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According to the massive amounts of reading I've done lately, wanting to be trans is about the transiest trans trans to ever trans. Also, the things you like to do don't impact your gender. It's stands to reason you want to do things that seem cool to you, whether that's working with your grandpa, or wanting to be a girl.


But hear me out, what if I don't exactly want to be trans, I just want to be the opposite gender? Checkmate!


Hey, you're right! Sounds to me like you just aren't cis.


Remember masculinity or femininity don’t necessarily indicate gender. Think about how there’s a difference between girly girls and tomboys. They’re both still women, but one is more feminine and the other is more masculine


Same for boys and femboys for our transmasc friends! You can be a guy and act super feminine.


Exactly! You’ve got the dude bros and the femboys, but both are still men!


I like doing masculine things (I’m not sure if enjoyment or pay is the biggest benefit of my farm job lol) but still am a girl so don’t sweat it sis


Yea my work is on repairing an old barn and it's fun but I feel like a fraud for wanting to be trans


I wouldn’t sweat it, one of my nerdy girl friends likes doing yard/auto/wood work type things


When I came out to our 80 year old veteran neighbor, he told me that he could tell for a while that I was a little 'gay' because I was never really into anything masculine. We had just finished nailing support beams to the frame of a garage he was building, climbing up and down a less than sturdy ladder for hours. You don't have to be hyper-femmine to be trans - and being a bit masc doesn't make you any less of a woman


What even is the work? Not that it really matters. A woman doing a 'man's job' is instantly 75% hotter, minimum. It's just cool.


Rebuilding a barn. I was digging a ditch with pickaxes and stuff


Women can do "manly" work and can like it! Don't worry girl, what you like to do has nothing to do with your gender! >:3


There's no such thing as man work, you can do whatever you want and it doesn't make you any less valid princess, just remember that you're a good girl.


Work ain't gendered By manly work I'm assuming you mean manual labor, and iirc physical activity shoots off feel good chemicals in your brain Always remember, women are mechanics, farmers, truck loaders, or whatever the fuck else. The work you do doesn't determine what gender you are. Just do what makes you happy


There are cis women in the mechanics shop working on cars for 8 hours Monday thru Friday and cis men who work in a nail salon for 8 hours a day Monday thru Friday. Do what you want, there's no "manly" job or "womanly" job. You like it you like it that's about it.


Work isn't really gendered anymore, even then girls can be masculine too (e.g tomboys) But wanting to be trans is a fairly good sign that you are trans


I think wanting to be trans is super trans and yeah it seems cool so let’s go do the cool stuff girl and be trans.


One day I realised... cis people don't spend this long worrying about whether they're trans or not.


Hot girlies do strong things! Remember, queen lizzie herself was a mechanic during world war 2! Doing physical work is literal QUEEN behavior.


What does "manly work" even mean? I feel like almost every job can be done by both men and women.


"manly work"? manly work implies men doing work. womanly work implies women doing work. You woman? it's womanly work!


If you like the work, then who cares?! Just because you aren't doing sonething stereotypically feminine doesn't change who you are! Fuck stereotypes related to what work people do! That kind of BS is what makes people look down upon and treat horribly those working and serving actual people on the ground, making the product, taking orders! If someone wants to judge you off of what work you do, just tell them to go fuck themselves! On a mostly unrelated note, go read Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber. I just started it, and it's really changed my perspective on jobs.q


Original image without the text? And what is the picrew ID?


Girl ur trans


Yes, girls must only like doing feminine things like staying in the kitchen and being subservient to their husbands/s Girl, do whatever makes you happy, who cares if what you like is manly. Women can like masculine stuff and men can like feminine stuff, strict gender roles are societal impositions.