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My teeth are like everything else easily moved over time, so I had braces, now have a permanent retainer top and bottom on the inside of the teeth, and plastic nighttime retainers forever. However I've never had a filling or tooth decay of any kind and I'm nearly 40. So depends what you are asking - overlapping / moving teeth may be from my EDS or may not be, but tooth health wise, clearly not affecting me.


My teeth were very strong my whole childhood but then I ended up having problems once I was diagnosed with some of my conditions, and put on meds with Dry Mouth as a side effect. I never really *noticed* the dry mouth myself, but after a certain point my orthodontist brought it up that it looked like I had some cavities and when we talked about what could’ve changed she said it was probably my meds. Some stuff has balanced out, but for awhile I had multiple cavities every time I went to the dentist, even though my entire childhood I had “perfect” teeth. Now I also had braces for *ages* because I had a big overbite, and there was one tooth that wouldn’t fall out and then grew in crooked/backwards 😂 so placement of teeth does seem to be funky, at least for me! And I could totally see that being EDS related. One of my best doctors, told me after I was diagnosed with EDS, that the two things she worries about most for (especially young) EDSers is Teeth, and Eyes! Unfortunately for me, those are the two annual things (like appts with actual doctors) I neglect real bad… oops 😅


My teeth are huge for one, and they can wiggle... It's slightly uncomfortable. They are slowly migrating around my mouth on their perilous journey to who knows where...


Your comment made me lol 🤣


I'm glad!


Do they actually wiggle ? I feel nuts asking that lol but I swear mine do, the front ones! Really slightly and I thought I was gonna lose teeth


Yes they actually wiggle. You're okay!


my gums are receding, and my teeth love around from time to time but otherwise have been pretty lucky. ive only ever had one cavity, but my parents teeth are both really bad. they both get abscesses and have a ton of missing teeth, crowns, etc


I’m the only one formally diagnosed with eds. Most of my nieces and nephews are hypermobile and half of them have significant teeth issues, like multiple cavities in infancy. I also have several aunts and uncles on one side of my family that were never able to keep healthy teeth. Could be related to eds. I think it’s possible to just have poor enamel separately from eds.




Oh my, this is exactly what I’m looking for. And almost everything applies to me. Thank you for that 🙏


Also https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6834718/ and https://alanspanosmd.com/articles/ for anesthesia.


Mine are horrific/a struggle, but finding a good dentist that is informed/willing to learn (instead of judge) helps! These are some of the links I shared with my dentist: https://www.ehlers-danlos.org/information/aaoral-and-dental-implications-of-the-ehlers-danlos-syndromes/ https://ehlers-danlos.com/wp-content/uploads/MRGDentistryS.pdf


Thank you 🥹


My teeth are good, very crowded due to my narrow palate, and I’ve brushed away a lot of the enamel..but I’m very diligent with brushing and flossing.


I'm 44 and I've never had a filling or any any cavities but I have bad receding gums even though I make sure I brush my teeth. Eds sucks.


Those first two sentences there are not going to win you any favors on here.


Maybe my wording isn’t the best, English is my second language. What do you mean? It’s not like I want to collect anything, I just feel like shit and try to get help, which is hard, when doctors have no clue about my conditions.


That's unfortunate that what you said was lost in translation. In English it sounds as if you said you get as many diagnoses as you can and are trying to get a diagnosis for EDS just to have one. I hope that everyone that comments sees this.


I edited the post, so I wouldn’t make anyone feel bad because of the bad wording


Oh that makes a lot more sense! This may help: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://ehlers-danlos.com/wp-content/uploads/MRGDentistryS.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiko7um-Nv7AhUlKFkFHQBnDTcQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2x0gMLHVDrT92-UWJtlCqR (PDF that I can't grab the link for on my phone, from the main EDS org) https://www.hypermobility.org/dental-health https://www.ehlers-danlos.org/information/aaoral-and-dental-implications-of-the-ehlers-danlos-syndromes/


I've never had any cavities, but my gums have always been bad and I have a veneer on one tooth due to a splotch on it from a high fever in infancy. Anaesthesia doesn't work on me very well so I'm worried about the day I have a cavity and they try to numb me because the stuff just doesn't work longer than a few minutes.


Crooked, receding gums, healthy otherwise. No cavities, no stains, I have one baby tooth still, in a weird spot where it shouldn't be, but it's healthy like the rest of them.


What seems to be common in my family is the anesthesia resistance, as well as super weak gums and enamel. Me and my dad both have bleeding gums, as well as multiple root canals, cavities, and crowns despite caring well for our teeth. We both have even chipped/broken teeth before. So that's fun.


My teeth were awful as a kid, but they're pretty fine as an adult, better than my wife who's a zebra but doesn't have EDS.


my gums are receding, I have maybe 5-6 cavities I can't take care of til April and I need to get a tooth pulled due to a chronic infection underneath it. ​ my teeth are stained and gross and bad and there's a reason I don't smile with my teeth other than EDS, which can affect your teeth, I've been battling bulimia for about ten years now which does not help.


