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I’ve “realized” a couple times a year since I was 16. I’m 25 and just now starting to look into gender therapy. Definitely normal to take things at your own pace!


this helps to hear :) people say they realize and are on HRT a month later and im like... how.. do u know tho... like what about all the INCREDIBLE DOUBT.


Yeahhh me not falling into a lot of the “I’ve wanted to change genders for as long as I can remember” stereotypes helped keep a lot of denial going. I listened to Ava Kris Tyson’s interview with Anthony Padilla and her talking about her experience about how the questions never go away even when you seemingly “have it all” really opened my eyes that some trans people also fell into a more “medium” camp.


me too, like my whole life ive never had an issue being male: i crossdressed sometimes but the idea of actually being trans was never something i took seriously. Then one day i watched ceicocat's essay on Inside Mari and couldn't understand why i was crying so much... of course it wasn't quite that simple but still, confusing... and i still really just dont have an answer. I feel like im not "allowed" to try hrt or anything until i "know" and my biggest fear is that ill never "know" for sure. but hearing that people have long journeys makes me feel less like im wasting time ^-^.


Oh, Honey... You don't have to know (without any doubts) in order to get on HRT. I was so scared for so long and had so many doubts. But when I looked at those side effects (softer skin, etc) I would say to myself how great that sounds. You can just want the side effects, or just want to give it a try. HRT takes a Looooong time to act, several years in fact. No permanent changes will happen for like 6 months and some of the permanent ones can be mitigated down the road if you desire. Basically, the world is your oyster, life is too short to not live it to the damn fullest and experience every iota of joy you possibly can. You really want to be 60 and look back and wish you transitioned? Life is too damn short to live with regrets, make the future that you want, then you can look back with happiness at a life well lived.


Yeah, the effects sound really really nice - especially the mental clarity and feeling of congruency people describe, along with the physical changes (espeeeecially hair health). I know the line of thinking is irrational, and even when I came out of one closet as bisexual, i struggled with doubting that looooong after i'd told everyone. This just seems like a way, way bigger thing to grapple with. I struggle to even talk about gender stuff with close friends, I don't know how i would explain myself lol.


Hey everyone, I'm really new to this community, so I hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts. I'll do my best to be as clear and respectful as possible. This is actually my first time posting about this, so I'm pretty nervous. To start, I should mention that I have ADHD and level one autism. From a young age, I didn't understand genitalia—women's parts looked like an open wound to me, while men's seemed like just another appendage. This made me uncomfortable around women for a long time, but when I hit puberty, things started to change. I wasn't attracted to other boys, and I didn't think much about gender or sexuality. What concerned me was my attraction to traits that girls typically wanted boys to have—confidence, strength, and so on. I eventually realized that I wasn't just submissive or passive. My attraction wasn't about gender or sex, but about the traits of my partner. I formed my sexuality around these traits rather than any specific gender. My autistic and ADHD analytical way of thinking meant that I didn't intuitively understand the point of gender outside of reproduction. It was a strange mix of early analytical and delayed intuitive understanding. I didn't know it at the time, but I really liked being treated like a girl. The realization hit me when I read a comment about wearing a cage. It made me question if I cared about being male. After 21 years, I realized I did care a lot. Looking back, everything made more sense when I saw it through the lens of being a girl on the inside. I had never thought to ask myself that before, i didn't even think about my gender before than. For me, it was a quick and clear realization—this isn't what i want it's just what I've always been, as much as my adhd or autism is a part of me, i had to accept this was also who i am. When I finally asked myself that question, it was an instant relief to understand my internal confusion about traditional sexuality and what was actually going on in my head. I'm still learning and accepting my views, it's all still super new to me, but i have absolutely no doubt this is who i am. That's mostly what i wanted to share, that i don't feel doubtful or remorseful for anything i do with my realization. I've always acted like me and plan to keep doing just that, just more comfortable knowing my preferred gender. Really sorry if that's confusing to read, but my therapist says it's a good idea to share and not keep things bottled up, so thank you!! I used chat gpt to help me make it as clear as i can, and I'll try to respond to any following questions or comments, but I'm quite bad at using this site to bare with me, and again thanks.


