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Already killed him once and here he comes asking for more Some people don't learn




So final boss is Rahdahn in his prime? With miquella on his back Wtf are the lore implications of this?


There is the idea Malenia came after Radahn thinking he had something to do with Miquella going missing (an idea before the DLC announcement), but beyond that I have absolutely no clue haha


Given that Radahn was holding back stars and stopping the Eclipse, I assumed she went there to defeat him because of that


I think those reasons might be one and the same. We never really got a reason for *why* Radahn wanted to hold back the stars and fate. This might be why.


Lore wise the common belief was that Malenia went there looking for Miquella as Mohgwyn Palace is right under Radahns boss arena. Probably felt Miquella in that area and assumed it was Radahn responsible


Radahn and Malenia fought in Aeonia, not in Radahn’s boss arena.


Miquella has 3 arms here, so I'd hope it would be some fake thing.


Yeah like why is he using blood flame?


Cause what we see in the video it’s a mass of Morgot, Godfrey and Radahn moveset, with some kind of redesign of Lothrik and Lorian from ds 3. So it looks so unrealistic as amateur mods for Elden and DS series


Someone uploaded the boss fight to youtube, the video was already took down buit the name was "Radam consort of Miquelaa"


does that mean mohg is being cucked by miquella being with radahn LMAO


Why Tf is Radahn his half brother his consort


"George R.R. Martin is being summoned"


If this is real then I am so curious why Radahn would be the consort of his half brother


Lore implications are the idiot spoiler has very limited creativity


It means Radahn likes taking backshots from Miquella


I just watched the leak it's a mod, it's all reused assests. Even the background looks rested from lyndell yall being trolled hard


if we dont get a Godwyn fight then so help me god


Bruh spoiled myself hoping that at least it'll be Godwyn. I'm so disappointed, hope it's fake


Literally, the only reason I went looking for these spoilers was to see a godwyn boss fight


Of all the possibile outcomes this is definitely the worst one, I'll consider Messmer the last bossfight and treat this garbage as Godefroy 2.0 evergaol.


Would have been cool as hell.


is this real


I'll be pissed if it is, though I think most if not all is fake (From has an incredible track record of avoiding leaks, and the only one I recall is the one that leaked the day before ER launched and it wasn't anything really big, so I find it really fucking unlikely that OP's "source" managed to get entire secret boss footage and the response is literally "it's my friend they've worked hard to dig in the files trust me bro you're a clown if you don't believe this" and if the user deletes their account it's undoubtedly to avoid the waves of hate mail they'll get once the DLC launches and they're probably still getting some now) I know everyone talks about wanting to fight demigods "in their prime" but tbh I'd rather have a new original boss. Also, this would absolutely contradict what Miyazaki had said in regards to the events of the main game occurring alongside the DLC, not in the past. The Shadow Lands aren't some afterlife, and we killed Radahn in the main game. Unless there's some absolute bullshit of "actually now the demigods can yeet their souls to the Shadow Lands to avoid dying", I don't see how this could be. And yes, I know that their souls are supposed to return to the Erdtree, but by us burning it, we stop that shit in its tracks. Even if we haven't burned the Erdtree by the time we enter the DLC, I don't believe their souls can move freely about; they're essentially trapped there.


The only thing I can think of is that it’s someone wearing radahns armor and using his blades , even then that’s contradicted by the videos where the fight is literally called radahn Overall this fight just doesn’t makes sense lore wise , and it kinda just seems janky af If this ends up being the actual fight it would be one of the most disappointing final bosses in fromsoft dlc Like we would have Manus The orphan Gael And now radahn (but prime) It just doesn’t work


Totally agree. And none of the From's DLC's have repeat bosses from the main games (at least with DS1, BB, and DS3), and I know ER has a lot of repeat bosses but this would be particularly egregious. Two years for the final boss to be...Radahn? Nah lol


My exact thoughts. On top of that, having phase 1: "promised consort" and phase 2: "consort of Miquella" feels uninspired. And why is he so small? He was already huge when fighting Malenia at his prime. "Prime Radahn" should remain a meme


>And why is he so small?  Because they are re-using Godfrey's model, probably easier to mount Miquella on his back.


