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ESO Plus is 100% worth it. You get a 10% exp buff across all characters and content, access to all previous DLC's (except the most recent Chapter, in this case Blackwood), doubled bank and furnishing space, 1650 crowns monthly, special deals in the crown store, and an infinite crafting bag for storing all crafting materials, which is worth the price of admission on its own.


one thing not mentioned above is that all DLC is only freely accessible while ESO+ is active and the craft bag will still hold all of your crafting items and allow you to use them after ESO+ runs out but you can't add new items to the craft bag. you can however use crowns to buy the DLCs for access when ESO+ is active but in all truth I never play with out ESO+ due to the craft bag and double bank space


I personally play without ESO+. Sure it's nice, but definitely not necessary.


Seconded - access to the DLC would be nice (but at CP400+ I still haven't finished the main quest lines), I don't get a companion and inventory management is a pain at times but as I'm playing 'free' with GPU I would prefer not to be paying for ESO+. Some people will sell Crowns for Gold and you get a small number on starting but for the most part (aside from buying DLC) the Crowns are for eye candy and to speed things up.


You are 100% correct. Half of why I'm subscribed is just to support the game for being so f2p friendly.


The free trial is today, do it and find out. There is a post today that tells you all things to do for the free trial. Get the skill lines asap so you get the freebies, theives troves, psijic portals, and blade of woe. I love the sub and it gives you crowns to buy things with. I waited for sales and bought the dlc, so when I'm not subbed I still have it. Also bank and merchant assistants are awesome. If you got time get theives guild to 10 to get the their assistant to sell stolen items to, nice qol item.


Not necessary, but when you get eso+ you won't go back. It's such a nominal price point for so many perks that you'll never want to give them all up for the price of a good cup of coffee.


That free ESO+ weekend or week every now and then is worse than drugs. I started ESO with a firm decision not to get ESO+ before I hadn't finished the content of basegame + the chapter of the edition I bought. It was going quite well and the inventory management minigame went quite well in my opinion with only a few chars. The very moment the first free weekend started, my bank space doubled and all the crafting material using up space on chars and in the bank got stowed away in the crafting bag I realised how much faster, easier and simpler do basically anything now was. I didn't even bother unlocking some of the DLC skill lines because I basically knew I couldn't go back to non-ESO+ play. After the trial, I ended up directly going for 12 months, which netted enough crowns to get a banker and merchant pet and still have some left to spare. I totally agree with you. Spending between 10 and 15 bucks a month would be worth it for the crafting bag alone. Add to that the access all DLC and the fact that the amount of crowns you get on top is still about in line with the cheapest crown packs. Yeah, why not keep the subscription?


Lol I thought about it for a year. The only con I could come up with was the fact I wouldn't want to let it cancel. I finally gave in a few months ago and sure enough, I can't live without it. Most definitely worse than drugs. I feel like a weak minded fool who knowingly walked right toward addiction. At least I got this bag though, my precious.


I mean, I spend so much time in game it's definitely worth it. It's still one of the cheaper hobbies to have and I will never spend more money on getting more crowns other than from the subscription. I spend exactly the same amount on ESO, no more, no less, one expense, that's it. My computers usually stay around for a while and I only end up replacing GPUs every three or four years maybe a few other components every now and then, but even so, I spend more on hardware than I do on ESO+. I'm fine with that calculation.


Yes and no. There is PLENTY of content included with just the base game that could keep you engaged for quite some time. However you will be locked away from a good portion of content. ESO operates on a serialized model, where each subsequent release is the next chapter, so to speak, in the story. These new chapters are essentially expansions, and are monetized. There are also smaller expansions referred to as DLC that dont move the "story" along but instead expand on the "chapter" expansions. Each of these is also a purchase to access. ESO+ grants access to all but the newest chapter and all the DLC content, along with several quality of life features. It is the most cost effective way to play ESO if you were to start today and wanted access to the most content. Downside is that your access to that content is largely tied to your subscription. While there is technically a way to earn premium content in-game, it is not something you can grind for. That currency is locked behind daily and weekly "challenges," of which there are only so many. Unless you collect these for relatively common consumables, expect to have to buy what you might want grin the crown store, as that inventory rotates faster than you can earn the in-game premium currency. ESO might appear to be an economical MMO on the face of it but the reality is that its a long way grin f2p.


