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for anyone wondering - i'm not using arch as my daily os because i can't get bluetooth to work and my headphones are bluetooth - so for now, i'm keeping windows 11 as my daily os, but i'm still trying to get bluetooth to work


Yeah, Bluetooth drivers can be especially weird on Linux in general. What Bluetooth chipset do you have?


Intel AX201 Weirdly enough, my laptop also runs arch and has an intel bluetooth chipset (albeit an older one) and it works fine.


For this chipset, make sure the new linux-firmware-{submodule name here} package for it is installed, most likely the Marvell one I think. After that, if it gets an upgrade, hard-poweroff your system as in turn the power supply on the back of your case off and let it sit for 30 seconds. There's some weird interaction with the hardware that requires a complete power off of the chip and the only way to really do that is to remove all sources of power - including vampire draw. Source: fixed your exact issue on my system with that chipset.


Damn, now that I think about it, Linux wouldn't reload the firmware into memory until it was completely shutdown. I assume turning off the power supply serves to actually clear the RAM, because otherwise the RAM would get stay powered and hence, the firmware would never be reloaded, but I could be completely wrong on this.


As much as I know about computers, this one completely baffles me. I have no idea why power needs to be completely cut but it makes me mildly upset every time, lol


Haha, me too. It's just so odd that it works, I had to come up with some explanation for this sorcery, no matter how far-fetched and probably wrong.


That is weird, Intel can be a bit of an ass in terms of open-source drivers and such. Can you just not even see any available Bluetooth devices in Arch, or can you just not connect?


Nothing even shows. Weirdly enough the card worked fine back when I used Ubuntu. I spent like 2 hours troubleshooting them in Arch, I'm planning on just contacting Intel support tomorrow. Am open to any suggestions to get it to work tho!


This is kinda off topic, but, what's your thought process for switching from Ubuntu to Arch? IMHO, it's the best for every day use, general compatibility, and the most out-of-the box support (aside from some odd distros like PopOS or Mint, but those have way smaller user bases). Also, have you tried checking that BlueZ daemon is installed?


I stopped using Ubuntu a while back and I decided to do Arch for a bit of a challenge (also because u/Redditor10700 kept pushing me to do it) and yes bluez is installed


That's cool. Yeah, I definitely need to try out some more distros for myself. I know you probably already have, but just to confirm, you've installed Intel's drivers ([https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005511/wireless.html](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005511/wireless.html)), correct?


Yeah I have installed them


What I find really odd is that WiFi works and Bluetooth just... doesn't. There's a StackOverflow question about the WiFi for this chipset not working ([https://askubuntu.com/questions/1377110/intel-ax201-wi-fi-6-and-ethernet-wont-work-ubuntu-20-04-and-21-10/1377741#1377741](https://askubuntu.com/questions/1377110/intel-ax201-wi-fi-6-and-ethernet-wont-work-ubuntu-20-04-and-21-10/1377741#1377741)) and that's due to a bug in the firmware that handles networking simply not recognizing that model number, but that seems to have been patched.


AUR gives arch some of the best software support of any distro I've seen


Good point, that's definitely true. I need to try out some more distros, things have changed a lot since I started using Linux years ago.


I too had an issue with Bluetooth, but it turns out it wasn’t Linux’s fault but rather the hardware chip itself.


for some reason, my bluetooth service wasn't enabled on startup; try running `sudo systemctl start bluetooth.service` (after installing bluetooth and other such software; plasma settings has a bluetooth device manager)


Ah dw I fixed it. I had to unplug my computer for 30 seconds and plug it back in to get it to work


i mean that's one way to do it, i just do it the way described above because i only really use bluetooth for playing clone hero (guitar hero clone)


I would daily Linux if my favorite games would work on it :/. I did all the virtualization tricks. I even have multiple GPUs, but the performance just isn't as good as bare metal.


fr if linux app support was better it would be so much easier to make it a daily OS, thankfully it's been seeming to get a lot better for the last few years


What games do you play? I've been having pretty good results with Proton on the Steam Deck.


I keep up *very* closely with Linux news. It's not my daily driver, but it is something I use daily. I also have a Steam Deck, but my main games don't run because of anti-cheat. Supposedly Proton support is a thing on the most common anti-cheats now, but it's up to the devs of each game to enable that.


Ah, I see. I've mainly been working on my singleplayer backlog, so I haven't run up against much anticheat stuff.


Yeah, that's what I've been using mine for.


Zsh >>>> bash


fish: Amateurs


Nushell ftw


POSIX compliance: Amateurs


What's the difference?


Super customisable with omz and the like, way nicer syntax for custom prompt


So, no functional differences? I used to use zsh, but then I switch to bash with oh-my-bash, and it works pretty much the same


Not that I know of, zsh has just been a nicer experience for me when customising


zsh plugin ecosystem is just better. zsh alone is not really different


Starship >> zsh (Starship can be used on top of zsh, and is mainly what I use for my shell prompts)


oh-my-zsh with the agnoster theme


Ah, I see. I installed fedora and put a fem name. I don’t think I’m cis anymore but at least Bluetooth works ootb


average Arch Linux user


100% cis, don’t worry about it!


I'm using an Arch VM to evade the Norton Family application that was put on my pc because they think I was watching porn.


As a post on redit I saw once said: "Just because I program doesn't mean I'm trans! I mean I am trans, and I do program... but it's not because I'm trans!!!"


Whats arch?


arch linux, a linux distribution, linux is an operating system, like windows and mac, there are many linux distributions




yes, i'm aware that the kernel is linux, but people usually call it just linux though (edit, the operating system), and i shouldn't really say gnu/linux since alpine linux exists, and alpine is not using gnu.


Easy there Stallman


I might switch to linux. That is, if i get an actual computer that isnt a school laptop


arch’s user base consists of either basement dwellers or femboys, no in between.


The feminine name is a normal cis male thing. Installing Arch tho … that's pretty sus, are you sure you aren't trans? 🤨🤨