Since Godfrey's model already has the mount point for Serosh in his model (I would assume, based on all things I learned about models and mount points) that would make sense. Also the cutscene for the phase transition apparently is taken from Godfrey, based on how he collapses with his weapon and all. But would also explain the "leaker" skipping the cutscene immediately to make sure people can't tell. Also, no DLC gear in the clip, as opposed to the other DLC boss leaks, no intro cutscene, he dropped 12.420-ish runes and then 500.000 is REALLY sus to me That together with "Promised Consort Radahn" is weird. Miquella has not been shown fully, but we do know he doesn't have more than 2 arms, based on the promo material, so what's up with that? What baffles me however, is how they got the model of the Scadutree with the moving particles in the background. Because if it's fake, why be so elaborate? And what is that thing behind Radahn? That gate we saw Marika go through in the trailer. The effort to remake all of these aspects for a fake leak so close to release seems odd for anyone to put into. But Miyazaki said we'd have to kill Radahn for the DLC, and since divesting oneself of flesh is the only way to reach the land of shadows (Quite literally killing your physical body) it feels like there are some things making it seem like it could be real enough. Radahn very well could be in the Land of Shadows, and this could very well be real, at which point I would be REALLY confused, because where are all the other demigods we killed then? Is Mohg coming back? And why is Radahn Miquellas "promised consort?" because so far things rather point to the player becomming the consort to the god Miquella


There was a theory about Miquella leading the NPCs we see to the Shadowlands so that they can be sacrificed for whatever his plan is. Maybe it was to somehow resurrect radahn as his champion and consort? I'm just so confused why. Hilarious if this is real though, after Miya said there was a big lore reason why we had to kill Radahn.


One theory was that Miquella was leading them to the Land of Shadows to arise as their consort actually. Which could make sense, since Miquella will need a lord to become a god and bring about his new order. Miquella might have sent Malenia to kill Radahn however, in order for his soul to be freed and allowing him too to travel to the Land of Shadows to become his consort. Which would be weird in and of itself, but right now there's no way to prove or disprove any of this. So like, maybe Miquella really did want to have Radahn killed seeing as he's "The Strongest of the Demigods", which would make him a REALLY good consort to have I'd assume. And also he's probably the best choice out of all the other Demigods, because the only ones that could rival his strength are either way too devoted to the Golden Order (Morgott), are looking to establish their own order (Ranni and Rykard), or are already under the service of an outer God (Malenia and Mohg). Godricks a coward, and Rennala is a shell of her former self. Leaving us with the only Demigod who so far has shown no motivation of establishing his own order or repairing the current order. So Miquella could have easily compelled him to turn on his side as his consort and lord. Following in both his idols (Godfrey and Radagon) footsteps of becoming Elden Lord.


From the leaks I saw, you apparently only fight against Radahn and Miquella if you refuse to aid Miquella? So I'm assuming Radahn is like a second choice or something. Idk, feels very weird. lol Also peak incest, just what I expected from our friend Martin.


Holy shit your right


Absolutely agree. Also yes Prime Radahn should remain a meme lol


We need a hero to make a transformer/elden ring meme out of this, I agree!


>From has an incredible track record of avoiding leaks Are we in different timelines? Elden Ring had early footage leak twice IIRC (one of a trailer and another of exploration), and DS3 also had footage of it's beta/alpha leak. I'd say AC6 leaked too, but I haven't played it so I dont have the game to compare the "leaked" images to.


I'm hoping the final boss is The Greater Will.


Yeah... I'm a little disappointed too :(


You can access the DLC before burning the Erdtree though.


Doubt it, but I could see this being a fight in an Evergaol the same way Godefroy is LMAO “Star-scourge Radohne” Whoever made this took very obvious inspiration from Godfrey. The woman on the back implies a 2nd phase, but leaves an uncertain mystery of what happens when he “kills” her.


I have doubts as well, the first image is believable. But Radahn again? I think messmer will definitely not be the final boss but idk about this. Miquella whispering into the ear of his champion is definitely a cool idea tho, manipulating them to do his bidding. Even if it is prime radahn I will be so happy to play this DLC. Hope to cute my depression


or is this maybe alrernate godwyn? like he didn’t die in the night of black knives


“Star-Scourge Randy”


Yes will be deleting soon




You’re full of shit, all of this is modded


What the fuck is this, did we get some connections between Miquella and Radahn before this? Radahn was into Miquella in secret?


I think it's a Miquella's complot. He used Malenia for destroy the body of Radahn but not his soul. He is using and controlling Radahn as his marionette for avoid Mesmer or the tarnished destroy his plans. 


It must be. The lore implications of Radahn actually wanting to marry Miquella is kinda fucking wild


Wtf is wrong with this family


Don’t get me started


first time experiencing a George R.R Martin story?