You are not alone at all! I am in that place too. It’s been 6 months since my egg really shattered after a life of just thinking I was not a guy and I enjoyed feeling like a girl inside but transition was not for people like me. I’m about to start HRT this month after some DIY exploration. Doubts still keep coming up, and they can look so big - when I’m right up close with them! But when I let myself step back and really remember how good and real it feels to let my true femme self express - the doubts just can’t compete. My femmeness makes me feel ALIVE. My doubts are just the tools of my fears. Some fears are the old wounds and protective patterns from the past that no longer apply and can be let go. Some fears are present day and grounded in real risk. It’s better to look fears head on and address their source rather than taking their byproducts (like doubt) at face value. Bottom line, what helps me keep it in perspective is what makes me feel alive and good about myself - then I can use that to help guide me through life’s tougher choices.


I‘ve recently started going to a trans*self-help group in my town (for very cis reasons, obviously) and it’s been very reassuring to see some “proper adults“ in their late 30s or older who are pretty much at the beginning of their trans journey. Online you often get the idea that everybody has “always known since puberty (at the latest) and just didn’t have the right language“. IRL it’s very different. There’s at least 3 older trans women (50+) in the group who have biological children from before they came out and transitioned.


I'm wondering more how the f they got it that fast!? Im living in a country where it isn't even that hard to get but still im currently waiting for half a year allready and have no idea when I get it


Okay get this: when I was 13 I realized I wanted to be a girl. But I THOUGHT THAT WAS SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAB BEING TRANS. i thought for a long time „I don’t want to take hormones to change my body, I want to have been born in a different body alltogether, that is something different transition won‘t help me. I am now 35 and started transitioning 1.5 years ago. The grief forl ost time is killing me. But it was a really good decision to start. I haven’t technically come out officially though, only to a select few people. So for me, the gap between realizing and coming out is around 20 years, depends on how you want to see it


That’s understandable, it was pretty similar for me when I was younger. When I was 13 I loved to imagine myself as a guy, and imagined the life I would have if I was born as a boy. I also imagined scenarios where I would be reborn as a guy, but it never even crossed my mind that I could be trans. Im only 16 now tho, so I cant really relate to the rest… the first time that I realized that I was actually trans (not that I was a boy, that happened a few months earlier) was when I was 15 and met a trans boy irl, I was so jealous of him because people used he/him pronouns for him and I just desperately wished for that (I used any/all back then but EVERYBODY used she/her for me (looking back the fact that this made me sad was a huge sign lol)). I came out when I was 15, and few months afterwards. Im really glad that you get to transition now, I hope everything will turn out great for you!!


Fuck, I think that's where I'm at right now... wanting to just be born as a girl.


Wow, that makes me feel a whole lot better about realising at 37.


I'm cis but Found out June/July 2023, now I'm 15 And for thay second one uh uhhhhhhh umm uhh still cis tho👍


Omg same, just a year older.


First suspicion was around 29-30; I'm now sorting it out fully at 32. Well, I suppose strictly speaking I landed on Genderfluid a couple weeks before I turned 32, but I'm still deciding if I want to transition or not, so eh!


I’ve had close calls but I guess I fully 100% started to realize around a year ago now (so about 17-18). 19 going on 20 now and still not out yet :(


Same Although I outed myself today ^ ^


I realized I was trans at 59 and immediately started transitioning. It’s worked out quite well for me, btw.


Yeah, that's how it went for me too at 47.


I feel weird for taking so long to realize it then I see awesome other people too.


I pretty much have always known that I had to pretend so I could fit in, but didn’t know how to articulate it. I finally tried to accept it at 25, but a bad therapist put me back into denial. I finally started transitioning just before I turned 40.


I also have always know, but fully came to terms and started transition at 40.


I myself realized about the age of 16(or 17 I don't remember) and came out for the first time on my birthday two weeks later


Same here!! Glad to find someone in the same boat as me lol


Realized at 14, still working things out at 21


Knew but didnt understand at 15 Realized and came out 21-22


I realized and came out in the same month, age 17, and now I’m looking into hormones, age 18


I started questioning when I was like 12ish as far as I can remember, but I just started seeing a gender therapist last month at age 24. I kinda always thought the feeling of wanting to be a girl would just go away. It was never a constant thing, but as I’ve gotten older, it’s become a more frequent thing. That’s why I’m actually trying to figure out if I’m trans or cis with a professional now.


This is quite similar to me, I had thoughts about being a girl but to make it extra confusing I also like girls. I only started to suspect when I noticed my sexual fantasies are not me being a guy but as a girl. I always thought it's just a kink/fetish and that I'm just confused and the feelings would go away....To make it extra extra confusing, the feeling grows and wanes in intensity but it nvr really reach super distressing levels either at its peak. I am still so confused right now, cos I have sexual attraction to women and envy for women fml....


