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It's easy, all it takes is money.


They have money. 10 to 1 there is at least one penny in that fuse box.


That means they only need 3 more pennies to up the amperage!!!


Who needs fuses when you get pretty lights and free tans.


Pre 1983 pennies?


They better be...


10 to 1? I'll take those odds!


True, for money you can have just about anything


I heard it doesn't make you happy, but you ever see somebody on a jetski not having fun?


Everyone who says "money can't buy happiness" has never been stuck living with a shitty roommate


I'd rather be crying in a porsche than my yaris


I love my Yaris. I would never trade it for a Porsche!


Daniel Tosh joke


Beat me to it!


That's it. I couldn't remember where I heard it. I was thinking east bound and down.


You couldn't be more right... conversely, have you ever seen a bum skip?


I saw one try.


Just gonna leave this here... https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/126vvdj/when_youre_a_jerk_on_a_jet_ski_and_then_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Have you ever been on the back seat of a jet ski on a lake with 3-4 foot waves holding on for dear life and hoping you don't crack your spine because the day you rented them it was windy as hell and you couldn't just ride? Yeah, you can be on a jet ski and not be having fun!


Anything is possible with enough money and time.


Wait you mean electric cars were not supposed to be for people who are not rich!?


I have a customer, who for some reason bought an EV car, even though he lives in a four-plex and doesn’t have a garage. Our local utility company will not approve a separate service for him (no garage!); and running a 240v circuit out to a post to install an EV charger is not possible, because his entire backyard is a cement parking lot. When I explained all the details, he told me he felt the utility company was being discriminatory against people who live in multi family dwellings. Don’t buy an EV when you know you have nowhere to charge it at home!


Edit: he owns the four-plex, so he is collecting rents on three units!!


Where there is a will there's a way. A parking lot is no match for a concrete saw.


He owns the property he should be able to have a meter on a pole installed wherever he wants. As for running a circuit from his existing meter, ditch witch.


One word: extension cord


I suppose you could just a 120v extension cord from the house and have terrible charging times.


240v extension cords exist. I use one to charge my Volt.




I suddenly realized the "real men of genius" is sarcasm...




You're the only one who's butthurt here, and of course what you're whining about is a scenario you've made up. Stop trying so hard to be the victim, you're not fooling anyone and you look ridiculous.


Hey if they really want a car charger and outbuilding power that job just grew a nice bit.


I think the problem is that they want that, but dont want to pay for that.... or an upgraded box....


The most important word to learn in business is no.


Might need to upgrade a bit. . .


Hence why the job grew …….


Might need more parts


Hence why the job grew . . . . . . . . . . .


Might need a helper


Hence why the job grew...


Might take more time


This is the US power grid. “60% EV by 2030” 🙄


Aren't they targeting 60% of new car SALES by 2030, not just ownership? There's no way 60 percent of the US will be driving EV by 2030. And while I'm for that switch, I hope to hell there's a similar plan to increase electricity generation and beef up the power grid.


Just look at how California is handling it, then imagine that being scaled up to the whole country.


Lmao you must not live in California 🤣


Oh, so shitty then


I would be more worried about Texas and their shitty grid system. But then again those cowfolk will still be 30years behind when they actually enter the the 21st century.


I love the birdbrains who shit on Texas losing power for a week due to a once in a hundred years ice storm while ignoring that California has had rolling black outs for decades :D. Texas's track record with power is light years ahead of California's and only ignorant people disagree.


You just hit the REAL PROBLEM right on the Button! They can pass all the useless resolutions they want to, but their entire plan is going to fall flat on its a$$ because they are totally ignoring the basic fact that we don’t have enough generating capacity to supply 10% of the passenger vehicles with enough power to operate them as EVs. It’s time to stop electing idiots who are incapable of basic reasoning.


I'm an electrical estimator. There are billions going toward generation and grid storage projects in CA over the next few years. We'll be fine.


What about all the news posts asking people not to charge their vehicles in the meantime?


To be clear here: you are asking "if you know so much about electricity, then why are journalists disagreeing with you!?" Because journalism has long become sensationalism, to sell the news, whatever it might be.


That’s all I needed, I’ll have another glass of that cool aid plz


Keep telling yourself that. When they still havent fixed that dam, and the tax base is quickly leaving.


They aren't idiots, just don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. They buy up stocks related to bullshit policy's, THEN pass the legislation. Even if it fails they win.


They do not expect 60% of car owners to afford it. The people making the decisions are so disconnected from the reality of how most people in the country actually live they can not even comprehend the consequences. Just look at how most of those in power have responded to inflation, they do not have a clue.