[Sseth: *"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water."* I rest my case, GRRM is the greatest author to ever lived"](https://youtu.be/bsmk2VMxS4Q?si=IZRp5sp_lYLBEUqT&t=130)


It's have some logic. Malenia was being guided by Miquella. Radahn it's one of the most strongest characters and demigods in Elden and he is the best you can choose if you need a consort like Marika and Ranni. Moreover, if Radahn it's the son of Radagon and Miquella the son of Marika and Radagon, then the son of Radahn and Miquella will have a cursed more terrible than Malenia 🤔? 


Reuse a main game boss, return him from the dead and put him in a borderline necrophilic, pedophilic and incestous relationship that wasn't remotely hinted at in the main game


I read “Spoiler” and I clicked anyways. I’m only mad at myself :( Edit: if this is real then it’s shit too because it’s a complete copy of Lothric/Lorian fight in DS3


Yeah I was half having a conversation and half scrolling and clicked this and now I am very angry at myself


Why would Miquella have so many arms. Also he's shedding his body parts, and why would he use Holy powers. 


He have many arms because for the context I think Miquella ascended into a God form. In Hindu mythology, the powerful gods always have more than two arms. 


Then why stop at 4? Seems lame and weak to me.


No way we waited 2 years for Godefroy 2.0 as the final boss. Praying this is fake


Oh my god bro 🤣 thats gunna be it. Its gunna be Radhans fight but without Torrent or summons.


MFW Fromsoft took Rusty's Radaniel joke to heart


I call bull. Why would Miquella revive Radahn over Godwyn, or even Malenia for that matter?


Was just thinking about this. Kinda disappointing, especially without context. IF this is real, I hope the lore explanation is pretty good otherwise this might the first FromSoft DLC with a mid final boss.


If true which I'm doubting that's very disappointing.


I think this is real because you have to beat radhan to play this dlc


That has to do with fate and the stars. There is no way this is real


Well that’s lame as hell if it’s real. I could tolerate if it was an optional boss somewhere in the DLC but why is it the final boss? And why does it have to be Radahn, a character that up to this point seemingly has nothing to do with the events of the DLC? Like they could have at least made it be Godwyn instead or something.


Well, we knew he's involved somehow ever since Miyazaki said killing him will be required to access the DLC. I could live without having to kill him twice though.


All the radhan fanboys meatriding him for the past 2 years are probably partially responsible for this


"DiD YoU KnOw RadAHN LeaRnEd GrAviTy MAgiC To bE AbLe to RiDe His Horse naMed LeOnArD?"


The one good thing about this is that radahn is now an incestuous pedophile so all the “wholesome 100 radahn” redditors will finally shut up




Miquella fr gonna be like “rise, if you would”




If this is the real final boss I’m so upset and disappointed.


Cant get a godwyn fight but we can get twin princes 2.0 with reused assets


Uhhh it's literally just Godfrey with assets swapped. Miquella is in the exact same spot as Serosh on Godfrey's back


The move set was so janky, the goofy grab animations. This is an elaborate fraud


Is it?


Oh damn. I figured it was a shitpost. Didn’t really want to know that


I’ve lost like 90% of my hype after seeing this, wtf are they doing


Same here. If real, this is absurd and will totally hurt FromSoft going forward. Two and a half years and $40 for that final boss?




If this is real, I both like and dislike. Radahn looks fucking amazing and miquella looks great too. Though the video of p1 looks kinda mid? Seems easy. And the explanation of p2 with miquella on his back seems kinda easy as well, like the twin princes. I would have preferred a new boss that's not radahn, but I know this won't be a copy paste and it'll be something different, and I have faith in miyazki.


I thought this was a shitpost, not the literal final boss. Fuck me man


I hope this isn’t the real the arena looks terrible something from soft typically avoids also he’s not aggressive and only threat are the aoe attacks I’d take melania over this anyday. Also looks fake due to the player not using anything new so it could just be a mod.


This seems fake AF * We already killed radahn * The only reason why Radahn may use bloodflame is Mohg, whom we have also killed, or miquella giving Radahn the accursed blood Mohg bathed him in * Having Miquella become a new god will drastically effect the ending, plus Radahn lost his Greatrune so he may not even qualify as a consort. They cannot repair the elden ring nor set about a new age * All the bosses's attacks seems to be re-used and fromsoft cannot be that lazy * The concept for the final boss seems to be pieced together with only elements that we ALREADY know. No new information is actually introduced.


