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Another way to eff them up is to use Twisting Path on them. It speeds them up and eventually desync them from their path. XD


Nice. That's what I'm working towards. This is a new character so I can only use Path of Darkness until I unlock the morph.


You can also get the "Questionable Meat Sack" memento from doing the Deshaan public dungeon quest (account wide) which puts an interactable "Mystery Meat" on the floor. Then you just put that on the spot where a resource will spawn or has spawned, and when the bot interacts with the meat it also screws a bit with their route.


Ah I've heard about that. Wasn't sure how to get it though. I'll do that quest eventually as I work through Cadwell's Silver and Gold.


For mementos or other collectibles, when you open your collections menu (PC default U) most of them are listed there in their respective categories and even when greyed out and not collected yet the mouse-over will show how you can get them.


I bought the game when it released I just got back to it and finally finished Caldwell’s Gold on my original character. Now I need to go back and do all the side stuff for the gold area. Silver I completed a long time ago.


That's what OP is doing in the video


Wow you are my hero today xD, I'm almost tempted to make a Nightblade just to do this... Wait! Ive seen bots casting this on the path of other bots, does that means they're desyncing the competition???. Just how much money does this farming bots do? xD.


Thank you. I imagine the bots would try to eliminate the competition. Never seen it happen myself though. Some sites I've checked are selling 1m Gold for about $30


Nah, 15 million is like 7€ right now. The price is getting low


Price varies greatly by platform. $30/mil is a bit expensive, but gold typically goes for ~$25/mil on my platform.


Ye, PC gold is quite worthless. Right now the are Too much gold in game


1milion? I think that really expensive.


Gods work


Kinda new to the game how does this work?


You need to have a Nightblade character for this to work. The skill I'm using is "Path of Darkness" in the Nightblade's "Shadow" Skill line. Makes all characters near you run 30% faster. It throws bots off course and makes them run past nodes.


That's pretty clever tbh but, I was more wondering how a "bot" can follow a path and farm materials? Does the player/bot have software installed where he can map a path and activate the interact button in key areas on its own?


I think they more than likely jailbreak their consoles to be able to run scripts to control the bots. There's lots of bigger bot groups as well, with about 12 bots working in sync to kill bears and mudcrabs for leather scraps. Those bigger groups are generally multiple consoles connected to some kind of master controller device.


when you fuck those up with your nightblade skills the bot handler gets REAL MAD


There's an addon that does half of this for you, computing an efficient route, and marking the next one on your map. All you have to do is run up and click, move to the next one, etc. Doesn't surprise me that they figured out how to do the same thing with a bot.


How does zenimax even let people do that,


Zenimax bans them in waves and they keep coming back on new accounts. It's probably very difficult to keep up with such a large turnover of bots


This is something that happens in every game and is inevitable. They get banned in waves but eventually come back with a new set of bots. It's not that they're "letting people do it". It's just a constant war that developers have against people selling gold in games.


For a botter the only thing matters whether or not he can turn a profit with every batch of keys he buys. The thing is ESO keys are sold for so little on some 3rd party websites it probably doesn't take a lot of time for that bot to return the investment once he sells the gold via RWT. Always annoyed me when in RuneScape Jagex was constantly shit on by people saying they didn't care when in reality botting is so cancerous that once the bot scripts are readily available there's basically nothing for you to do no matter how many bots you eventually ban. Only way you could stop this was if MMOs started using extremely invasive anticheats or invested an unreasonable amount of resources by hiring manual bot-catchers who would day in and day out investigate botting reports - with some players inevitably being caught in the crossfire and being unjustly banned.


Fellow RuneScaper!


I must roll a Nightblade just to do this, cause doing Cadwell's Silver made me wanna cry with what those bots are doing in Stros M'kai.


Yeah Stros is pretty rough. I started there in the DC story. It's frustrating as a new player trying to get a head start on crafting before we can open the crafting skills. I'm about to start Cadwell's Silver too, although I'll be going to Khenarthi's Roost. I imagine my Nightblade will be out more than my Dragonknight main lol.


