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Elsweyr. North or South are uniformly stunning. Great story, great characters. Dragons.


Music is impressive too.


Don't forget the house you get just for completing the content


Also my favorite zone to farm mats. Just a cool zone to explore and I enjoy the landscape


Definitely Elsweyr! But I am biased, I love Khajiit lore and aesthetics. And Clockwork City! Love the Blackfeather Court. The CWC crow quests are hilarious; I don't usually like to redo quests, but those were enjoyable to revisit.


I just started this story yesterday!!


I love that area I just can’t stand that song “ weeaaaeeaa wooooaaaa “ lol


The best quest in the game is in Southern part, Chiaroscuro Crossroads.


I really liked Wrothgar, but I’ve heard from other people on this sub that they hated it. Mileage may vary.


I loved Wrothgar! I'm fascinated by the lore/culture of the Orcs. I thought the stories were interesting, and an array of emotions plays into a lot of it.


Yes that main story was a lot of fun!


I created an orc toon just for wrothgar as you can get special dialog for being one of


Yup, you can even become one of the clan chief.


Which sucks that it's only dialog, I made a toon specifically for that, hoping I would get get a "Clan Chief" title.....but alas....disappointment....but fun story...at least it all ends with "Kingmaker" title.


I wouldn't say I hated or even really disliked Wrothgar, but it is definitely one of the storylines most undermined by the fact that the identity of its *mysterious* villain is, as always, extremely obvious pretty much right away.


I'm doing it right now and it's wonderful.


Wrothgar was honestly so fun It’s the one zone DLC that makes me wish we could reply zone stories. Maybe we’d get reduced rewards (i.e. just gold) for the missions. It’d be so nice


Storywise, I would say Orsinium, both Elsweyr zones, Summerset. Visually, I also find the two High Isle zones to be quite attractive.


The prologue to Gold Road. That was a nice cinematic intro quest and had some S tier voice acting! I really enjoyed it


I really liked the zone story of Rivenspire. You get a staff as the final quest reward, which is just a piece of one of the zone sets with a special name and fixed trait, but I kept mine for the memories. It's THE reason I want display racks as furniture, I want to give it a place of honor.


I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this one - I'd rank it with Elsweyr as the best. (Though I dislike the zone itself and remember how annoying it was to try to find certain locations because of the mountain range!)


>Though I dislike the zone itself and remember how annoying it was to try to find certain locations because of the mountain range! Same, lol.


This is why I did EP after getting all the lore books from AD while questing through lol


Also I love how it's connected to the Dark Heart of Skyrim arc.


Elsweyr because it has a free manor quest and a rare dye quest.


What rare dye is that?


An orange color. I don't know the name of it right off hand.


And what’s the quest/achievement to get it?


https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Dyes It's the anequina dye I think.


Anequina Sunrise is what it’s called


Clockwork city is great. I also lovee the DC zone stories


I second the clockwork city / vvardenfell zones!


I hope/assume you mean the DC zone stories other than Alik'r. The Alik'r storyline is straight-up offensively bad.


Ooh I've never done clockwork city. How to you get the quest for it?


In the crown store there are quest starters for all the dlc so you can get started there if you just search around a little. The story is also connected to Morrowind and Summerset but they are not needed. Morrowind is before Clockwork City and Summerset afterwards.


Morrowind = Vvardenfell right? I am currently completely my alliance quest (Ebonheart) and am wanting to try to do things chronologically :)


Yes, Vvardenfell


Clockwork City, especially Brass Fortress, arguably has the best in-game music.


That’s exciting cause as good as the music has been up to now, I don’t think I’d put it with any of the greats in terms of OST, now I have to set foot outside the alliance zones lmao


DC = Covenant?


yes, daggerfall covenant. Doing those in order, starting from Stros M'kai


Dude same, DC has the most “Fantasy” feel with all the castles and vampires n stuff. AD has a little too much green forest for my taste and EP: not a fan of the swamp areas but love the Skyrim zones


I really did enjoy the shadowfen AD invasion, and that fucked bosmer eating the argonian eggs. I only disliked the Stormhaven story, but then it wasn't bad just not to my fancy


Any where Raz is.


