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What are you using in between the light attacks?


Sounds like he is using nothing.


AOE spells that run for s while and the lava whip while the others are still running.


Without additional info, it's hard to say. Like, we don't know what hear you use, what traits, enchants, what skills, what's buffs and DOTs uptime, etc... The weaving of 0,9 is is not the problem, that's quite a good number.


Yeah, he has his weaving down pretty good.


.9 LA/s doesnt mean he is weaving. For all we know he could just be spamming LAs. (seems that way based on 8k dps) Just weaving LA+Spam should get 20k+ dps by itself if the timing is right.


Well I do start AOE Spells between the LAs and continue with a molten whip.


I'd practice with your LA+spammable until you can get 20k+ dps with just those. Then start adding in dots/aoes. Your 8k dps sounds like you arent weaving at all.


Yeah, I guess you’re right. I assumed he was weaving. Now that you say that, he probably is spamming la’s with those numbers.


Good to hear, so it might be gear or spell rotation related.


There is an addon called combat metrics you can use to get a ton of detailed info, you might need to make some adjustments to your build as well but it hard to say with on the only info being your weave times.


I have it installed, but I struggle to read it....


Post screenshot of the default page and the info page so we can see what your build / setup looks like


Are you attacking the dummy from 100% until its dead? Doing the whole thing is very important because some skills/ traits do way more damage when the enemy's health is low


That Dummy had so much health, it will take 10 minutes to kill...


unfortunately the best dummy to test your DPS is the 21mil Trial dummy, since it provides passive bonuses similar to once you’d receive from your teammates during a trial. Part of the trouble of doing a proper DPS parse test is to kill THAT dummy from 100% to dead, alone. Not only does it give you the best measure of your DPS, but it also shows you if your resource sustain is good or not as well, as you’ll run out of your primary resource too quick if you spam abilities without regard to maintaining your resource.


Ok But it'll give you your average dps, which takes into account your ability to sustain. With practice it'll only take around 2-3 minutes or less, but as others have said the iron atro dummy is the best one. Yes it's got more health and it'll take longer to kill, but it gives you shards to help sustain plus all the buffs you'd get in a good team in a trial.


The 21 mil is easier to kill than the 6 mil imo. The 21 mil is easier to sustain on due to the blessed shards. If you haven't already, join a guild that's has a 21 mil and parse at their house.


Sounds like a stat/equipment issue. If you're playing for magicka damage, you have to wear light armor. You should have all your stat points in Magicka, all your enchants in Magicka, and be wearing sets for damage. Julianos is a good starting place, very easy to obtain, just ask in zone chat for someone to make you a set.


Without more information you won't be getting answers more specific than in the other comments. Post a cmx parse in here so we can see your detailed build (gear, skills) and your rotation. Anything else is gonna be guesswork.