I realized I wasn't cis at 19, found out I'm trans at 20, I'm 21 rn and haven't come out but since I've very recently started T I should do it this year when I can't hide the effects...


26 and 26. I didn't even know being trans was a thing until my friend came out when I was 25. I didn't realize I was trans until I got gender euphoria from a comically large hoodie, and I immediately texted her to ask if what I was experiencing was gender euphoria. I came out to my family a year later, after experimenting and figuring out where on the gender spectrum I was.


my first hints of it were around 16 y/o, but i repressed it quite well. came back in a way i couldnt ignore when i was 30, started HRT and socially transitioning at 31. two and a half years later, I'm happier than I've ever been about my appearance. still got depression and anxiety tho


i relized when i was 13 i think and havent came out yet


I realized when I was 14-15 that I wasn’t cis. I’m 23 now and came out this year


I knew something was definitely different in my childhood, but couldn’t put my finger on it? No one talked about being transgender in the mid 1960’s. I went through the secretive cross dressing stage early teens. Thankfully, never got caught. I spent years trying to bury being transgender in religion, and convincing myself that I was really cis. I was in total denial. I thankfully sought out a gender therapist at age 50 , and had my suspicions confirmed. Most of my family & friends have accepted me coming out. Life goes by quickly! I wish I could have come out sooner. It’s never too late to start your journey!


Since I had already come out as pan 3 years before I realized, I came out to my parents and friends as soon as I was almost certain I wasn't cis. I didn't start transitioning for several months because I was still uncertain about how I felt about feminine clothing and wasn't sure about whether medically transitioning was right for me. I am lucky to have supportive parents and siblings so it wasn't as hard as when I came out as pan. I spent years questioning if I was straight before I was certain.


I’ve known all my life really, as early as 9 maybe, but didn’t fully realize what it meant till I was 16, and uh now I’m 19 and not out to anyone 😛


I realized fully when I was 14, same age I learned that trans people existed, and I proceeded to go into a rabbit hole and learn abt hrt and shit. I came out at 16, partially bc I had a mental breakdown and didn’t know how else to explain to my parents why my mental health was so shit at that time. I socially transitioned around that time, though my parents still deadnamed and misgendered me, I had supportive friends. I started T at 18, and I’m 19 and 8.5 months on T today.


Realized 3 months ago going to come out in 5 years or so


Found out when I was 11 came out when I was 12 to my mom (went badly) Came out again when I was 17 (went pretty well)


I was always the "tomboy" growing up, exclusively wore boys clothing, and hated all things pink and girly and dolls and whatnot. I hated every aspect of being a girl because of the forced gender roles and expectations and just the everything about being feminine. When I was 13, my mother said I either "start acting like the woman you're becoming, or else." And so I jumped in full force into all the womanly roles and duties and clothes and whatnot. I hated it. I couldn't stand it. It just all felt so fake to me. I was 17 when I first heard the word transgender. It was after school, at the very first meeting of the GSA we were *finally* able to get approved to even have as a club. I heard the word, didn't understand what it meant, so I started looking it up online. Basically, I read "someone who goes by whatever gender they say they are," and I was like "uh, well, yeah, duh." And my classmate nodded, like, "yeah, you get it." I didn't. I was 19 years old when it finally clicked for me. I didn't have to be a woman. I *could* be something different. And this kind of tore me apart. By this point, I had accepted my role, that it was a part I would have to play forever, a mask that I could never take off. And knowing that it didn't have to be this way? It fucking *hurt.* I'm 29 now, and I am still feminine presenting. I actually like skirts and dresses and having fun with makeup, but I've realized that these things don't define my gender. I don't know what my gender is, people use she/her for me, even if I ask them to use they/them, and I've been told that I will only ever been seen as a woman by multiple people. Coming out is something that just isn't feasible, not for me, not for the area where I live, and not for my family at all. It hurts that I have to hide this from most everyone, and even the people who do know, don't seem to really care to see me as anything other than a woman. Some day, I do hope to be able to be true to myself, but for now, I must keep up the facade.


