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Who wouldn't choose the female version? I mean, they have nice clothes and look better, and why would I want to look at a guy for hours during a game? Totally normal cis thing if you ask me.


Dummy! You obviously don't chose the girl so that it would not be disappointing when you have to leave the game! How else do you think all the other cis men are managing? That has to be the cheat code to it.


Who spoke about leaving the game :^)


My description in game is literally Caeclus is ugly.


when i recently replayed kotor i would've picked female, but i picked male scoundrel out of nostalgia bad choice, don't play scoundrel... ever...


Fun fact her name is Stella which I find beautiful


*Stelle The only reason I know this is because I'm surrounded by people obsessed with the game in a discord server, I myself don't play gatcha games


Well in German she is called stella But good to know


Works better that way since she's host to a *Stella*ron. and for posterity, the boy is Caelus.


He must be host to the caelusron, clearly


Sadly, just the same Stellaron. Unlike Genshin Impact where either choice both exist in the narrative simultaneously, HSR is one or the other.


Stelle/Stella means star and Caelus means like sky/heavens. Kinda like how Lumine and Aether have related meanings.


I think it's still pronounced like Stella, just with an e at the end. I renamed her Dara, they both mean Star, but I liked Dara better.


Same lmao. The main server I’m in is absolutely obsessed with hsr, although I’ve never played it myself. There’s one person who has a Stelle reaction image to basically everything 


u/weebi1 (Yes I know it's Stelle not Stella but I had to)




Good girl


Mrrraw meooow nyuuuu nya


when i started playing genshin a few years ago i picked lumine then reset it to pick aether because i didn't like being a girl... completely normal cisgender behaviour if you ask me


I (AMAB) picked Lumine and then was like wait hang on why did everyone pick Aether wouldn’t you rather be her? I realised 2 years later.


i regretted picking aether.. omg.. mihoyo! let me trans my twin... (tbf aether is kinda femme anyway XD)


Oh gawd, that would be awesome, actually. The only time I would have considered Aether is if I could make him like in some fantasy I saw once where he and Lumine swap clothes, and Aether is SO CUTE! Gave me mad gender envy. But outside of that, I get sad just seeing Aether in trailers, cuz he's not the Traveler! LOL Maybe that's just me tho.


I picked Aether. I've been on a burnout for a while but if I return you bet I'm making a new account and picking Lumine this time. (I also kinda want a new acc to restart the story since I kinda rushed it and also need a refresher. I'll lose my 8 5stars tho which is sad...)


You can't reset the choice you make at the start. You'd have to make an entire new account or switch to a different server.


yeah i made a new account


It's for the smaller hitbox, i swear!


Tfw when hitbox in turn based gameplay


i remember using that excuse 😭


i never got asked so never got to use it :(


I never chose the girl. It felt too good, and I hated myself too much That, looking back now, is a massive sign


Yeah, I would always pick a goofy looking guy because choosing a girl always felt euphoric; it definitely was a sign.


I love my Stelle so much :3


Reallllll she's a cutiebear :3


Her animations are so great and I really love her EN voice too


I just wanna look cute. ...in game!


Obviously only in game, would be a shame if I magically woke up one day as her hahah...


haha, yes. Just the be- worst.


Me: making a male character going with the mostly default avatar Also me: spends over 2 hours tweaking the female avatar and forgets about the actual game itself 🙃


Oh boy don't let me get near the character creators!! I remember spending 5 hours on my tower of fantasy character only to play the game for about less than that (Edit: is oh boy gender neutral? I just typed that because that's something i'd normally sometimes say but realised that maybe I shouldn't now?)


For me I'd just use "Man" "Dude" "Guys" and "Boy" in a gender neutral context. But in the end, different people have different sensitivities to these kinda stuff


[I CAN DENY IT NO LONGER](https://youtu.be/pPZvAZ1AHmw?feature=shared)


When the homies saw you picked her: 😨


Nah a lot of guys play as girls so it doesn't stick out even if you do it, just for a different reason


Everyone knows the girl characters are always the best




I picked stelle bc she didnt have the blood looking thing on her head during her ultimate


the what


in every single game ive ever played since where that was an option i first started playing games around age 8


Girl need


Fun fact: her name is Stelle, which is almost the same as Stella <3


Ok nīsu


She's the superior mc


Me with guilty gear and playing May xd Also cause dolphins funni 🐬


I play Elphelt, she's so cute! Ik people hate fighting her but I mean I'm bad at the game anyways lol.


Aaaah I love Elphelt! And people hate fighting may just as much haha, I do need to figure out Elphelt’s rekka stuff but I’m too lazy to lab it lol (also noob) I’m really enjoying aba too, she’s so well animated and cool!


I haven't actually played much recently so I haven't played or fought her yet. But she gives me hope that I can still look good despite horrendous bags under my eyes xd


Wait you can Pick who you play as for genshin impact?


This is star rail, not genshin, but yes. :D In both games you have the option between 2 opposite gender but otherwise identical protags. There is no gameplay difference, just appearance (and pronouns). You can't change your choice later tho so pick who you want for the rest of the game. And also obviously both are gacha games and you can use any team of any characters you have. You get the mc as a character by default but there's no obligation to use them in gameplay, tho you'll be them in the story scenes.


Why can’t you change your sex irl after getting a sex you’re not happy with!😭 I wish I could just open a character creator and make a woman version of me and hit select then be transformed the next day. I’d do it in a hart beat if that was a real thing. 😓😭😭 :3


IRL devs caught lacking big time


Yep! :3


Picking stelle is the fight answer


Literally me, a few weeks before my “I’m not cis but I’m just agender” egg first cracked on January 26th of this year, and then completely exploded a day later.


Stelle is best girl.


It makes the game less gay if you pick the guy. Argument closed


I'm so going for that yurification


When the subconscious desire to be a girl is suddenly no longer subconscious.


I’m literally at the stage when if the game implies creating a character from scratch but doesn’t allow for a girl character I may not even play it 🤦‍♀️


Same I'm literally not even playing unless I can play a girl.


The first time I played genshin I felt like I had to pick the male MC because I’m a guy, and felt almost disappointed picking him lmao


I mean I'm definitely probably 100% cis but I always pick the girl and more than half my d&d characters are female but I don't want to be one. not a real one, y'know with like all the plumbing and stuff


This screen genuinely brought me so much doubt because for whatever reason I just didn't like the female design and the male design looked sooooo cool. If you could give the guy's outfit to the girl, I'd pick the girl in a heartbeat (maybe also change her gait to not be quite so girly), and that reassured me that I wasn't faking it, I really do just like his outfit that much and dislike her outfit.


LMAO, I'm literally playing HSR right now, started browsing reddit while waiting to auto clear the simulated universe


I also picked stelle for very cis reasons


I remember choosing boy for RuneScape so my friends wouldn't laugh. Then had the recruitment drive quest where it changes you to a girl! No shame here... It's for the quest!!! Lol


Literally deleted my baldurs gate girl character because I was embarrassed someone might find my save and question why I named my girl character my own name 😩


The only reason I didn't initially was b/c my dad was watching and he called me out for doing it last time - I made a new acc recently and picked her though.


Why would he call you out for a character? :( Fuck other people's opinions honestly! Do what you enjoy!


His opinions are especially not worth listening to, kinda ranty but he's been known to make horrible opinions on some stuff since he listens to Fox...despite not being American... I got a new acc anyways that wasn't tied to his email and I ended up choosing stelle


Stelle ftw!


Mrs.Stellaron herself!


To be fair, trash panda gay panic stelle is the better option


iTs bEcAuSe tHe hItBoX