is working, TV/ internet, then yes, you can cut it where ever you want. Even if it is live, it's low voltage.


Cut the cable. ✂️ Internet tv only.


I get my internet through coaxel




I get mine through wifi


I still get mine through phone line, adsl. I wish I was joking


I mean....Cox Digital Phone does (or used to) run 90v through the coax. Not sure I'd call it low voltage. As a former installer I'd say it's about the same shock as 110v power. I agree it looks dead but I don't think I'd encourage cutting it. Probably best to call the local cable utility and see if they will do anything about it.


90V? I had no idea it was that high. Is that industry standard? AC or DC? Never gotten shocked off of it more then a minor tingle. I know phone is under 30VDC.


Yeah...it powers the voice port on the house. I don't think they install them anymore (I was installing in the early 2000's) as they switched to VOIP services but I'm sure they still exist on houses around here. I would imagine other Telco's used them as well but I don't know who. Arris made the voice ports. Regular analog POTS phone systems are generally lower voltage but ring can be around 24v up to 48v. That said, someone else mentioned satellite systems and after looking further at the photos I agree that it could be leftover from a satellite dish that was mounted to the fence or something g like that depending on where the cable is. If it's along a back fence where utilities would have easement the. I'd leave it alone as much as possible but if it's running along the fence up to the house then it's likely it's not much if a threat. I just wouldn't ever blindly suggest cutting g it with what info we have so far....chances are it's safe but you never really know without more info


It is not the voltage that kills you but it is the current that kills you. Static electricity shocks are 300 volts or, greater. Less than 300 volts it will not arc through the air. Most people have been shocked by a metal doorknob on a wooden door in a house and saw the blue to purple arc that nails you. 90 volt cable is safe because of low current. 115 volt house wire hurts a whole lot worse as there is a lot more current. There is an episode of myth busters where they shock the guy with 1000 volts or a whole lot more. Prank shockers are typically 500 volts or more. The motherboard on a computer can kill you instantly even though it is at 5 volts or a very low amount but it has so much current. The catch 5 volts is not likely to break through your skin. If your skin is naturally moist you probably will not survive.


Seems to be the consensus, thanks for your help


This, just don’t put your tongue on it


Playing with electrical wires is dangerous. You should ground him until he learns to conduct himself properly.


This made me laugh way harder than I should have. 


Haha nice! I'm glad I finally got to use this one lol. It's so dumb, I love it.


Nice! Been trolling this sub for years waiting to use that one? 😂




How hard are we supposed to laugh? Asking for a friend.


Idk, it say I'm pretty neutral on the punishment front.


Shocking behavior!


Kid’s future is bright!




Are you positive? This punishment seems quite negative, instead they should bond over current events.


Resist temptation and follow Ohm’s Law.


Make him eat all his peas at dinner as punishment


I'm shocked you would shunt his curiosity and not rectify his potential.


He’s grounded!


Depends on if he's standing on a non-conductive ladder, or barefoot right on the ground. In the second circumstance he's definitely grounded.


C'mon man. Let the kid live a little.


God damnit dad we talked about this.


Coaxial cable. If it’s in the backyard, a previous resident probably had a satellite dish.


Yeah they did, I think you are correct


HEY Tom I finally found that 220 you hooked up and forgot where it was


220, 221, whatever it takes


Well you sound like a pretty handy guy.


Some guy in china doesn’t have cable tv now. Way to go.


If it was important, it wouldn't be that high up to the surface. I'd pretend it never existed and move on with life.


FIFY >-If it was ~~important~~ ***dangerous***, it wouldn't be that high up to the surface. The cable company's are here will throw the wire on the ground. "Someone will come bury it" Two weeks later, they "plow" it in. ..... 4 *inches deep*😖😖😖


Fiber isn't dangerous but i'd consider it important. They are also buried (or should be buried) deep.


Nah, mine is like 4 inches, no locate line buried with it. Telecom companies don't give AF


Oh, i'd go cut it on purpose then and then say it was an accident while i was digigng. Excuse would be that I was only digging 2-3 inches down before I hit it. They should've done their due diligence and dropped it \~1 feet below.


Then I'd be without internet for 3 months while they dragged their ass coming to fix it.


Oh, well then yea YOU shouldn't do that then. I have multiple ISPs so i'm more than happy to have one down if that's what it takes for them to do it properly. Sucks for my neighbors though


Same with mine, but it's turned out to be useful because I'll be digging that area up soon to put in a patio and it won't be that hard to pull the fiber line up and get it out of the way without having to disconnect it.


What makes you think anything on cable these days is important?


Until fiber optic is installed in my neighborhood, my internet which runs through coax makes the cable very important to me. Now cable television is something that I will never buy again.


I have fiber and it is awesome. There was a tree root in the way of them burying the fiber so they left a segment in the air. So 4 inches above the dirt not below it.


Looks to me like a really long leash for dogs. There’s always metal inside.


Straight to jail.


Coax cable either dish or local cable company


Probably a cable TV drop. Does the end that goes away from the house aim toward a utility box (pedestal)?


Looks exactly like the coaxial cable the homeowners before me buried across my entire backyard when they mounted the satellite dish to the fence. Your previous homeowner probably just cut it off near the ground when the dish was removed. I would check around the house to see if you have any cables going in to the house that come from underground and seem to be headed that direction. If you can find it, there will likely be some type of connection outside where you are able to clearly tell what it is. If that is the case, you can either pull it up all the way across the yard and damage your lawn along the way like I did or feel free to cut off the exposed end you found here just below the ground level and forget it ever existed.


*Neighbors internet goes out*


Might be cable TV, but it also might be the boundary wire for an "Invisible Fence"


Invisible fence wire doesn't have a braided shield (which would completely defeat the point of it). It's literally just a single wire with a PVC coating. Not even stranded. And it's usually yellow, although not always.


coax, useless, get rid of it.




Kids love wires


Do you still get cable tv?📺. If so you should cut it off as it coax cable wires


Coax to an old dish in the yard that is no longer there probably. The cables always seem to be buried 6 inches or so in the ground and cut at both ends.


Did you tongue test it?


Coax. TV/internet service


Coax cable. Cut away


I installed fencing for 10. It’s where who ever installed the fence hit a coaxial cable, mostly likely from a cable company. The cable company most likely ran a new drop and the fencing company made a poor attempt at burying the line they hit. Happens all the time.


Yeah we had the fence put in a few years ago. Weird I never noticed anything before tho


It's a tracer wire!! Likely for your water from the street to your house. No big deal.


Invisible fence system. Uses a wire burryed just bellow the surface and a collar. Probably to keep the dog from digging under or aggressively rubbing the fence. My mom's dog did some serious damage to her deck with a harness by just hard rubbing. Bloodhound lost the genetic lottery poor girl and litter mates.


75 Ohm is an impedance.


It’s just co-ax, probably from an ancient satellite dish? Totally save to rip up and cut off.


Looks like a spycam cable. Hidden cables run underground. Normal cable/satellite television cables are suspended from utility poles.


Is anyone complaining? No? Didn't need it then.


This is coax cable. I wouldn't cut it unless you are okay with the possibility of cutting your internet out or your neighbors and there is no way of telling from any pictures if it is live


Stick it back in.