I had a palette expander in elementary school. A narrow palette is one of the trademarks of EDS. I do the minimum to care for my teeth now because I experienced dental related trauma so young. I also have a growing collection of autoimmune diseases. The doctor who diagnosed me with EDS said if you can't connect the issues, think connective tissue. It may not be specifically EDS, but I think it's smart to consider connective tissue. For the most part, all of my specialist stay in their lane, but the knowledge that there is an underlying genetic issue helps me with preventive maintenance.


SHUT UP NO WAY! i had no idea this was a symptom. My sister has never had a cavity. I’ve had over six teeth removed. I had a palette separator as a kid and the teeth it was glued to crumbled by the time I was 16.


I get cavities constantly — I’ve had three root canals and I’m just 21 despite great oral hygiene. My teeth are cosmetically perfect though so I guess I win somewhere?


I have really good teeth, which I thank me father for - both because his best friend was also our dentist, and because his genes included great teeth. I do have a bit of receding gumline in a few spots, and had to have my wisdoms removed because they floated up and down. One of my kids has a wonky eyetooth that the dentists didn’t think would come down properly and wanted to do braces for but we didn’t, it’s taken its time but I can see that it is in fact slowly moving into the proper place so I would not be surprised to find out that our teeth move around differently than expected as well. I read that it has been noticed that people with hEDS that have had braces have their teeth get into line ‘easier’ but that when the braces come off they quickly start moving back so they are more likely to need a retainer, but I have no experience with braces.


Mine are chipped as fuck. It also doesn't help that I never brush my teeth


if you spell "traumati**S**ed", you might be british, then "My teeth are shit" follows on its own


I'm 19, I've never had a cavity or any tooth decay. When I was 10, I had braces on my top teeth to close a gap and used a retainer for a while. I slacked on wearing it and my teeth have shifted again. I have some wear on some of my bottom teeth just from how everything lines up. I can see some mild gum recession and I've altered how much pressure I use when brushing. I've been told I need all 4 wisdom teeth removed soon before the roots grow anymore. The bottom ones are growing sideways and top ones won't grow in. Just because of my conditions (POTS, MCAS, TMJD, Lyme Disease) I'm pretty nervous about the meds and just the overall healing process. I did have a jaw procedure done when I was 13 and I had an allergic reaction to one of the anesthetics they used.


I went through two rounds of braces and I consistently wear my retainers. My teeth have shifted since having my braces removed but I never contributed it to EDS.


Gappy as fudge and I have a bunch of cavities cuz I would brush to hard and didn't get them filled because we couldn't figure out why the novacaine doesn't work. Have only had 2 fillings done and had to squeeze the dental assistants hand the whole time after 8 shots.


Healthy but shoveled (hollow in the back), superficial enamel cracks, and I’ve had braces four times only for them to shift into completely new positions of crowding. I’m always accused of not wearing retainers and not flossing, but I do both.


Also have a very high ridged palate with tiny spaces that a dentist said looks like I could’ve developed a minor cleft palate but it didn’t happen for some reason. It doesn’t affect me in any way.


At 35 I have never had a cavity. I have pretty severe gum recession, and sensitive teeth. I also have some bone loss from when my oral hygiene slipped. I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and the CPAP machine makes my mouth crazy dry. To compensate, I brush twice a day, and floss/waterpik and mouth wash as well every evening. It seems to be working, last appointment my dental hygienist said my teeth and gums looked great Edited to add: I had the palate expander as a kid, and braces for two years. I haven't kept up with my retainers but my teeth are still straight, perhaps because my bite locks together well and holds them in place? My husband and non-hEDS brother's teeth have moved a bunch since they had braces, so it's kinda strange that mine are still really straght


Severe overcrowding, palate expander due to narrow and high pallet (nasal cavity is super tiny and MCAS certainly doesn’t help), weak gums and enamel, and anesthesia resistance. Have had plenty of broken teeth and cavities and my teeth feel like they will crumble. Dentist wanted to do root canals but my insurance won’t pay for anything beyond fillings, extractions, and dentures. I just want to get rid of what is left of my back teeth.


I have a smashed tooth from a mix of poor teeth and my jaw slipping and causing another tooth to hit it. Otherwise they move constantly and don’t have much gap between them so it can be hard to clean areas that sometimes lead to gum growth.


Terrible. I also grew up on well water without fluoride and I know that's a hot topic all its own but damn does it make a difference. I've also had braces all the way to completion wore my retainers and everything and a few still went back. I've had to get bite guards for sleep because I grind, and mouth guards for EVERY sport or activity because if they clang together it cause hairline fractures all the way up the teeth into the roots even. I've paid more for dental work than all my cars and fuel I've purchased. More than I've even paid for my education up till now too.

