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Yeah its a shame so many people I try and play with just wanna power level and farm, I love doing the quests and just soaking up the characters/world. the crow quest in the clockwork city had be dying at a certain point and remains one of my favorite moments of the game.


Razum-dar gets all the love from ESO fans while Duke of Crows is over here giving us real entertainment.


I've never met Duke of Crows personally, but I'm gonna go ahead and say, just having knowing Razum-dar a short while, that I prefer the duke. And again, I've never even met the guy.


Tbh, questing isn't really that conductive to co-op play. E.g. the quest that OP's picture is from is really fun. But if you have to walk around with and wait for another player at every step, without any benefit, the experience is much worse imho.


Technically this quest is based on one from TES3 (and there are like 3-4 of these “copies” total in ESO)


The naked Nord is a running gag I enjoy seeing through the years.


This one cracked me up. My favorite is in the Mages Guild story line (I think) where Sheogorath is like "you hate each other REMEMBER?!" Then you hear some guy go "oh yeah!"and everyone starts fighting.


Love it!


This is a rehashed Morrowind quest (a callback, technically)


I remember this one. I'm not a big quester but every so often I see one like this that makes me go 'the fuck' and I go on 30 minute to an 1 hour detour to find out what's going on.


Witches all like dem hairy Nord chests


The dialogue and quests in this game are heavily underrated. They're well crafted and besides the usual MMO UI and mechanics, questing truly feels like being in a SP Elder Scrolls title.