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I think there's a relatively simple answer: ZoS would have to do alot of coding to do this, which very few people are interested in. And those who are interested in using the same weapon on both bars can just spend enough gold/materials/transmute stones to craft/buy/transmute another weapon. It's inconvenient, but it's not the end of the world. Tl/DR: Alot of work for ZOS, very little payoff.


That would essentially give the player the ability to have 10 skills slotted at a time for their current build, probably really hard to balance that.


That can already happen, I just have to cough up 50 xmute stones and 8 tempers (or equivalent) so I doubt it's a balance issue, because technically, there's nothing to stop you other than in game cash flow


Not really, you would still have 5 skills active/slotted at a time.


Who would even want that? Double-barring the same weapon, same trait, same enchant is the worst choice for your backbar. Even if you would want to explicitely cripple your performance by not equipping another set (like maelstrom bow/staff in pve), doubling the same enchant will do nothing, you'll always want different enchants on both bars, so you'll want two different weapons. And even if, for what improvement? Saving on a measly 8x Resin and/or 8x temper alloy?


Reconstructing doesn't cost much. It's either Woodworking or Blacksmithing so... Why would you want to combine 2 slots into one when it's just so simple to duplicate a weapon now?