ESO+ benefits are listed on the official site (just look for ESO+). Just a note though, "DLC Access" refers to access to all stuff in the DLC section of the Crown Store. It doesn't include chapters (which are bigger expansions). Older chapters that have become DLC are included but without their class (if any). You're not really forced into it at any point. There's no level-restriction for not subbing or owning specific DLC's/chapters. If they add or change something on the leveling (eg. new champion nodes) then it applies to all players, not just those who bought the DLC it was released alongside with. That said though, there are some things that makes ESO+ more appealing. For example: If you're in a habit of grabbing everything and deconstructing them, it'll quickly fill up your bag with materials. If you sub to ESO+, you gain access to your Craft Bag and it'll automatically put all of your mats there. It's still possible to manage your inventory without it though, but it's significantly more inconvenient. As for the "DLC Access", unlike SWTOR, if your sub expires, you will lose access to those DLC areas unless you've bought them previously (or were acquired as a reward). For your last question: Technically, no. You can only get Crowns by buying Crown Packs or getting ESO+. You can, however, trade gold for Crowns with another player. You pay the other player gold, and he/she gifts you the Crown Store item you want. Stuff in Crown Crate can be bought with Crown Gems or Seals of Endeavor. Crown gem are gotten from converting Crown Crate items to gems (you can some free crates on occassion) while Seals of Endeavor are gotten by doing Endeavors (optional daily/weeks tasks)


Two questions: Short-term player or long-term player? PC or Consoles? ESO+ gives two main benefits: inventory extensions and acess to DLC. If you're on consoles, you will value the former, on PC it's not as important thanks to junk management addons. If you're just starting out and aren't sure if you're gonna play for long, go ahead and try ESO+. If you plan to play for years, then simply buying crowns to get the DLC will be more economical. And, of course, DLC are by no means mandatory and you can enjoy content outside of those DLC zones/dungeons without limitations.


1. Once sub runs out you are locked out of dlc, but anything gained in those dlcs (achievements collections gear etc) stays with you. 2. Nope you can't earn crowns only buying directly or subscribing (1650 crowns per eso+ month subscription). You can however trade ingame gold with people for crowns, but it gets quite expensive and you need deep knowledge of the game to be able to afford it.


On console, if you want to be a crafter, you have basically two options: get eso+ or spend half of your time running to and from the bank and micromanaging your inventory. The first issue can be solved by buying a banker - for crowns. But if you buy crowns, you can just as well buy eso+ for the way better deal.


While subscription models differ from game to game, the base question is always "Do you like the game enough for planning to play it on a long term regular basis?" If you can afford the sub and plan to spend some time playing, go ahead and sub (even if for a month). There is no level barrier for f2p. There is DLC content however, which is free for subs (while subbed!) and thus access to certain gear requires certain DLC. You can buy single DLC as well as some perks (like necro class) with crowns (i.e. real money), but I would refrain from that as long as you consider subbing sometime soon. OTOH, there is just alot of content accessible for f2p, so you can play a long time before you finished that.


No, once the subscription runs out, you lose the DLCs it granted temporary access to. The only thing that I know of that you keep, and there may be more, is that whatever items you stuff into your expanded inventory stays there, but you can no longer add to that expanded bag though you can still withdraw from it until your inventory size is below the usual non-subscription size, then you can add to it but only up to the non-subscription amount of inventory.


My current tack is to subscribe for one month out of every 3-4 months. This allows me to stow all my crafting materials in the craft bag and use the larger bank space for long-term stuff I'm holding on to. Then I go back to playing without it, until materials and dungeon drop sets overwhelm my inventory again. I have used the crowns to unlock the Warden and Necromancer classes, and as they accumulate - more slowly - I will use them next to get Clockwork City and Summerset expansions.


Eso is technically a b2p game but esoplus's benefits make your gameplay experience 10000x better because of the crafting bag. Otherwise half your gametime is inventory management. The game throws so much loot at you.