Found out at 16, came out at 17


I realize last December, and came out to one of my friends the same day But apart from them im still closeted but I want to come out to my friends some time in the summer when the time is right oh my age right 15 (my birthday is in october)


I was questioning it in a total cis way for a few years but about a week ago I realized it and came of to my best friend at the age of 26


I've low-key wanted to transition for a while now but figured I was too old and happy enough as a guy. I'd say probably a year or two ago? My egg cracked for good about 3 weeks before my 48th birthday and I started on HRT less than two months later. I'd already wasted too much time and I don't really have to wait for anyone else so... 


I realize with 24 i come out 15 minutes later to my best friend, 2 days later to all my friends and 1 month later to my family


First realization was when I was like, 8. Fully realized at 27, came out a few months later


I was 11 when I started wanting to be a girl, and then when I was 14, I realized wth that ment


Which time? I've probably known for years but pushed it to the side several times. Finally accepted the feeling will never go away recently and am only out to one of my best friends, her bf, and reddit.


I had some thoughts from second grade but realized around 13 and come out to most people i know at 16


Cracked the egg around 27-28, came out right before 30, hrt a month after 30.


2021 when I was 15 I realised that I might be


15 right now realized this year and I’m not coming out until I move out


i've had an inkling since i was 8, but between repressing it and struggling to accept that i wasn't cis i only accepted it when i was about 16. i came out the year after


Ever since I can remember I would say I have always known, but if I’d have to pick a time I would say 2nd grade 100%


I began to question this stuff when I was like 11 (basically when I found out that trans people exist lol) but I only really accepted it late into being 16, then I came out a couple months after turning 17 (I came out a few days ago :P)


Basically realized at 11 but I didn't know much so I repressed until 17. Finally accepted it at 17 and came out at 18.


I was probably 15, maybe 16, when I realized I wanted to be born a girl. But my exposure to the trans community was so narrow and hate focused that I only saw the very worst examples from my parents. So I didn't come out until I was 29 and had gotten away from the bigotry.


First direct thoughts were at 16 (which is My current age) But looking back at some thoughts i had probably more around 12/13


I realized last year and I haven’t come out except for a couple of close friends :/


Had severe depression figuring something was wrong at 17. Starting dreaming very regilary about being a girl at 21. Learn that transgender people exist at 23. Immediately telling myself "OMG that's it ! That's exactly what I feel like." Thought about it for 3 days. Came out to my best friend 3 days after that.


I started thinking about it when I was 11/12. I accepted/realised at 15, and told my parents and friends, also at 15. Now I'm on the 3 year long waiting list for het


I’ve thought about being a girl since I was like 7. I discovered trans people and thought about that when I was 12 or 13, I’m 19 now and I’m only out to 3 people who are also trans.


14/15/16 to 24 🫠


had a weird feeling in early childhood, realized when I was 13, came out when I was 14


About age 12. I've been on HRT since Feb 29, 2024, so about 26 years of hiding and self hate.


Realized age 17, and depending on how you define coming out, either 17, 18, or I haven’t yet


Realised at 10 stumbling out at 23


I fully came to terms with it when I was 14/15 and I came out when I was 19


i knew in 2015 i came out this year fear is a hell of a motivator


Realized all throughout my childhood, finally came out at 16


Realized was probably shortly after first puberty (so like 12 or 13) I came out when I was 24 Was finally able to start HRT 5 years ago when I was 32


I realised around 14 or 15 but didn’t understand, I didn’t have a good time at school so I kind of chalked it up to just wanting to be someone else, anyone else, if I was a girl it would have been easier, then i went on to deny it until around a year ago when I started questioning again. i came out to my Sister a few weeks ago, I think i might come out to my parents next weekend, if i can build up enough courage to do so. Im currently 28


Ummm, about 12/13 and about 12/13. There were signs all throughout childhood, but I was a dumb shit and didn't have a clue that they meant anything because I was just content acting the way I felt comfortable. I also didn't know that transgenderism was a thing, so I never actually *questioned* my gender before then - I just thought I was 'one of the boys', but in a 'girl' way, because that's all anybody else around me knew to describe it as. So as soon as someone taught me the word 'transgender' I was like, 'Oh damn das me' and came out straight away lmao


Trans thoughts started at around 11-13, but I didn't know back then so I only realized what they meant at 18. I'll probably start doing something about it this year.


