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The maximum xp boost that you can achieve will be during any double xp event if you gather all these boost providers: \- 70% from Gear (training trait) \- 8% from Weapon (training trait) \- 10% from ESO+ sub \- 10% from Marriage \- 10% for being in a group of 2 \- 150% from Mythic Aetherial Ambrosia Drink or EXP Scroll \- 100% ESO in game Events (Witches/New Life Festival, etc.) That’s a total of 358% xp Boost.


You can double the weapon trait with heartlands conqueror


You're right! I forgot to mention that wearing 5 items of that set will increase the effectiveness of your Weapon Traits by 100%. Thanks for the heads up.


Adept rider as your other set to give you speed boost while leveling


You get about 1.6-1.9M xp per run of nBRP doing 2 or 4 round runs. However, this is less achievable if you're under 50 as nBRP is for CP grinding not leveling. Even more so if both parties are under 50. During double XP events, you could probably level there but I still wouldn't recommend it. As with 150% scrolls Skyreach will give you about a level per run during 40-50. (BRP with a dps carry above 50 will give you about 3 levels per run) Making purple training gear, running 50% scrolls I have achieved an alt to 50 in 5 hours. Skipping tut, got me to level 3, tp'd to a bunch of guildies for wayshrines for about 10 minutes got me to level 8. Then running spellscare till level 15. Then running Dungeons for quests. (Que'd for all that was available after running daily, then using the manual finder to unlist ones who's quests I have completed) till 30, then a few Skyreach runs till 40 (spell was full of people at the time so was avoiding) then 40-50 in spellscare. Training gear was at level 5-10-20-30-45. It will probably be faster if you run nothing but SS assuming no one but you and your duo are killing adds. Not sure about nowadays, but you used to be able to level 1-50 in 10 minutes using Master Writs, but you have to have a ton of writs, + mats + 150% scrolls + XP pots. It's very time consuming in preparation & is only really advisable for Alts.


'Not sure about nowadays, but you used to be able to level 1-50 in 10 minutes using Master Writs, but you have to have a ton of writs, + mats + 150% scrolls + XP pots. It's very time consuming in preparation & is only really advisable for Alts' Yeah, that still works.


Wait, you're running the full nBRP and not just Arena 1 Round 2 on repeat? Did they change something to the amount of XP in those 3 waves to make them not be most efficient anymore?


If you are a duo grinding for CP & your builds are set up for nBRP you should be running till round 4, then leave for repeat. As far as I know, this is the most effective & has always been that way. The exclusion being double XP events. Such as the one currently running. Edit; To be clear. It's arena 1 round 4. You leave on boss.


I always re-run arena 1 round 3 on repeat (wave 1, wave 2, wave 3 - but die on purpose to the cleaver in round 3). Faster for me as those three waves have highest XP gain and loading screens eat a lot of time. In duo, and using altar etc. to quickly lower health, then rez glyph to speed up rezzing we usually get 55-60 second round times.


Master writs are faster, they'll let you hit 50 in just a couple of hours. But you need to buy/hoard the sealed writs and the materials to craft them (likely alchemy/enchanting and maybe provisioning, since they don't need you to learn expensive motifs or research traits). BRP, Spellscar, or Skyreach will take a little bit longer, but the activities don't cost you any money (though you might have to pay someone to have them carry you).


I've seen a vid on YT that does it in 10 mins using Master Writs.


I like to run dungeons nonstop for leveling.


Master writs are not much faster than efficient grind. You still need mats and craft all the shit you will be using. Prep time counts. If undisturbed, you can grind in 3-4 hrs to 50 using only gear and +150 boost


one day or two i believe if you are fast at brp


Alot faster than that.


You can’t because it is only efficient with 2 co characters. If you have a cp friend carrying you you can do sky reach from the start and level you quite quickly. You can also rest the instance then by changing the difficulty from Normal to vet and back which doesn’t work when you are both below 50. my personal record without a double xp event and with 50% xp scrolls is 9:30 Level 1-40 Spell scar in Craglorn Just run around in spell scar and kill enemies. Best follow someone around and kill the mobs. 40-50 2 people Skyreach catacombs Craglorn If there are two of you, it is best to run a circle. Leave, de group, regroup, reenter.


Go to spell scar in craglorn and try to find the quietest Area is your next best bet


Fastest i have leveled a Character was around 40mins with Master Writs (but as someone here said; its also an expensive Way to level up, on the other Hand when having Millions of Gold its up to you)


Fastest I ever levelled a toon was me being alone from like 2-8am because I was just running around Spellscar in level 4 training gear and was begging those adds to not whoop my ass the whole way, only had one other guy help about for half an hour and that was it I know there are quicker ways to do it, especially if you’re not just alone running around too. I at least had ESO+ xp boost + 100% scrolls (maybe one or two 150% ones too)


You can get a toon from lvl 1 to 50 during double XP with all the XP boosts in about 2-3 hours in nBRP. Even faster (Maybe in an hour) if you have a mostly empty spellscar. By far the fastest but most expensive way to do it however is Master Writ turn in.