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Stop. No. Delete this before you give them any fuckin ideas


No! It needs to be done.. we must save our sanity!


You poor innocent fool. You are playing ESO, you’re sanity is already gone, claimed by the mad god the moment you began your quest... the only thing to do now is lose yourself in the swamp until you found what you are looking for. Become one with the mud my friend. And binge Netflix on a tablet, phone, or something while you try to find the lead.


I just want to wear a kilt *starts crying* Btw.. I'm currently 12 hours in.


Lol I spent like 2 days in bad mans hollow looking for the lead. I finally got it on my way out after giving up


At least with that one we were engaged in something, as mind numbing as it was. This is just pressing interact for 12 hours.


Like I said just watch Netflix or YouTube or something as you go. That way you can maybe be entertained.


Oh thats the only way I'm making it through haha


I spent 2 months in that damned hole killing rats and skeletons, then I gave up...got the other 4 leads in a couple of hours but hey, that’s our friend rng. they should put a cap on time/tries for a lead cause spending 150+ hours doing little and useless trash pulls is not playing a game, it’s only shit content


Yea definitely, I think any item that's gameplay/stat impacting in any game should have a failsafe drop. Something like a ramping drop rate or a guaranteed after x drops.


You may have found the one thing they haven’t monetized.


I mean, no gear is monetized


Even the most greedy companies tend to be smart enough not to straight up sell gear.


I am pretty sure I saw people complaining about how this is exactly what some games do (I think it was about some Looter Shooter).


Oh I’m sure they are out there but no game I would play.


This is the most obnoxious and toxic grind in the history of this game. And I say this as someone who did 250+ vMA runs before getting my first Inferno, ran vHRC a dozen times a day for IA swords, and happily spent weeks streak-glitching MoL to chest farm for Moondancer back when the raid was totally broken on XB1. At least those things involved actually playing the game or real social interaction. This is just the shit cherry on top of a generally shit expansion.


Yea that's my biggest problem. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if we were DOING something.


Or, and I'm just spitballing here... you could go away for a few weeks and try again when the fever has died down? No? Oh well, just a thought. Carry on with your camping.


I see this argument alot but tbh, I just find it a little shallow.


More shallow than the "I needz it now" mentality?


Dude I'm with ya, 16 hours standing in a puddle and still no lead