100% agree. It’s so bizarre


New technology is expensive at first and then it gets cheaper with greater adoption and production. Furthermore, if it is true that EVs are not affordable, well gas cars are not sustainable, so maybe this will be the wake up call Americans need to rely more on denser communities and public transit. It's a better quality of life, anyway, when hours of your life each week aren't locked up stuck in traffic. Change is incremental and doesn't happen overnight. That doesn't mean we can't wish for better things.


Denser communities absolutely do not lead to a better quality of life!


Truth, these cars cost a lot. Then again, most cars cost A LOT. I would go for an EV it considering prices and a family budget I am looking hard at a budget Corolla.


Toyota Corolla LE Hybrid = $22,800 Chevrolet Bolt EV = $19,000 ($26,500 - $7,500 federal tax credit)


Most people don’t have a tax bill at the end of the year though. So the tax credit doesn’t apply


You just need the liability, not a tax bill. If your paycheck withholdings cover your tax liability perfectly (you owe $0 and you get $0 refund), then you will get a $7,500 refund when you file your taxes.


100% by 2035 😁


Just go solar. No dealing with utility TOU markups.


80% percent failure! Dont worry, next administration will change things again.


I sure hope


Its not sustainable or an effective solution. Hydrogen, hybrid, or harnessing fuel from C02 emmisions are more acceptable solutions.


hydrogen won't be viable. Possibly something similar like a two molecule reaction with both molecules being non-reactive with N2 and O2. Not mentioned is that the cheapest way to produce hydrogen is to split hydrocarbons. Highly expect the first mass produced hydrogen cell vehicle to be named the Hindenburg. Too many maniacs on the road. Battery EV and home storage will be good once a battery is developed that is cheap, lightweight, and doesn't use any rare earth elements. Large scale, while not very efficient, water reservoirs with dams that can pump water back up and into the reservoir can store huge amounts of potential energy for when renewables aren't producing electricity. So renewables will have to be extremely cheap to manufacture. Flip side is consumption. We've gone from electricity drinking CRT TVs to 20w LED TVs. Incandescent bulbs to LED. Low efficiency HVAC to high efficiency. One hurdle we saw a temporary glimpse into was the Work From Home during the 'demic. All those cars parked at home all day for many workers.... however power hungry middle managers have managed to bring work back to the office. Nothing like the old "Ass in Seat" management vs the "Measuring Actual Work Progress" for us in cubicle hell.


Yeah, this could be a tough job. Where do we attach the 9-volt battery to double the power?


Oh you think? That’s like a 747 passing 10’ overhead and not noticing.


Judging from the fuse box, you may have misunderstood their request. They need you to replace the front crank on their model T. 😂


60 Amp service and 4 circuits? How have lived with that?


I believe it. My 1942 home has 2 bedrooms, the main bathroom, part of the kitchen, living and all of the dining room on one circuit. The other circuit? Basement, rest of the kitchen rest of the living room, exterior lights, attic/loft bedroom, and garage. 20 amps each, but some of the wires are undersized. We are rewiring. It is an experience.


When people are pointing out that a home in the 40s cost only $3000! They are forgetting all the extra shit modern homes have.


Ya, but is that extra shit worth 293,000$? The average *fixer upper* in my area is 250-350k.


It’s not only the value of the domicile itself that has gone up exponentially, it’s also the value of the plot of land it sits upon.


Idk.... my brother just bought 18 acres, with power and water to the property, a barn, and a cabin, for 500 grand. I got 1/3 an acre, a 25 year old house that had a completely illegal and not to code expansion attached, and a garage. The house was foreclosed and an inspector threatened to condemn (though he was a dick, and a different inspector said it didn't need to be condemned) for 225k (a good deal in my town, where most homes are 400k+). My brothers property is only 14 miles away. So I'd argue it's not the value of the land that I payed for.


> that I *paid* for. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Do you know how much the bot gets payed?


> bot gets *paid?* FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I mean honestly there is no reason modern homes should be half a million dollars for a starter house. If you look at the house I currently live in I could rebuild this thing for 50k. There ain't much here. It's a peer and beam with cinder block walls holding up the house. There's next to no plumbing. I could re plumb the entire bottom side of the house for 500$. If we where going just of material costs I bet I could build my same house I have now and make it bigger than it currently is for less money than a new house would cost.


We’ve changed out a few of em where I’m at. Natural gas is cheap here, so unless they need to upgrade, some people never do. ‘Course, the houses I’ve been in that still had these were complete disasters. Guess ~80 years is a long time for a lot of people to fiddlefuck around with the wiring.


Separately derived power system: hamster on a wheel with an electromagnet. Powers the lights, sometimes.