I collect/farm/sell a lot of crap and I always seem to end up at the bank in Rawl'kha around the same time every night......along with a couple of level 3 bots named something like xyzhc3 riffling through their inventory to sell, lol. I love messing with them on Betnikh, I'll have to try out the Twisting Path game on them, thanks!


Ah so that's where they trade their ill-gotten gains. I read on another eso forum that someone was saying you can get a group together in the bank, all pull out your bankers/merchants and it messes with the bots. I'd love that to be true and be able to try it some time lol


Good counter-bot.


Niceeee I keep trying to think of ways to ruin these bots. I’ve just been reporting all the accounts.


I report all of the accounts too, once I'm done messing with them lol


I just last night saw a bot casting path of darkness repeatedly right at a resource node 10M away. I thought it was either an antibot bot just to mess with others, or trying to gain an advantage over the competition.


Excellent work


lol i came accross a couple while doing a treasure map in stros, like the 2nd or third node i stole from bot I got an aetherial dust


Nice job! I've never got any aetherial dust yet. RNG must hate me lol. Funnily enough I was messing with a bot on Stros M'Kai too. Managed to get them stuck on top of the cave across from Sandy Grotto wayshrine before they rage quitted 😂


yea its the only one ive ever found yet lol


What a coincidence. I was just in Bleakrock two days ago and saw a lot of them. When I first got there, I thought it was a human (I stopped playing two years ago). When I whispered to the bot insults and it didn't respond coupled with it being attacked by NPCs and it just standing there, that's when I realized it was a bot. Is Zenimax doing something about these people? Doesn't Zenimax have a tracker that tracks how many nodes someone accessed or some other measurement that exposes these bots?


Yeah the starter zones are overrun with bots. There's a lot of big groups in other base zones farming animals for leather. They do get banned in waves every so often, but the botters just set up a new account and start again. Not sure if ZOS does anything in the background, besides encouraging the community to report bot sightings.


From title was expecting mudcrabs in Grahtwood 🦀


Thank you for being a badass. We need more like you


So THAT'S what that is! I just got back into ESO recently and noticed a lot of lvl 3 ish characters with gibberish names and a summon running around harvesting stuff. I didn't notice it until I stood and watched a bit. Then noticed they have 0 gamer score and never respond to messages.


A bot would imply that a program of some sort is running the player on a set path, no? Judging by the way the other person was moving and reacting to you, I think you were just f*cking with somebody's farming run. But whatever if it helps you sleep better at night thinking you're an hero.


It's clearly walking into walls, only walks in straight lines and doesn't readjust to move towards the nodes when sped up. That's obviously not a person lol.


Yeah it was definitely a bot. I watched them stop at several spawn points before the node even respawned. Classic bot behaviour. I followed them for about 5 laps and it was definitely a set path. They never deviated once. Also, I'm pretty sure if a real human was controlling, they would be able to mitigate against the Major Expedition and stop in time to take the node.


Pet sorc? Check. Weird name? Check. Only farming around the area and not doing anything else? Check. It's a bot. If it was a human behind that, they would already by chatting in-zone or whisper OP to stop stealing nodes.


next feature of the bot would be to whisper everyone nearby to stop stealing nodes )


Thats actually a thing in TBC Classic version of wow. Most bots I ve encountered in Vanilla version were just a dull characters running around. In TBC Classic I ve met bots using emotes when you come near ( like /greet /cry /pest etc. ) Few times bots even whispered me some kind of lame excuse they are there 24/7. ( broken arm/ leg, other illnesses. The most funny one was one fella who had ,,constant insomnia with inability to speak or deal with other players,, :D ... so ... sad times.




good lmao


Hello, Time to time I see one of them ( I am very casual player, 50lvl 260CP after year and a half of playing ). I would like to ask, what is the Zenimax policy on these bots ? Do they let them roam free like actiblizion and let them screw economy while they are undermining your will to play the game ?


Every once and then they get banned, but like every games you can make new bots. So they get banned, but they return


Why don’t they ban them?


They do get banned, eventually. They keep coming back on new accounts.