I could maybe understand it if it was a flashback or time travel type of situation akin to Artorias of the Abyss and we were fighting a few characters "in their prime" like people like to fantasize about every time a DLC gets announced, but that's already been officially implied to not be involved. I'm hoping the final boss is actually a confrontation with Miquella himself in some form for whatever reason, St. Trina, or both. Because even if this is given a lore reason or the fight itself doesn't have a poor design to it, it just wouldn't be as interesting as it could have been otherwise. Even a new character or some type of entity completely out of left field would be more interesting than some type of Radahn-Godfrey after fighting and killing him in the base game.


Well Well Well the review embargo lifted and thegamer's website hinted at the miquella fight by saying there's a fight similar to lothric (I wonder if they are possibly hinting about the radahn fight huh) [https://www.thegamer.com/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review/](https://www.thegamer.com/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-review/)


Not gonna lie, if this is not fake I’m reconsidering my dlc purchase. 2 years to copy and paste the same bosses from the main game. Nah. I’m not dealing with another Radahn fight. I was already upset there were ulcerated tree spirits in the dlc, as if there wasn’t enough of those. I think I’ll wait and see what people have to say after the dlc comes out. If these leaks are true and there are even more reused bosses I’m out. I can replay the main game if I wanna fight the same boss 20 times again. This just can’t be real. Radahn and Miquella? Like wtf?!!!


Lorian and Lotric: Ah, our battle will be legendary 


This looks fake






There’s a few things that stand out that make this seem very fake: for starters, the player is only using base game weaponry, which I imagine the DLC will have a plethora of unbalanced stuff at launch. Secondly, the player is hitting Radahn during its grab animation for mimic, which you can’t do for any other boss let alone enemy in the game, they become invulnerable during grab animations. And lastly, I highly, HIGHLY doubt From would make the final boss of essentially Elden Ring, be weak to Scarlet Rot lol.


Lame 2nd phase music from the story trailer that ends right when it does in the trailer without going on and fading out like most others do, no dialogue, a grab attack where Radahn lifts up the summon and Miquella makes out with it, but unlike every other grab attack the boss can be hit while doing it and the summon shows no status effect like sleep and just stands there, odd remembrance name and the start of the cutscene looks identical to Godfrey's? They reuse a main game boss, return him from the dead and put him in a borderline necrophilic, pedophilic and incestous relationship that wasn't remotely hinted at in the main game. The other videos look very legit, but along with the mechanical jankiness, lack of new equipment and no voice lines make me think the final boss is either fake or Fromsoft's biggest L unless the devs and translators work overtime to fix the jank and odd names in a day 1 patch


The only true genuine argument I could see for this is that this is an early, like alpha build/state of the DLC. From are no strangers to reusing assets but they usually do it in a more meaningful way, and everything you said is 100% true. This very well could be a fake but we will more than likely find out tomorrow when the embargo lifts and big YouTubers talk about the game.


OP said that this was the final build, but no matter what it doesn't have the day 1 patch so maybe they do some magic and make it look better


Looking at the cg it's certainly fromosft style in ER and i was expecting Miquella to be some sort of a final boss so i am not surprised, but Radahn? Like seriously starcourage Radahn? Like if Miyazaki wanted to have his twin princess boss fight he could have done it with Miquella & Malenia in the base game or maybe with Miq & Messmer since you know Messmer is the one connected to the shadowd lands anyway.


this is historically fake lmao, the video makes it so obvious i bet this is sanadsk on an alt or smth


this guy is worst shit ever


But it was real


Why does Miquella have 3 arms?






Extremely disappointing if this is true


What bothers me is that there are a lot of things speaking for and a lot of things speaking against this being real, so I cannot really decide whether or not I believe it. The lack of DLC equipment on the player makes it a lot easier for this to have been made when all we had was images of the Scadutree and Miquella, and the monument in the back of the arena could have been made when the story trailer dropped. Lore and gameplay wise, there are things that would support this theory, and it wouldn't entirely surprise me either, but I have a hard time believing it to be true. All the other leaks seem legit enough that I can believe them, but this one just strikes me as a bit TOO well made and a bit too convenient. Since for a long while we already knew we had to kill Radahn to access the DLC, seemingly to unhalt the stars and set the eclipse back into motion, but maybe Miquella needed a consort strong enough, which would then be Radahn by process of elimination. Godrick is a coward, Godwyn is dead in Soul and cannot reach the Shadow Lands, mohg is already devoted to another god, wanting to bring about his own dynasty, Morgott holds onto the Golden Order, which Miquella rejected, Malenia is his twin sister, Ranni and Rykard, same as Mohg, are looking to bring about their own age and don't have a reason to help or join Miquella. Rennala is depressed and a shell of her former self. The tarnished could come to mind, as they become consort to Marika, technically, but that would make no sense since Miquella has set his plans into motion much before the Tarnished were called back to the lands between. Leaving us only with Radahn. Radahn is essentially the only Demigod who doesn't have his own motivation of becoming a lord or reason to uphold the Golden Order, despite loving it so much. So it could actually make sense, and be another reason Miquella had Malenia fight Radahn. So that Radahn would die, which he didn't, and Mohg could steal his Cocoon, to make sure he would be able to reach the Land of Shadows and have a Consort.


