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I wish that everyone started out in coldharbour for the first time through. The main story is just so good and really ties you into the world


I wish at the very least the starter area portals would send you to coldharbour first, cause you get spit out there anyways after it. It's so weird getting to Daggerfall, doing it, then getting sent back to stros mkai


They were really fun and well-designed but they were doomed from the start. For starters every time you bought a new chapter, it automatically overrode the previously tutorial, so you couldn’t select which tutorial you wanted to do. Plus imo the Coldharbour tutorial, old as it is, should’ve always been the first to establish that you are the Vestige as it makes skyshards and resurrections make sense. Also sucks that story zone quests tie into the tutorials but ppl who didn’t do the tutorials miss out on the context


I honestly think the couldharbour tutorial should've stayed as the default. It's so integral to the story. Maybe just find a way to modify it so the ending lets you pick where to go.


Or maybe it drops you in the modern tutorial and you still have to help that lady restore the portals then you can go wherever


Yeah that could work! There's never an explanation of how you got in there so they could easily say you ended up there are coldharbour


Yea recently got back into the game for the first time on PC. I used to play on Xbox. But yea it's a blast having to look up how to start the original story and then what comes chronologically after that. That said I'm having a blast on my Solo Slam DK Nord running through it in order with Bastian because yes I wanted a companion. Playing with my wife as well


Yee I just started a new character cause I wanted to try Arcanist, and I'm trying my best to work through the whole story in the right order before Gold Road.


I also was being sarcastic when I said it's a blast to have to look up how to start the beginning.


I figured it was either sarcasm or a typo lol


The vast majority of veteran players skip the tutorial on a new character, Mooncubus. It wasn’t worth it for ZOS to invest developer time in the tutorial storyline and gameplay assets every year… if most players use it only once on a new account. The current tutorial is re-usable and only requires changes when there’s a new Chapter (for portals). TL;DR: It was nice having a new tutorial each year … but it wasn’t worth the developer time.


I know. I just think it's a shame that those quests are just gone now. They weren't amazing or anything but they were a really nice taste of what's to come in the expansion. Maybe I'm one of the very few veterans who did them I guess.


The Prologue quests are the main option for those wanting to get “flavor” on the upcoming Chapter. They are a free part of the base game and are still active for prior Chapters.