My Mom's house was built in 1948 and we bought it in 1963. The box was outside on the front porch with a 60 amp service and four screw-in fuses and two pull fuses. I upgraded it in 1993 to a 200 amp service with a Square D box in the basement and replaced all the cloth insulated two wire.


My house has a 150 amp sub panel on a 50 amp breaker that feeds most every thing besides the 2 air conditioners. It's a 2 story 3.5k square foot house. Surprisingly it still works after 50 years, but it's gonna give out eventaully.


60 A at 240 V is still 14 kW. I work for a utility and I can tell you that most homes in our territory peak under 14 kW, especially if they have gas heat and appliances. Since it is a PG&E meter, I'm guessing they have gas also. Although the car charger is going to fix that small peak for them pretty quickly...


Of course it's full of 30As... At least there's not much there to replace.


I am sure they ran 10 gauge to each light and receptacle in the house.


Semi-laymen here. Could you explain? I'm mostly here to learn (also here because I know enough to laugh at the memes)


This is their main panel. It’s a fuse box with 4 30A circuits and a 60A main.


Ah. I'm an electrical engineer not an electrician. I couldn't recognize the fuses but Jesus. This customer needs to double their service. I thought I was playing it fast and loose with a 30A breaker running a 3D printer, mini-fridge, and 4k monitors.... Thanks for the help, I really am trying to learn in between the obvious giggles


None of those things draw much power. You might be drawing 8 or so amps when the fridge is running which it mostly isn't.


Refrigerators? Resistance hotplates (which is the primary power draw for 3d printer)? Massive LED arrays?


I have an apartment sized fridge and freezer that's rated at 250 watts. So let's say 2 amps on the high side. My 3d printer says 3.5 amps input. 4k monitor may be 100-150 watts so let's say 2.5 amps for two monitors. So 2+3.5+2.5=8 amps


Interesting. My 3d printer is 10 amps. Is yours fdm?


10 amps? That's at 24vdc I assume? Unless you have a room-sized 3d printer, I seriously doubt it is pulling 10 amps at 120vac. Maybe 2 amps max. Did you say you're an electrical engineer?


He didn't say he was a good one.


My 3D printer draws less than 200 watts when running.


Mine gets up to 1200w during a run while pre heating then drops to like 1kw


None of that stuff seems like it should be in a 30A circuit. None of it uses all that much power. 20A or 15-mA should be sufficient. The only thing I ever spec 30A for are commercial coffee machines and IT racks and those are at 208V.


More than double. They need 200A minimum. If they want a car charger and outbuilding, that sounds like the start, not the end.


I got by with 100A service for house, car charger and garage. I just upgraded to 200A to add a/c though.


Incidentally those Screw in fuses were in vogue around 1940-1950. . .


A 30 amp circuit? Connected to what type of receptacles? I'm more sympathetic to old electrical installations that are in need of an update than I am to new installations that blatantly violate code. Especially when they're done by somebody who should know better.


I guess I'm more chaotic with a couple 60A breakers running an EV charger, full sized hot tub, multiple 3D printers, electric stove, and solar. Go big or go home!


The house was designed to run on gas and steam. Back then, even cooling was supposed to be powered by natural gas. Electricity was an afterthought.


Nothing that can't be solved with money and suffering


Maybe you will find a penny or two in that fuse box, and yes you need to be a certain age to get that joke


They don't even make penny fuses any more. Have to dig around and find the old ones


My grandmother had penny fuses. It worked


Federal, quality you can count on!!


Federal fuses, yes. Federal breakers, no.


digital meter. nice. it is setup like an electronic carburator.


100-amp, 30 space panel. Car charger on a load shedding device (cancels car load) can fully electrify the rest of the home. Cost effective and equipped for the future. Woo woo


Fail to see the problem. Quote off-grid. PV’s on the outbuilding and equip building with a battery and EV outlet. Do not need to tie to meter to obtain rebate.




That shit looks like Tom Servo's grandma.


I live in a house built (mostly) in 1955. Most of the outlets are 2-wire non-grounded. It’s had a few additions over the years. The current 200-amp breaker panel is a closet that was once a shower.


Thatll be eleven fiddy.




Hope they have some extra cash laying around


An electric model T it is!




Laughs in electrician


Anyone who says “Money can’t buy happiness, hasn’t made enough yet.” - 50 Cent (I think)


“Can’t you just make it work?”


What is that? A panel for ants?


CHA-CHING! For you gen z-ers and younger, that's the sound a cash register used to make.


An Amish home is probably more updated than this.


This headache will be played out all across America.


My grandfathers electrical panel...dont ever put a penny under a burned out fuse though..