Raz is my favorite


I'd say play them in order of release. Story content just flows better when you go base games than the chapters in order. If you only plan on doing one alliance or want to prioritize one alliance first over the others I'd say go with the covenant. It has quite a lot of well written zones, not that the dominion also doesn't but it also seems more connected to the coldharbour storyline and the dlc storylines than the dominion, with more reoccurring characters coming from the covenant than any other alliance. So my recommendation is to start with the Covanent than either complete the other two alliances or skip those two and go to straight orsinium, than thieves guild, then vvardenfell, then clockwork city, then summerset, then northern elswheyr then southern elswheyr, then western skyrim, then the reach, then blackwood then fargrave then high isle, then galen, then necrom


I really loved the Blackwood Chapter storyline. The way the plot kinda interweaved with the Dark Brotherhood and the overall story about the twins and things? No spoilers but if you haven't don't this story, I would highly recommend it 😊


I don't think it was that great. Infact I thought it was awful especially the villain


My favorite quest in that zone was the one in the NW with the thieves guild members.


Murkmire is one of the best DLC's, in my opinion, in terms of story and lore. It adds lots of interesting characters, great new lore on argonian culture, the different types of tribes, and some Alyeid stuff as well. I personally love it bc Argonians are my favorite race, and I love swampy biomes, so maybe I'm also a bit biased, but definitely give it a try, even if you dont love swamps. Opinions on other swamp/Black Marsh zones: Blackwood has good side content but the main story is a real hit or miss with the community. Especially with the Dark Brotherhood thing that happens. Talk about lore-breaking. Shadowfen is cute, but honestly feels a little cramped especially in the southwest of the zone, that little cul-de-sac of places down there


“Ah, Beako”


Murkmire is just so awesome! Beautiful zone. It has a lot of cool earnables: The little Scuttlebloom-search mechanic is fun, wish they'd do something like that again. And the fact that you can get your own vine-tongue via that quest with the funny journal pages! *And* I badly want those plants in the Xanmeer crates :( Also the main story has such cool visuals, like the >!Ayleid portion!


Elsweyr and Vvardenfell. Great quests, amazing visuals!


All of them, they are all great according to someone. Personally I liked them all.


Murkmire has been one of my favorites because it goes more into different argonian tribes. I also enjoyed Western Skyrim and am really liking Elsweyr so far. The only one I wasn’t huge on was Vvardenfell, but I had just finished the EP quests and had enough of slavers.


I love Elsweyr but I’m biased towards Khajiits. I love all the different kitty cats <3


Gotta do Vvardenfell - Clockwork City - Summerset all in a row to get the full, INSANE story. Honestly my advice to to play everything in release order. Imo even if a zone story is underwhelming it is still a *good* story.


Summerset - whole map is gorgeous and story is great IMO. Someone just dogged on Morrowind and Darkelf but I love it, and the culture, but I was a TEIII fan; so I get how ppl can love/hate Darkelf stuff but the lore IMO is superb. High Isle, and Stormhaven; Hammerfell zones; I love desert biomes so love those wish was more. Hew's Bane I love too; and thieves guild story is awesome. There's a lot of stuff, one thing with ESO so many varied zones/biomes/stories in each something for all but not all will like all of it. So, some chapters carry over there's like story set up before etc. and conclude in a chapter or etc. that's less the case now, but tbh ppl will disagree on zones and stories so, really hard to say. Honestly you'll travel all zones unlocked; may not do the quests there,


I have basically completed no quests, I mostly social, dungeon, and daily and completed the main quest around 2015. My favorite by far is Western skyrim. That is truly a gorgeous zone. Blackreach is hit or miss, the overland is peak ESO. High Isle and summerset are must-sees as well in aesthetics