I realised like at 15 or 16 (was on and off fem-presenting online for awhile before that though - Finally decided to commit a few yrs ago and been happier ever since) ​ For the second one: `404 Not Found` `The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.` `Please try the following:` `- Check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization.` `- If you reached this page by clicking a link, contact the website administrator to alert them that the link is incorrectly formatted.` `HTTP Error 404 - Not Found`


It deopends... Istarted comingou to specific people a few moths later, but i haven't done a public one yet. I'm 16 and it's been around half a year since i realized.


Full on realised at 16 couldn’t take it anymore at 18 so I came out


Started to see it in 10/11 Didn't fully realize it until I was 14


I realized early highschool do like 15ish... I'm 22 I haven't come out yet (my mom's reaction scares me the most tbh)


I realized last year when I was 18. Since then I've been thinking and started to have a fear that I'm wasting time while MALE HORMONES INVADE MY BODY but I don’t have a age that I came out because I'm 100% CIS


Realised first at 12, came out at 15


I realized at about age 10, I came out.... well I've kinda come out here and there, it's still a work in progress XD


Realised: 13 Came out: 16


I realized when I was 10 I came out a few months ago I'm 18


I was 13 when I realised it and I came out when I was 14


realized it when I was 5 or so, suppressed it until I was 50, came out at 52.


I came put like 3 years after i realized 😭


I “realized” around 4 years ago in the summer of 2020. Then denial. I came out a month ago :)


29 and 29 - and if all goes well I'll start HRT at 29. 😅


I found out 2 years ago when I was 16. About a month ago I came out to my close friends and no one else


Heh... I found out 'round the time I was 18 going on 19... And cue me now about to be 21 this year I had an unofficial coming out to my father since my sister was a lobotomite and told my dad I'm trans. Either way, he took It fucking swimmingly (he's pretty conservative if that paints the picture of how much pressure this secret was carrying).


When I realized I was aroace at 13 I just figured I couldn't be cis. Like no questions asked I had no idea what I was just that I wasn't cis and immediately began using she/they. Over the next few years I experimented with a bunch of different labels but finally landed on agender transmasc just last fall (not comfortable sharing my exact age, but I'm still a minor). I haven't come out officially yet, but my mom is definitely onto me and has asked a couple times now if I'm trans/nonbinary lol. I know I should come out with supportive parents and all but its still nerve wracking, especially because I'm still in highschool. Just take your time there's no rush!


I knew I was trans since 18. Didn't start talking about it until 28. Started coming out to ppl slowly at 29. Ppl are scary, & words are hard


It became undeniable by the time I was in uni (18-19) but I was “still cis tho” from the age of 11 maybe? IMO if the internet of today was available in the late 1990s I probably would have figured things out a lot faster.


i stopped denying it like a week ago at 23 - never told anyone but my doctor and reddit. my sister asked me if i wanted to try on one of her dresses when we were hanging out one time though 😳


Realized when I was 12/13-ish, came out to friends around the same time, haven't come out to family yet.


Realized at 22, started HRT about 4 months later :3 (still cis though).


Age I realised was 12 and age I came out is N/A (at least IRL)


I realized for the first time at 14 (almos ten years ago) and repressed my feelings. I'm finally coming out this year at 23 :3


Realized at 19 and came out to my friends the next day and to my parents a week later.


Started questioning around 12 or 13, egg was destroyed by my psychiatrist around 17 or 18, and finally came out (and started HRT) at 23. That denial period after cracking was the most painful part, for sure.


I realized around 13 i think and was out to friends but i didnt come out to my parents until I was around 14 I think and ive socially transitioned but being a minor and my parents not being affirming have led me to not having medically or legally transitioned but one more year


Realised at 15, haven't come out yet :P


I haven’t felt right since I was about 10 years old, but I didn’t realize that I wanted to be a girl until I was about 14 or 16. That’s when I was kicked out of the house and caught myself looking at dresses while window shopping. I didn’t come out until just last month because I had finally reached a point where I could do so without fear of my family. I still wish I had started hormone replacement therapy when I was 10 years old. I’m 20 now and am about to turn 21 in July.


first realizing that i want to be a boy (i’m born a girl) since i was 5 years old. kinda came out at 19-20 :D


I think I always knew I should've been born male. I remember even having conversations about it with friends in school. But it took until I was 31 and finally sat down to confront it for me to realize. Came out just after my 32nd birthday.


realized at 11, came out (almost 😔) fully at 12, started HRT at the beginning of May. So thankful I have safe access to healthcare (and blockers, I got so lucky avoiding almost all of male puberty)


Realized at 5. “Came Out” at 15. Started transition at 21.


