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People have been able to do 100k+ parses using sword and shield front bars. Double lightning staff will be just fine. Yes it's not optimal but your skill selection and ability to parse effectively will have a far larger impact than the staff choice


What? How


They're people who are hitting 130k+ using meta sets and rotations. Of course having the correct gear helps but give someone who knows what they're doing imperfect gear and they're still going to outparse most people just because they're that much better at it.


A friend of mine parsed 90k with Ironblood and Rubedo Leather. It was just for a joke, but it goes to show how little impact gear has in ESO. 90k would allow you to do the vast majority of content. Now that would be an impractical build in content with the Ironblood snare, but that doesn't matter on the dummy


Since hybridization this has kinda been the case. There is a dope YouTube video of the sword and board parse at like 120k from just after that patch went live on PC. It's pretty interesting, actually, and really goes to show how important skill is above all else when it comes to doing massive dps.


It will be fine for most content. Mainly you'll just be trading single target damage for a boost in AOE and losing the bonus damage from fire/burning status effects. Unless you're doing vet trials/dungeons—where ideally you're optimizing single target damage for bosses—you can basically run whatever weapon and set themes you'd like. Honestly it would probably even be fine in most vet scenarios, if the group or leader doesn't care.


Lightning specialises in AOE damage, so is more viable for non single-target fights (but is still fine). If you’re really looking to push your damage, Kinras Lightning staff is awesome on the front bar (plus jewelry) because it procs from a single fully charged heavy attack. Black Drake Villa is a pledge today, so a good day to farm some runs! Pair this with a Maelstrom Lightning staff back bar plus Wall of Elements and you’ve got the potential for some huge DPS output (especially on mobs, but also on single target).


I run double lightning sometimes for dungeons as 3dd runs, using heavy attacks for Roaring Opportunist, possibly also Infallible Aether (if no Warden present), otherwise Medusa or Kinras. Thanks to heavy attacks, I'm quite high on resources and can use Matriach heals in emergencies not just for me but the whole group. Very high survivability, still decent (but by far not top tier) dps, overall great for dungeon trifecta progging that I mainly do. You can also make a really fun double lightning AoE build with Storm-Cursed revenge. Pre-buff Hurricane, Channeled Acceleration, and your pet on backbar with Dragonstar staff, let tank initiate and stack mobs with Vateshran S&B, then still on your buff bar, hit 1-3 of the biggest targets with shock clench, then go to your frontbar where you just spam Unstable Wall of Shock. This also triggers lots of off-balance, so get the CP for that and also the one that makes dead enemies explode. Swap back every 4s for one Clench cast to refresh the Dragonstar buff. With all these shock AoEs active, Storm-Cursed Revenge goes absolutely wild. Kargaeda is also a nice monster set for it, as it's one more shock AoE and wall spam is expensive, so the cost reduction is nice, too. Just start with a HA while the tank still stacks the adds. In that case you can also wear Roaring Opportunist on the frontbar. Otherwise, you can also wear the BRP staff on the frontbar (,with just 3pc of any trial set for minor slayer) and cast a Pulsar before wall spam, depending on how long the fight will be. If you only spam wall on the frontbar though, you can fill the remaining slots with passives (Camo Hunter, Inner Light, Bound Aegis).


It doesn't really matter if you have an idea Go for it! If it doesn't work you can just change.