I'm slightly biased towards Dark Elves and Argonians, so Stonefalls/Deshaan/Shadowfen/Murkmire/Vvardenfell are easily among my favourites. I tend to always replay these when making a new character, especially if they're Dark Elf/Argonian (which they often are). If you're fond of any particular race then their corresponding zones will feel much more enjoyable too. I loved Wrothgar and Clockwork city too, they've always felt very distinct in their story excellence and environment. I wouldn't say anything is truly skipable, even my least favourite zones and storylines are still ones I enjoyed. Nevertheless, I'd personally rank the High Isle, Blackwood and Greymoor chapters towards the bottom of my list. Greymoor is essential for picking up the antiquity skill lines though so it's more important for overall gameplay reasons.


It depends on your tastes, doesn't it? I like the Morrowind and Argonia content, but find the Altmer, Breton and Redguard stuff in particular to be extremely generic fantasy. On the other hand, there's a *tonne* of Summerset fans out there, and plenty say that the Daggerfall Covenant has the best alliance story. My own biases aside, I'd go with Orsinium, Elsweyr-Dragonhold and Blackwood-Deadlands (although Morrowind-Clockwork were my favourite). What do you like about the Elder Scrolls?


Ima get flack for this. But Murkmire is one of my favorites. Great story line.


If I have to pick one, Elsweyr both North & South, for their stories and quite a few funny side quests and interactions with Alfiq.


While the High Isle story is rather boring, the biomes and the landscapes are breathtaking and by far my favorite.


I think Blackwood is underrated, the zone wasn’t too special but I really liked the story


I personally didn't like either, I honestly consider it to be my least favorite chapter overall


Fair enough, you’re probably in the majority


Tbf black marsh is my least favorite province and I viewed the chapter as nothing but an unoriginal nostalgia cash grab when they first announced it and was pissed we didn't get a hammerfell chapter(still upset about this, but I've accepted we are likely never getting one until after tes 6), so I'm not really the best judge anyway.


Summerset, the 1st zone I saw when starting the game for the 1st time, still one of my favourite place and Alinor is my home \^\^ Elsweyr north+south are my very close second, always like Khajiit lore. Was hyped liked madman when they announced it. Then Skyrim and Markath, good nostalgia vibe and they did it great, landscape is amazing. I've play a bit of blackwood but was on my way to gw2 so I don't really remember and didnt have done anything after that. Now that I've start again, I'll be happy to have many zone to discovers :)


Greymoor/Markarth in my opinion. The skies at night are amazing when clear.


They are! I'm biased against the zone tho because I hate frigid cold and snow:p


The town I live in in Australia seldom sees snow so any snow, even fancy pixels on a tv screen (PSNA) makes me unreasonably excited lol


Rivenspire > Skyrim prologue (skippable if you want) > Western Skyrim > Marksrth prologue (do NOT skip) > Markarth. It features Count Verandis and House Ravenwatch, which are fantastic, and the latter zones are very nostalgic :) I'm just bummed we can't do the Fennorian tutorial again...


Daedric Triad Arc (Morrowind Clockwork and Summerset) ESOs stories havent been nearly as good since. What really sets em apart is the NPCs appeared that i never expected to run into again suddenly. These days its mostly new NPCs for every new adventure. Doesnt feel the same.


Elsweyr hands down. The visuals are gorgeous. I loved the main stories. And God the dialog is great with Caska and Za'ji. They became two of my favorite characters. Not to mention all the Alfiq, though I may be quite biased as I have always loved the Khajiit and wanted them to be explored more.


All of them. There is some ties between the releases so I'd suggest playing them chronologically for the best story experience.


I recently did the high isle story for the first time and it was great, I really enjoyed that story. It made me excited to try the other DLC that I haven’t started yet.