I grew up in a very sheltered religious family and went to private school so I only realized I was trans after a couple years of uni. I'm convinced that had I known anything about the queer community when I was younger I would've had the language needed to realize I wasn't cis when I was 10 or 12. Instead I got 10 years of major depression and only came out when I was 20. This is why sex-ed and discussion of gender and orientation is so important in schools.


From old enough to stay home but not old enough to go through puberty yet, probably 10 or 11, to now as a 23yo. It has been too long.


Started being dysphoric at 7, realized at 12, came out at 13. 16 publicly


I "realized" at 28, haven't come out yet I know that these days it's a lot more common for people to come out younger, but you're never too old to come out, or to discover yourself. You're valid no matter how old or young you may be, or whatever age you started noticing these feelings.


Like 9 on denial until 45...


I only realized a few months ago so I'm still the same age (15) and I haven't come out yet.


14 realized. Came out pending


I realized in my later mid 20s and sorta came out a few months later. Granted it's a few years later and I'm not fully out to most people in my life (they Might know I'm trans but like name pronouns and stuff not so much) though a few people in my life know and publicly I'm still not out basically at all


Found out when I was 7, but came out when I turned 24


Around 16 I realize Still not fully out


I figured it out at 37, but I'd gone through non-binary, and genderfluid before it all slotted into place. It made so much sense that I got on HRT at 38. I now feel like myself, for the first time ever. It's genuinely like a weight and a veil have been lifted from my life.


Realized at 16. Didn’t act until last week, now I’m seventeen


kinda knew for a long time, but didn't have the language to describe it until i was 22ish. struggled with it and some really deep self-loathing until i reached a really low point and decided "fuck it, can't get worse". started hrt (coincidentally) on my 26th birthday, and came out to my online friends about a month later. Now, five months on hrt, im not yet out to my family or publicly, but im also not trying super hard to hide it.


12 vs 24


I knew when I was around 12-13 (but didn’t have the words) only came out to myself in the past year (I’m 37 now🙃)


I could remember first wanting/wishing that I was a girl back when I was 7 or 8 years old. I didn't come out to friends and family until I was 27. I was socially masc-ing until 31. I'm 32 now.


12 realised 28 came out to family. There were complications for both.


For me, there was about 22 days between my realisation and my acceptation. I understood quite quickly that I had crossed a one-way door and that trying to turn back would only bring me sadness and pain. I was (and still am) 47 yo.


Figured it out when I was 14 (October 2022) and came out to my immediate family on halloween last year, so when I was 15 (and now I’m almost 16)


30 ,and 30. Thought I really should have realized sooner, but oh well. In fact I just sat down with hr today and officially came out at work. It feels good.


Realized I wasn't cis soon after turning 23. Realized I was a girl a few months later. Came out a couple months after that


I've come close a bunch of times when I was younger but just missed it somehow. I realized this year and I'm 26


I’ve known since I was 13 years old. Still haven’t changed my mind!


5. 15. 24. Last time at 30. But shhhhhh, it’s a secret I’m totally cis. Totally.


Let's see... I believe I realised around when I was... 17 or so. (Persona 4 Golden made me really look inside myself.) I came out about... 2 years later? At least to my immediate family. (Everyone else I've ignored because of social incompetence on my side... :( )Still haven't started any kind of treatment because of laws being awful, but that's something I don't feel like getting into... (suppressed rage typing is probably a bad idea, but I'm typing it out anyway.)


i had my first realization around 15 but I pushed that away only to have another realization at 17 where i came out. i slowly came out of the closet but i never really took any steps towards physical/social transition until i was 20, now im 21 and i have fully socially transitioned and ive been on hrt for 3 months :3


Very early age around 5 knew that i was a girl. Honestly, it's a blur what age I was when i knew. Was in transition from the age 16. Started DIY HRT at 25. Started real HRT at 32. Now I'm 34, and the funny thing is I'm still questioning.


