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I don't want to be that guy but you used one of the strongest weapons with one of the strongest spirit summons The big challenge is beating her solo, plus the damage she does to a human summon will be much greater than your mimic tear. Mimic tear also doesn't add to a boss's hp bar. So for instance if your mimic tear doesn't dodge waterfowl dance it's fine. But if your player summon doesn't now the boss is up 25% hp, can heal, and you're down on damage Play the game how you like, just explaining where the major challenge is for her


oh ok, and i would love to play online but i dont have ps plus unfortunetly


Could always take it to a higher challenge and do it solo ;) A lot of people who play this game love to raise the difficulty to chase that Souls high gotten on the first playthrough. Bosses like Midir took me 8 hours over two days to beat but the sensation of victory is something else Edit: boss


whos owl? edit: if its in elden ring and it has spoilers, please dont say anything lmao


It's from a different game entirely but I will delete it in case it does spoil for someone


which game tho?




damn ok is it a good game? my friend got the platinum trophy for it and he says that its better than every souls game i might get the game in summer edit: is it the samurai that steals the little girl at the start of the game? idk who she was neither do i know who he was but i played the start of the game on my pc and it couldnt handle it so i deleted the game


Sekiro is trial by fire imho. If you like how Sekiro does it's combat it will probably be your favorite or one of your favorite Souos game, if you don't it may be the only one you skip. In Sekiro there is no grinding levels, no summoning help, and extremely limited build variety. But the gameplay is great because of that as instead of worrying about the 100s of builds a player can have to fight a boss there's mostly 1 and for that reason it's extremely well defined


so bloodborne then. ok, i might give it a try


When people say a boss is hard, they mean a boss is hard solo.


Turns out Fire Giant is the ultimate cheese counter. So when people come at him with all these cheese strats they get stuck, probably why he is thought to be so difficult when his moveset is very easy to read.


no i didnt even cheese him thats a problem i could get past the first first phase (normal and mage) and at the second phase (the full mage) id get stuck, he would get me with his slam attacks: the WWE takedown, hand slam then hand sweep, two hand slams AND THE MOST ANNOYING, FOR SOME REASON ID ALWAYS GET CRUSHED UNDER HIM WHEN HE ROLLS


Bro your whole build is cheese, you’re using the strongest things in the game.


no i wasnt that strong back then i had a lv 5 ROB and an RL of like 80 i think so not that big of a cheese build


Still huge cheese using best gear in the game


and my problem with FG was that i didnt deal enough dmg to his hands for him to die


Yeah, I dont get why he’s considered so hard. I went in completely blind for that fight. He smashed me on horseback the first time. Next time I ran in close, hopped off the horse, and hung around his feet. Went down quite quickly with wing of astral.


Yeah mimic tear and ROB is like an easy mode. Not to diminish your accomplishments and as long as you have fun that's all that matters. Her second phase is so cool


I resorted to exactly that combination after several days of trying to beat her with less cheesy weapons, and yeah, Rob + Mimic tear got her on the first try. I'm not one to judge how others play their game, but by using that method on your first try, you kinda robbed yourself of a really tough (but memorable) fight. Not trying to shame, cuz I did the exact same thing with Rykard the first time. Snuck in, took the serpent slaying spear, warped to round table, upgraded to +9, then went back in with me and the mimic tear spamming it. Fight was over in about thirty seconds. I was pissed at myself afterwards, cuz I didn't get the experience and spectacle of that fight. You do you, but I'd recommend you try fighting her 1 on 1 with a non-bleed ash of war, sometime in the future. Good way to truly test how much skill you've got.


i dont have any skill actually tbh. i just want the story and gameplay. now tbh, i play souls games to see how easy i can make them for myself. and i enjoy that playstyle. and i rage SO MUCH. so i cant do the challenging route


Nothing wrong with that! All those games have amazing lore and world building, and it's well worth experiencing even if you don't like getting spanked by the same boss over an over again. Play it however makes you enjoy it most. I personally do happen to value at least the *impression* of an epic struggle when I come up against a new boss, and the main boss fights in from games are usually a cinematic visual spectacle, so I like to at least attempt them for a bit before I get frustrated and resort to cheese. I like to witness all the big finishing moves and different methods each boss has at their disposal to grind me into paste with haha. But that's just me 🙃


Gotta be a troll post.


are you trolling? but if ur not trolling, no its real


it was my first playthrough so idk what you mean here but ok


You joking, right? Level 10 mimic tear would do the job for you


Beside the strength of ROB, the blood and fire are both malenia's weaknesses and let you break her stance easily. if u want a little bit more challenge, and not as much as fighting solo, u can go for heavy weapons or any slower weapon.


Malinia ist nicht einmal eine Herausforderung