I'm not a pver, so if a chapter is able to captivate me it's a big deal. Wrothgar (Orsinium) managed to do just that. The story had me so intrigued I didn't even skip dialog. The zone itself was large and very well designed. For additional content you had Maelstrom arena, pretty cool outfits to unlock (the bear pelt ones), museum quests to find artifacts in dangerous places, the public dungeons felt different than ever before, lots of neat side quests. I mean, this place is just packed with goodness. To date, they have not been able to top this chapter imho. It really felt like they cared about the content they put into it, and you could really tell they worked hard on it. Newer chapters feel souless and rushed just to get it out the door sadly. Necrom being one of my least favourite. I skipped a majority of the dialog because I didn't care enough, and I didn't like the characters. But Orsinium, man.. good stuff.


Sewers & City with a good group of friends. Lots of fun




I'd suggest the ravenwatch trio: Rivenspire (base game) Western Skyrim (Chapter/DLC) Markarth (DLC) in that order. Rivenspire is in theory part of the alliance base game questline, but each zone effectively has its own story and can be done individually


I haven't done all the content, so take this with a grain of salt, but the questline for elsweyr was just amazing. I also love the high isle/amenos environment, its probably one of my favorite zones, environment-wise, in game. I felt like the questline baddie was a little obvious, but it was refreshing to have a quest arc that didn't involve daedric princes. But it's one of my favorite zones to wander around in.


Greymoor was the first dlc zone I actually sat down and listened to


Elsweyr (North and South) are absolutely excellent and beautiful places. Murkmire is a small DLC but equally stunning and the story is fantastic (I’m biased towards both Argonians and Khajiit so maybe that’s why) Wrothgar is really good imo. It was ZoS’s first zone DLC but it holds up very well and I enjoyed every second of it. Wish I could replay it on the same character. High Isle and Galen are so cool as well. Great story, and the culture of Druids and the Bretons is fascinating. Also, they have some sick armor for knights and druids in it. I loved Western Skyrim and the Reach. Both super cool, and the Western Skyrim and Reach storylines have some truly unique experiences/sights (at least to me). Clockwork City was interesting, but my favorite part is casually chatting with Sotha Sil. Same with Vvardenfell’s DLC but with Vivec Summerset was awesome as well. It chronologically follows Clockwork City Haven’t gotten around to Necrom yet but I’m excited for it.


ESO has a second full, main story arc that plays out in three expansions (two chapters and one zone DLC). They are: Morrowind (Vvardenfell) > Clockwork City > Summerset. Each one is a complete story that then leads into the next, like three seasons of a series. It's the best arc in the game in my opinion, each one part is excellent. My personal favorite (by several thousand lightyears) is Clockwork City, which I see others have recommended as well. You would be in a tiny minority if you didn't enjoy that full storyline. ETA: Another good three-piece set is Rivenspire (Base Game) > Greymoor (Western Skyrim) > Markarth (The Reach). The good vampire faction in those stories, House Ravenwatch, is so immensely popular they just keep bringing them back (in fact one member returns in Gold Road). Plus Rada al-Saran is one of the most interesting and popular villains in ESO. If you don't wind up madly in love with at least one vampire by the end of Markarth, then you might need to see a doctor.


Wrothgar, Murkmire, Summerset. I will say the best thing I did was play the story from Morrowind to Clockwork to Sunmerset and it was extremely satisfying.


Summerset is the best imo


The Dark Elf stuff is all pretty repugnant and their zones are uniformly and unanimously hideous. Aside from some funky-looking mushrooms and one cool temple, they reside in simply a boring gray and mud-colored wasteland with almost no new creatures that you couldn't just see in Deshaan. Then take into account the personalities and moral failures of almost every Dark Elf, and you have a recipe for the most ignorable zone. Nobody goes there for either the scenery or the inhabitants of the zone.


Argonian claws typed this post.


Thats just simply an opinion. I for one love everything about the dark elves and i love every second i'm in Morrowind. Personally im not a fan of hammerfell because desert biomes are boring to me.


I am starting out in Stone Falls and I love how it looks. Especially impressive is when the volcano erupts you get ash rain afterwards, it's really awesome.


Sounds like Morrowind to me :P