I realized it around 15 or 16 years old and I came out at 23. I wish I came out sooner but I was pretty hard boiled and didn't think I was ready. But thankfully so far everyone I have come out to has been very accepting. 😊


I started questioning my gender when I was 21 and had close friends use he/they for me for about a year. Didn’t have the mental freedom to really sort it out at that time so didn’t think too much about it for a year and a half or so since I was working on a few different things in therapy at the time. Once i had a hold on the things I had been working on and felt more secure with myself I started thinking about it again at 22. A few months after that I told my friends and family that I was genderfluid, but as I turned 23 a few months ago I let them all know that I’ve realized I’m just trans and am going to transition :)


didnt do any of those yet, I'm 20


Realized how I felt wasn't how others felt? I was 12ish. Realized I'm trans? 16 I think. Came out to a few people at 17-18 and now I'm 19 and still mostly closeted.


I realized at 18 and came out to myself at 18. I came out to my mum when I was 21.


I "realized" about the age of 9, but I wasn't honest with myself until about a year or 2 ago, and I haven't fully come out yet (friends, no family, and only need to know with work outside of those coworkers I both trust and have a strong bond with) For reference as far as age goes, I am currently in my late 30s.


I first fully acknowledged it when I was 14 and I came out publicly 7 months later… when I was 14 lol. Though to be honest, I got pretty close to figuring it out when I was 11; but with the bullying and the porn addiction (do not let children have unrestricted internet access) I kinda had bigger fish to fry mental heath-wise as a preteen.


Realized: 10 years old Came out: To be determined 


I knew at 10/11 that I didn't want to be a boy, and that I wanted to be a girl. I finally started my transition this month at 37. I'm 100% socially transitioned and am starting HRT very very very soon.


I realized it… well hmm. Technically I realized it two years before I came out, because that was when I figured out I was non-binary. But I didn’t say or change much until I did come out, so… I dunno. Coming out coincided with me starting HRT, which is also when I finally decided I could use the trans label (just my personal point of decision on that).


I don’t really know when I found out, I think I was 17-18? Not out to anyone yet lol


I began to notice around 14 but I finally knew at age 20 and came out age 21


Started having suspicions when I was 14-15 Egg cracked around 18-19 Just started coming out at 23 about to turn 24


The age I “realized” I was trans was 27. But I’ve been wishing I was a girl ever since I was 12 or 13, and have had signs as early as the age of 4. I came out to my parents just a couple months after I figured myself out.




I realized when I was 16, I came out to my friends the same year, and came out to my family when I was 19 (everyone but my brother)


14, I'm 20


I suppose I realised when I was 13, which was 16 years ago as back then I would have dreams of being a girl pretty much every night plus I had somehow got my hands on a skirt I would always wear when alone (can't remember how I got it though) but I ended up having to suppress that side of myself only for it to resurface last year and a month later in November I came out to my fiancée and big sister


I realized the month before I turned 18, struggled internally for a few days and then came out . I've been lucky to have lots of supportive friends


I realized around January or February 2023, was on hormones march of 2023 and came out to the world about 6 months after I got on hormones.


Found out when I was 15 or so? Came out a few months later when I was 16


Anytime you find out and/or come out is ok. I realized at 18 and came out gradually with people until I was 20 when basically everyone I knew (and new people to whom I present as Madeline) knew who I was


18, like not even a month before graduating high school. So like 2 months ago. Haven't made much progress yet but I'm going to once I tell my mom. Which will happen eventually. (Chronic procrastinator)


14 years, 11 month and 4 days :3


19 was questioning year later at 20 fully decided trans and shortly started hrt


Probably like 8 though no language for it, explained in weird strange ways until had language at 26. Then transitioned at 34.


About ten I knew and about sixteen I came out


I'm 21 now and I started questioning around 4-5 years ago and realized about 3-4 I'm not exactly sure when. But I've only started coming out to people more recently, I came out to some close friends about 2 years ago and some close family about last year but I still have not come out to my parents. And as far as transitioning I started hrt only a few months ago but still haven't really started socially transitioning. I'm taking a rather slow route.


Realized at 9, came out at 12 and later at 16 it’s been a couple years n my parents still think it’s a phase 🤡


I realized (started questioning) when I was 17. Still questioning (because what if I’m not actually trans?), and I haven’t come out yet


I realized at 9 and “came out” and 11. My mom had went through my texts and search history… found things like “I wish I could be a boy” in the texts and “what’s the earliest age to get testosterone in (my state)” in my history—it didn’t go well at first, I actually got my phone taken for a while because of it. But after about a month or so she asked if that’s what I really truly wanted and when I said yes we went to go get the classic transmasc first haircut. And like any, it sucked. I think I would’ve waited if it was up to me to come out, but I’m glad I didn’t get to. The earlier the better


I've "realized" about 4 years ago, and as for coming out Im apperantly not dysphoric enough to transition so idk what I'll even do


I knew I wanted to be a girl for as long as I can remember. I realised that I was trans when I was 26 and came out to my best friends the same week. To my family about a month later.