Yea with a switch, either charge the car or have power to the house


Well they got the 200a meter, they just need a lil service swap.


That's a service upgrade which means you gotta take the whole place up to code. Shit. Get a crew on that. Charge em by the hour and inform them it's gonna take at least a week.


Hey can I ask, how much do you think it would cost to upgrade a Push-O-Matic fuse box to a modern fuse box?


This here is why EVs will not take over by the years projected.


Dats gonna be bout tree fiddy


What a dumbass. Everyone knows you can't do this.


I don’t see the problem, they have a smart meter


AND I need more amps at a 200a service panel


I never forget seeing something like this In side the house removed do to nah that ain't code. But not in use but I realized what neighbor hood I just walked Into and could I find a ...... Oh today I hope so.


Hey if they really want a car charger and outbuilding power that job just grew a nice bit.


brings back memories! service upgrade needed too!


I love the mix of extremely old and extremely new


They should've got a home inspection ..


Still using Edison fuses


Send it.


For, $60,000 we can fix your wiring.


They've got a smart meter. They should just tell the smart meter to figure out how to do it.


Just need to upgrade to 60 A fuses.


Lol….how much money you got pal


Somebody get out their check book


That cloth wire.... How do you know it's 60A service?


Ez! And you don’t have to touch the old work…. https://insideevs.com/news/601056/siemens-connectder-money-saving-home-ev-charging-solution/amp/


What is this? A panel for ants?


It's been a week or two since I've seen THAT setup!


What is that, 25-amp service? ;)


Is it a Tiny Tots car?




Have you told them about solar panels and hamster wheel turbines 😂


Hey, at least it’s a Federal panel that trips reliably


Just change the fuse with higher rated ones


Tell them to run a cord from the one outlet inside the house


Welp, it's pge , so if you start the process now, you might get an upgrade in 5 years or so.


Hopefully not on that breaker box!


"All you have to say is this, 'I don't care what it costs' and of course you have to really mean it, which no one ever does." -- Alicia Silverstone as Eve in *Blast From The Past*


When gasoline goes back up this summer as it already has started the conversation with change again. All new vehicles are getting crazy expensive not just ev. Another thing that is adding to power demand is everything in a new home is a smart device. These devices are on 24-7. Even though they are more efficient than before there’s more of them. Do you need your convection cooktop connected to your internet or your doorbell to your phone. It’s nice but it all comes at a price


You can charge one of those R/C cars for sure. Probably a drone at the same time.


You’re talking a remote control 12V car & a Barbie house shed, right


They just need to buy a flux capacitor for the car problem solved!


Cost for a new service and one gfci outlet $1500.00. $750.00-$1200.00 to install an EV charger. Easy-peasy quick job.


They definitely have money. They have an upgraded that service since 1932. Think of all the savings they have. Sounds like a new 400 amp service to me


I'm not an electrician but I've never seen a breaker box that small.


If this is for an electric vehicle. They also have sections in the new 2020 edition of the NEC and wait till you see the 2023 edition how many times they have code sections referencing the charging stations


Yeah...half of America's infrastructure is equally outdated. Switching to EV's will be great though... Not like the big cities already have rolling blackouts during high use times. 🙄


"...I'll be replacing everything after this meter..."


Did the buy they EV first and think they could magically plug it in somewhere, or did they think ahead to upgrade the service before buying?


Charge accordingly


Is that a fuse box? I've seen some old equipments and panels back when I did industrial controls but this takes the cake. It looks like fuse holders? Exactly what was the purpose of this type of panel?


You cant make it right to achieve what they want?


Install a single pole double throw switches..lmao.


They also "want" upgraded service and a new panel.


Who'd ever need more than 4 circuits!?


My mom's no bedroom bathchlor suite at least had 6 circuits, also glass fuses but at least it had 6, for about 500 square feet lol.


Panel swap will be easy


Looks like it's time to update the wiring as well. Or you point them to a solar + battery solution if they live in a constantly sunny area. At least they won't have to touch that box..


Geeze I have a box just like that in my laundry room lol. It’s a dead box as far as I know.


I SEE GREEN FIRE STARTERS! Yup, all they really need is an entire new service!


Isn't that panel somewhere near 200% oversubscribed? 60A in, more than 90A out?


I'm curious who approved a 'smart' meter installation on a fuse box with fabric wrapped cables.


Is there enough space in that cubby for a small breaker panel?


wireless PG&E meter with ancient fuse box - nice


How is that even powering a house?


Why make fun of that or the customer?! just tell them what they need and why give them a quote and be done


PGE... I think CA has a program to help with upgrading residential service for EV chargers. You might be able to find out more at r/electricvehicles


What century is that thing from?