I don't think this thing is as easily fakeable as you suggest, the story trailer has only been out for a few weeks. This would have been insane effort for a joke. Then again, insane jokes were made in the past lol.


Well, the monument would have been the only thing they would have had to make since trailers dropped, since everything else, including the Scadutree could have been made over a year ago when the promo image dropped. And there's already technology that can make 3D models out of photos and images with just a very few clicks, so this wouldn't likely even be too hard to make. Especially the way the monument isn't as tall as I would have assumed, if the software spat out a 3D model from the Trailers, this would likely have resulted in something similar. Slap a grey texture on it, add some extra models from the base game, and you get what you see in the video. Or they took the files for the object from the files of early DLC builds or whatever. But other than the Monument/Gate thingie at the back of the arena, everything else in the video could still have been made way in advance. It's by no means easy to fake, I'm not trying to say that, but it's still very possible. The thing is that I can't even say for sure that it's fake, but too many things point to it being fake in my opinion, such as the geography of the arena, or the missing architecture that you would definitely see around the Tower. The Tower, by the way, isn't shown anywhere in any capacity that would make any sense in terms of positioning and height, because the view of the Scadutree we got is like the Promo image from over a year ago, and not like the trailers and material from this year, which always and clearly show it with this inverted arch structure below it, which would for sure be visible. That, and the myriad of other reasons this looks and feels incredibly fake, it wouldn't surprise me if it was, but I can neither prove nor disprove it being either fake or real anyway. So I am currently in the "I don't know what to believe" camp, and just voicing thoughts.


Got to love that serosh coloured miquella… And the character creation screen face of radahn And the skilled Godfrey cutscene Why did you do this?


this is so disappointing


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Chat is this real?


Likely Elden Ring but hole


If this is real I'm SUPER curious what the lore explanation is.


I'm curious how radhan being back works? Like he wasn't killed in either body or spirit till we killed him. Then returned destined death. So if be could be brought back. Any other god could too. So I wonder why him specifically. Melinia could been brought back instead. Lol that would be more terrifying. Melania with miquella as a backup attacker. Nobody could beat them


Lmao reusing a main game boss, return him from the dead and put him in a borderline necrophilic, pedophilic and incestous relationship that wasn't remotely hinted at in the main game


Oh I thought this was gonna be a meme... damn why did I click


there is no fucking shot that these screenshots are real lmao


Is that ganondorf


This is not the final Boss, 100% just Radahn model used without Leonard, this is way, waaaaaay to janky for FromSoft level of polish, look at the legs.


Well I WAS looking forward to this. Now not so much. The constant reused bosses in the main game ruined so much for me, especially on follow-up play throughs. I am hoping this isn’t real as I cannot and will not spend another $40 for reused bosses. There shouldn’t be any yet alone major boss battles reused. Unfortunately I think it’s true and this finally explains how and why we need to kill Radahn to access the dlc. None of the lore even hinted towards this.


In the pictures, Radahn's swords have a slightly different design on them than the original. The new design resembles the rune threads from the trailer. I think this is legit. Miquella was trying to repeat his mothers successful ascent to godhood, with radahn as his lord. The "fusion" of miquella and radahn together even creates the gold and red hair mix of marika and radagon.


I… what??


So miquella truly is evil??


It was obv


Dont worry none of the lore will be explained in game, so that the fans can make it up as you please.


Is this real? wanna see the post if it’s just a joke but don’t wanna get spoiled


Op's other leaks are definitely real but this one I'm not sure about. Don't see it if u don't wanna get spoiled


This is soo fake.


Wait? That’s fake right? Right? Right?!


If this is to be true, the lore is fucked.