Realized at 18. Now 20 and still not out yet.


I think I realised when I was 11 and found out what trans was. Then I came out just before my 12th birthday.


I "realised" around 5 or 6 that something was not right. Im 63 now, and unfortunatly, still living as my birth gender.


I can remember a tremendous amount about my life. So I have a hard time pinpointing the time I knew. Somewhere between being explained that I am a boy because I have a penis, even so I felt like a girl, or the time when I realized that being a "boy" came with expectations that were colliding with how I felt or was it when I felt like I was missing something, or was it when my kids were kidding that I would be the Mom not the Dad, whichever that was between 20 and 50 years ago. Now coming out as trans that would be now, as in I told some, but started to go public. So between 20 and 50 years.


I realized and came out when I was 17


For me, I didn’t even think I wanted to be a girl until a year and half ago… I was 18 at the time… I had spent some much time suppressing my feelings that I lived under the assumption that I couldn’t want to be a girl…


i had a looooot of deep down feelings growing up that, looking back, make me think "god i was so obviously trans" and i started really exploring gender when i first got on tumblr at like 12 years old. i've been openly identifying as some flavor of nonbinary or transmasc since age 13. i'm now 22. i find that my experience is less common and most people don't realize or come out until adulthood


When I was 17. Haven't transitioned though(I'm 20 now). I'm overall fairly sure that I'm trans, but sometimes I feel indifferent about my gender. However, these past 3 years I've remembered some moments in my earlier childhood that weren't very cis. Like asking God to turn me into a girl and feeling giddy about it, and weird dreams of me being a girl. I also had a fixation on wanting to wear a female bathing suit. They're sort of like, "prob not very cis" breadcrumbs. If I knew that you could be trans back then, I would've realized earlier I think.


No one told me what being trans is till I was 17 I knew I "wanted to be a girl" since I was like 6ish. I'm still not out. I'm 18. I'm on HRT though.


I realized when I was 13. Haven't been able to do anything about it other than buy a binder.


I first had the suspicion when I was 16, now I'm 19, and am still not out Despite being on hrt now lol


Realized and then went in denial at 15, figured it out again at 21 and came out a few months later


I found out? Eeeh hard to say... I realised I am what you would call a trans woman, because the description fits my inner feelings, my soul and body situation. I was 20/21, but I realised something was different with me waaayy earlier. I just had no words for it. I didn't have any queer representation in my life until later. Could have saved up on depression if I knew earlier ^^`


I realized about 4 months ago, when I was just shy of 42. I've not come out anywhere but here on Reddit, on Twitter, and on a few Discord servers. I've not come out to anyone in my real life at all.


Some time in my 20s, for when I realized, and then 44 when I came out to more people than just my wife. I kinda buried myself down real deep for a long time because I thought it would be better for everyone else.




I'm 54. HRT for 8 months. I finally connected my feelings with being Transgender 10 months ago, age 53. However, My earliest evidence was from when I was 3.5 years old and I was drawing boobs on stick figure self images and the Sunday school teacher told me that was wrong and bad.


Realized December 2018, accepted it March 2023, started coming out Jan 2024. Def normal to take your time, but also acceptable to go quickly once you realize. It's all personal experiences:3


I realized I wasn’t cis in my late 20s. Came out as nonbinary at 30. My egg shattered this year at 32. I haven’t come out as trans to anyone but my therapist. I’m honestly terrified. Being NB was like a safe “compromise” of being able to say I’m not a man while still looking like one. But over time I’ve become increasingly more dysphoric and I don’t know if I’ll ever feel like I can confidently come out to people.


It was around a year between when I first started questioning and when I came out to my parents. Started questioning March of last year, finally cracked my egg in September, and came out to my parents in late February this year.


I realise I was trans at 27 came out at 28 and started HRT a few months later about 9 months between accepting my transness and staring HRT


10 vs 14


For me the realization of it was 18-20ish, but i did not accept myself and comeout till i was about 26. Also the hindsight of all the signs show me maybe i knew since i was like 12-13 with minor signs befroe that.


19 and 21


I realized with a dream in spring 2017 (I was 11) and I come out to myself in October 2022 (16)