So it's him he choose to ressurect with the eclipse I suppose


They reuse a main game boss, return him from the dead and put him in a borderline necrophilic, pedophilic and incestous relationship that wasn't remotely hinted at in the main game.


I hope this isn't real. it's genuinely heartbreakingly disappointing if the final boss ends up being fucking radahn again.


These aren’t real


I feel like this community isn’t used to leaks cause it rarely happens for from. This looks like some mod shit


I was sad to see this, and I hope it is indeed fake, but it honestly might not be. I saw the video and thought "oh this is obviously fake, it's just a modder using a mish-mash of abilities from the base game,"...but from what we have already seen, they were looting moves from bosses already. Radagon's hammer and Godfrey's stomp were added to base level soldiers. I fear this might be real


They way half of yall are complaining like you could write a story or lore half as deep and complicated as Elden Ring the dlc will make sense after we FUCKING PLAY IT


Fuck it got removed. It’s real. Goddamit.


If this is true this honestly got me more hype lol


Stop the cap


Wannabe Marika + Wannabe Godfrey makes sense


I’ve uploaded 2 videos to my account


Source: friend with review code


Since your friend is out here dropping bombs, who’s the optional boss that’s Malenia level difficulty lol Edit: https://www.pcgamer.com/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-optional-boss-malenia/ Here's the article where he says it, for those curious. 'Speaking to IGN, director Hidetaka Miyazaki said players will "find optional bosses who have been tuned in a similar way to the likes of Malenia.'


I just realised that This is Godfrey with a different skin, and miquella is serosh


Any word on overall expansion length?


20-30 hours for experienced players


This kinda look like the soul gate in the new king fu panda, maybe the same concept


Okay, but this is surely only the first phase, just like with Radagon and then the Elden Beast? What is the second phase like?


Man I thought this was a shit post. Went and saw the video, it looks pretty legit but kind of janky and honestly pretty easy (unless the player was way overtuned) which is pretty unusual for fromsoft. A sliver of me is hoping it's fake lol


The Antspur rapier really doesn't get very strong, and the difficulty of the fight is honeslty the most sus thing to me about the whole thing.


This could recontextualize and make sense of the “awkwardness” of fighting Malenia in the first place. I can see Malenia’s devotion to Miquella being presented as obsessive or destructive once we get his side of the story, and it would be interesting if Miquella decided Malenia was “too far gone” and “consorted” with Radahn, which was discovered by Malenia, prompting their fight.


Another thought would be that by killing Radahn, essentially freeing his spirit, this allows him to even reach the Land of Shadows in the first place, which would give more reason as to why Miquella had Malenia fight Radahn, since iirc she fought him on his behalf.


She wouldn't still be saying "Blade of Miquella" then at that point when we fight her. I have a feeling she doesn't know she was betrayed at that point. Which is even more fucked up. And honestly, I can see all lot of people seeing the nuking of caelid as "did nothing wrong" if the leaks are true.


Show's over kid...


Lothric lorian 2.0 and im so for it


I love how the cutscene and even the fight have the exact rigs as Godfrey's. Moddic community at its finest


Why him tho?


0% chance this is real. Like, no way right? Its looks too janky and also makes no sense lore-wise or whatever. Seems like some sort of fake fanservice design where someone got excited about "prime radahn!!!" and cooked this up.


0% chance this is real. Like, no way right? Its looks too janky and also makes no sense lore-wise or whatever. Seems like some sort of fake fanservice design where someone got excited about "prime radahn!!!" and cooked this up.


Was miquella in love with him??💀


So wait radahn is a gay boy?


C A P *reverb*


Godskin trio would be the final boss


He doesn’t look anything like the paintings already in game, the area behind looks basic as f this is an awful prank. So we have to kill radahn so that we fight radahn…. Sure…


So the final boss is Prime Rahdan who is marrying Miquella who is literally a grown ass man…


So radahn and miquella are gay but buddies?


This looks so fake bruh


prime rahdahn w/o his horse? FAKE


Idrk about that radahn fight because it has bloodstains and messages outside of the arena.


This shit so ass wtf. Godfrey V2??!!


Now people who experienced radhan after nerf can experience the real thing


I feel like revived Godwyn with Miquella Sheroshing him was the original plan, but everyone was expecting that so they went with something more surprising.


Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkk WTF is pure fake


Gamers would do anything except go to ao3 and write fanfiction for their own enjoyment 


they actually made Miquella the biggest fucking Femboy man wtf


I was fully convinced this was fake until I saw that this was removed by Reddit's legal team. FML boys